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60322: OOAD


Scrum/Sashimi. Scrum and Sashimi are other agile methodologies. Scrum: One ... Sashimi: Four overlapping phases. Requirements, Design, Prototype, Acceptance ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: 60322: OOAD

60-322 OOAD
  • Object-Oriented Analysis and Design

Course Information
  • Instructor
  • Randy Fortier
  • rfortier_at_uwindsor.ca
  • Course website
  • http//elvis.csfac8.uwindsor.ca/courses/60-322/

Object-Oriented Analysis Design
  • An Introduction

Analysis and Design
  • Analysis build the right thing
  • Analysis focuses on user requirements (functional
    or non-functional)
  • In other words, we want to decide exactly what
    system the customer wants to have
  • Design build the thing right
  • Design focuses on how to provide the required
  • In other words, we want to decide how to
    structure the software that provides the
    (functional and non-functional) requirements
    determined during analysis

  • Usually performed by a systems analyst
  • This is a person whose job it is to find out what
    an organization (or person) needs in terms of a
    software system
  • Analysis looks at the software as a black box of
  • An analyst will never care about the internals of
    the system, merely how a user would interact with
    it from the outside

  • Usually performed by an architect or designer
  • An architect looks at overall system structure
    (at a high level)
  • For example, an architect on a distributed system
    might decide how the software components will be
  • An architect also looks at modularity, and
    non-functional requirements (such as performance
    and scalability)
  • A designer looks at system structure (at lower
  • A designer will look at the classes that make up
    a module, and how they will interact to perform
    some function of the system

Design Patterns
  • Patterns are themes that recur in many types of
    software systems
  • It is common for software systems (even those
    whose purpose is quite different) will share some
    common challenges
  • Often, the solution for the problem in one
    context can also be used in another context
  • Thus, the designs (and even implementations) can
    often be reused from other software systems

Why Do We Need Design?
  • Architects and designers need jobs
  • What are you going to do, fire them?
  • Ok, for the real answers lets move into the
    hypothetical world

Developing Small-Scale Systems
  • Say I ask you to develop a system that asks the
    user for their birth date, and prints out the day
    of week for their next birthday
  • How would you design such a system?

Developing Small-Scale Systems
  • How would you design such a system?
  • The answer is you probably wouldnt
  • The problem is simple
  • You probably wouldnt maintain it per se
  • You could probably write the program alone
  • It is unlikely to have unsolved bugs in such a
  • If the program fails, it is not particularly
    inconvenient to execute it again to achieve the
  • The program is not particularly useful

Medium-Scale Systems
  • Say I ask you to develop a system that stores
    customers and products in a database and provides
    a GUI for browsing these products and customers
  • How would you design such a system?

Medium-Scale Systems
  • How would you design such a system?
  • Youd make efforts to reduce the work
  • Most likely, you have a team of 4 or 5 developers
  • You would modularize the program, so that
    developers could work independently
  • You would almost certainly have bugs to fix, as
    well as improvements to make over time
  • If code hard to follow, and a new developer wants
    to expand your program or fix bugs, this will be
    very difficult
  • Removing bugs and making improvements is
    important, since this program might be sold to a

Large-Scale Systems
  • Say I ask you to develop a new operating system?
  • How would you design such a system?

Large-Scale Systems
  • How would you design such a system?
  • There are likely hundreds of developers
  • People who fix bugs are probably different people
    than those who wrote the code in the first place
  • Bugs in such a system are unavoidable
  • It is such a large program, that duplicate code
    likely exists all over the place
  • New versions of the program are a certainty, so
    expect improvements to be made

The Unified Process
  • A Structured, Interleaved Software Development

Software Development
  • All software development requires the following
    things to occur
  • Requirements
  • Requirements capture/determination During this
    stage, the needs of the customers are determined,
    including a case-by-case analysis of the
    functionality required.
  • Requirements analysis During this stage the
    functionality is described in terms of
    interactions between the user and the system.
    Relationships between related functional
    requirements may also be determined at this stage.

Software Development
  • Design
  • System design The overall system structure is
    determined, including a description of modules
    (subsystems) and sub-modules and their
  • Class-level design The classes are designed
    which are to make up the modules, etc.
  • User interface design The appearance and
    operation of the user interface is determined
  • Data design The structure of the database model
    is determined

Software Development
  • Construction
  • Implementation At this stage, the design is
    converted into an implementation using a
    (normally object-oriented) programming language
  • Testing At this stage, the implementation is
    tested for coding and integration errors, as well
    as conformity to the requirements and design

The Unified Process
  • The Unified Process (UP) is a methodology
    proposed by the three amigos (Booch, Jacobson,
  • These three are also the co-developers of the
    Unified Modeling Language (UML)
  • The Unified Process is also sometimes called the
    Unified Software Development Process (USDP), as
    it is in the textbook (and also RUP Rational
    Unified Process)
  • The UP introduces a way to develop software where
    the phases are not distinct, but instead have
    significant overlap

The Unified Process
  • The UP reduces risk since it allows you to
    develop the most critical and risky aspects of
    the project before addresses the less risky
  • If the risky aspects of the project fail, the
    project was only a small failure since it failed
    so early
  • Often you will also develop a prototype or
    skeleton of the user interface
  • User interfaces changes can be caught early, and
    modified quickly before it affects very much of
    the rest of the system

  • The UP is an iterative process
  • That means we revisit earlier phases and
    add/update components several times
  • An iteration usually takes 1-8 weeks
  • After an iteration should achieve some minor
  • Typically, a project 5-10 iterations will take
    place before completion

The Waterfall Model An Alternative
  • The Waterfall Model for software development is a
    process where each of the phases are mutually
    exclusive and motion between phases is
  • Mutual exclusivity of phases results in poor use
    of human resources, since developers must wait
    for designers, etc.
  • Unidirectional motion between phases is
    inadequate since it does not allow changes to be
    made to documents/code created in earlier phases

The Waterfall Model An Alternative
Requirements Analysis
  • This phase in the software life cycle is when
    developers and customers work together to produce
    a description of the desired system
  • Including a list of all features, plus a
    description of how it should work and look

Requirements Analysis
  • Sometimes, this phase is split into two
  • Customer requirements specification
  • The customers describe their optimal system,
    including its features (in layperson terminology)
  • Developer requirements refinement
  • Develops decide that features are impossible, and
    re-describe the ideal system using biz-lingo
  • This is where potential feature conflicts or
    ambiguities are discovered and resolved through
    communication with the customers
  • It may also be useful to examine various possible
    technologies, and discuss their advantages and
  • The results of these technology choices should be
    reviewed with the customers

Design and Architecture
  • This is where the structure of the software is
  • This phase is where the majority of this course
    is focused
  • However, as we proceed along, I do often include
    implementation details to illustrate concepts
  • I will discuss this phase separately

  • In this phase, the design document is turned into
  • With object-oriented designs, the software is a
    collection of communicating objects, defined
    through classes
  • All classes defined in the design are implemented
    using some OOP language

  • In this phase, the software is tested to ensure
    there are as few bugs as possible before the
    software is delivered
  • Notice I did not say 'bug free'
  • It is a huge mistake made by developers and
    managers in large-scale software to assume that
    it can be 'bug free' in a reasonable amount of

  • Aside from design, this is also one of the most
    important phases in the software life cycle
  • Obvious and disastrous bugs must be discovered in
    a system, since it affects the customer's initial
    impression of the software
  • Object-oriented software is tested in very
    specific ways, which makes it relevant to talk
    about those methods in this course

  • Testing in an object-oriented environment occurs
    in four stages (in this order)
  • Unit testing
  • Each method is tested with all possible
    categories of input
  • Class testing
  • A 'driver' class is created to test all the
    methods and attributes of a class in a sample use
  • Module testing
  • A module is tested by accessing all the methods
    in its interface by a 'driver' class
  • Integration testing
  • The modules are combined, and tested to see if
    the integration created any unforeseen

Unit Testing
  • Consider the special case inputs that are
    possible for a method
  • For example, a sort method might have the
    following distinct input categories
  • An empty list (with zero elements)
  • A list that is already sorted
  • A list that is sorted in reverse order
  • A list that meets none of the above
    specifications (normal case)
  • If we only test the last case, we are missing the
    most common sources of bugs

Unit Testing
  • All methods in a well-tested system should have
  • Pre-condition A set of attributes that are
    assumed to be true before the execution of the
  • Post-condition A set of attributes that are
    guaranteed to be true once the method has
  • These conditions represent a contract that the
    method promises to follow

Unit Testing
  • For example, consider a sort method
  • Pre-condition The argument is an initialized
    list of integers with zero or more elements
  • More accurately this might be expressed as
  • list ! null
  • list.length gt 0
  • Post-condition The output is a list of
    integers, sorted in ascending order, with the
    same elements (and length) as the input list
  • For all i lt list.length, output_listi is a
    member of list
  • For all i lt list.length-1, output_listi lt
  • list.length output_list.length

Class Testing
  • Unit testing ensures that all methods will do
    what they are defined to do
  • Class testing ensures that using multiple methods
    together accomplishes the intended task

Class Testing
  • Consider the following example
  • class Invoice
  • private String strMonth null
  • void setMonth(int month)
  • if (month 1)
  • strMonth "Jan"
  • else if ()

Class Testing
  • int getMonthIndex()
  • if (strMonth.equals("January"))
  • return 1
  • else if ()

Class Testing
  • Each method does its job adequately, but when
    used together there would be problems
  • The setMonth() method stores the month as "Jan",
    "Feb", "Mar", etc.
  • The getMonthIndex() method looks for month names
    such as "January", "February", "March", etc.

Class Testing
  • In class testing, the tester will create a number
    of 'stub' classes to represent some other classes
    in the system
  • These stub classes should be created for every
    class that will interact with this class

Module Testing
  • Module testing is similar to class testing,
    except that we test the use of a complete module
  • Modules are often classes that use a collection
    of related classes
  • These classes are wrappers for that module
  • In module testing, we ensure that those classes
    work together to accomplish the intended goal
  • This is similar to how methods work together in
    class testing

Module Testing
  • If a system has multiple modules, usually a
    developer will create a number of 'stub' modules
    to represent these other modules
  • The stub modules will simulate the interaction
    expected between modules

Integration Testing
  • Integration testing ensures that modules work and
    communicate with one another properly
  • Integration usually involves testing this
  • Since each module was tested individually,
    integration testing is simply a verification that
    communication occurred as expected
  • Detailed integration testing is typically done by
    the quality assurance (QA) team

Design Phase
  • This phase usually consists of the following
  • Identifying classes and objects
  • Drawing design class diagrams
  • Identifying class states
  • Drawing state diagrams
  • Specifying behaviour
  • Drawing collaboration and sequence diagrams
  • Illustrating complex algorithms'
  • Drawing activity diagrams

Iterative Development Processes
  • Software Engineers now agree that an iterative
    model is required to facilitate changes to
    earlier decision-making documents
  • This model allows each phase to be visited any
    number of times, so that corrections and
    improvements can be made

The Iterative Waterfall Model
The Unified Process
  • The UP is an iterative and incremental model
  • The UP also allows simultaneous occupation of
    several stages of software development (this is
    what is meant by incremental)
  • This means that developers can begin the
    implementation of the software while designers
    have not yet completed their design of the
  • This is called an incremental model of development

The Unified Process
The Unified Process
  • The idea behind an incremental model is that once
    something is produced by a process, it can be
    used as a basis for the next process
  • For example, when a part of the software system
    has been designed, the developers can begin the
    implementation for that software unit
  • This is true in spite of the fact that the rest
    of the software system has not yet been designed

The Unified Process
  • The UP was created to be an agile software
    development methodology
  • In other words, if requirements, expectations,
    technologies, personnel, etc. change, the project
    should be able to adapt with minimal waste of
  • Another agile methodology is called XP (eXtreme

eXtreme Programming (XP)
  • XP is similar to UP in the following ways
  • Risks are tackled early
  • Everyone begins work immediately
  • Software is developed incrementally outward from
    the risky or core parts
  • XP is different than UP in the following ways
  • XP suggests minimal design, and coding begins the
    very first day in some cases
  • XP uses peer evaluation and pair programming to
    ensure quality and adherence to

XP Benefits
  • Coding from day 1 is a philosophy many managers
    are willing to accept happily!
  • Risky code (that might not be possible) is
    tackled early to mitigate risks
  • Test-driven development ensures that bugs are
    found and fixed early
  • Automated testing (e.g. JUnit) can be integrated
    into the build cycle (e.g. Ant, make), so bugs
    are never re-introduced
  • Deployment-driven development ensures that many
    releases are possible
  • Builds can occur daily or even more often, with
    automated building, integration, testing, and
    even remote deployment
  • Development occurs in pairs
  • Team development mentors newer developers and
    they become productive faster
  • Team development can help avoid antipatterns

  • Scrum and Sashimi are other agile methodologies
  • Scrum One repeating phase
  • Different team members will become leader at
    different times, depending on their expertise and
  • Meetings are minimized, as people are working
    (developing) as much as possible
  • A short status meeting is conducted daily (lt 30
  • Sashimi Four overlapping phases
  • Requirements, Design, Prototype, Acceptance
  • Phases overlap to keep everyone busy and provide
    the opportunity to go back and make changes

The Unified Process
  • The Unified Process has 4 phases
  • Inception Requirements capture and analysis
  • Elaboration System and class-level design
  • Construction Implementation and testing
  • Transition Deployment
  • The jobs listed next to each phase are the main
  • However, each job often occurs in multiple phases

The Unified Process
  • The Unified Process has 4 phases
  • Inception Requirements capture and analysis
  • Elaboration System and class-level design
  • Construction Implementation and testing
  • Transition Deployment

  • The inception phase is a preparatory stage that
    attempts to answer the following questions
  • What is the purpose of the project?
  • Is the project feasible (e.g. technologically,
    financially, with current personnel)?
  • Should we buy the project, or build it?
  • Will it be developed now, or built from an
    existing project?
  • What are the estimated costs?
  • Should we proceed with the project?
  • This phase mostly deals with project planning and
    project management (i.e. 60-393)
  • This includes Gantt charts and plans, budgets,

Inception Timeline
  • An important idea with Inception is that we do
    not yet know if a project will take place!
  • Often 1 or 2 iterations are required for
  • Therefore, since a project may be rejected, it
    makes sense that the Inception phase should be
    very short
  • Therefore, if the project gets scrapped, little
    time (and money) was wasted
  • It is not uncommon for Inception to last a few
    days to a few weeks, maximum

  • Since the UP is incremental, the inception phase
    begins some activities and produces some initial
  • An artifact is something, such as a UML diagram
    or set of diagrams, that is produced during a
  • However, these activities will be continued in
    later phases and the artifacts modified, and new
    artifacts added

Inception Artifacts
  • Some inception artifacts include
  • Business case Describes high-level goals and
    constraints, in business terminology
  • Use-Case model Describes functional
    requirements, and related non-functional req.
  • Risk management plan Describes business,
    resource, technical, and schedule risks and how
    to minimize these risks

Inception Artifacts
  • A business case is a document describing the
    goals of the system
  • It can be used for getting budgetary approval,
    for example
  • A business case might describe how the software
    will make the company money
  • A risk management plan is a document describing
    risks and how to minimize them
  • It can be used to determine if the project is too
    risky, as well as how to approach a project while
    avoiding problems
  • Since these documents not related to software
    analysis and design, they are not discussed in
    this course

Inception Artifacts
  • Proof-of-concept code is simply a rough
    implementation of some part of the system, to
    demonstrate that a problem can be solved
  • Prototypical data and user interfaces are sample
    database contents and user interfaces for
    analysis by experts (database experts and future
    system users)
  • Again, these are not related to analysis and
    design, but they may be discussed from time to

Inception Artifacts
  • A use-case model is a document outlining the
    system requirements
  • In inception, we begin creating this document,
    but do not finish it
  • The use-case model describes use cases
  • A use case is a single interaction between the
    system and one or more of its users
  • A use case represents one way in which the system
    might be used

Inception for Managers
  • Tangible results can be seen very quickly
  • For example, user interface designers might
    develop some prototype user interface elements
    for examination by architects and customers
  • Potential technical difficulties can be examined
  • For example, a difficult algorithm can be solved
    (perhaps in a limited way) using some
    proof-of-concept code in a programming language
  • In other words, inception allows us to examine
    early the potential problems that may make the
    project fail later on in the project life cycle

  • One of the major tasks of inception is to
    determine some of the major requirements of the
  • Requirements are capabilities and condition to
    which the proposed system must conform
  • However, inception should not examine all of the
    details of system requirements, but only the most
    salient use cases
  • A use case is a situation representative of a
    typical interaction between the system and its

Use-Case Model
  • A use-case model is used to define requirements,
    since it describes how the system is to be used
    and how behaviour should be performed
  • One of the major components of a use-case model
    is the use case diagrams
  • A use case diagram is a UML diagram used to
    describe use cases in a visual way

Use Case Diagrams
  • Used in the use case model
  • These diagram show the following aspects of the
  • Actors Users such as customers, clerks, etc.
  • System behaviour Functionality provided by the
    system, such as process sale, do payroll,
  • Relationships between actors and behaviours

Use-Case Model
  • A use-case model contains the following
  • Descriptions of use cases which describe various
    details about use cases
  • Use-case diagrams which describe who is involved
    in a use case
  • Use case contracts, which describe pre-conditions
    and post-conditions for the use cases
  • System Sequence Diagrams (SSDs) or activity
    diagrams which describe how the system will
    implement the desired behaviour, without showing
    any details of the systems internals (as they
    are unknown at this point)

The Unified Process
  • The Unified Process has 4 phases
  • Inception Requirements capture and analysis
  • Elaboration System and class-level design
  • Construction Implementation and testing
  • Transition Deployment

  • The purpose of the inception phase is to
    understand the problem
  • Often 1-3 iterations are required for Elaboration
  • The main purpose of the elaboration phase is to
    begin to understand how the software will solve
    this problem
  • In other words, this is where much of the
    architecture and design of the software takes

  • After Elaboration, project risks are essentially
  • The user interface has been approved by customers
    and managers
  • Technically difficult software components were
    implemented, or proof-of-concept code was created
    to prove it was possible
  • Cost estimates are finalized, so budgets can be
  • Preliminary user manuals have been created and
  • Analysis, architecture and design well underway
    after Elaboration
  • e.g. Use cases should be about 80 complete

Elaboration Artifacts
  • The elaboration phase involves
  • Continuing work on the use-case model
  • In particular, during the elaboration phase is
    when activity diagrams might be added to describe
    how use cases are to operate
  • Also, diagrams showing how participants (objects
    and actors) interact during the problem solving
    process (system sequence diagrams)
  • Prototypes and proof-of-concepts Some of the
    more difficult system aspects to accomplish are
    solved with GUI prototypes, sample database
    contents, and sample OOPL code for difficult

Elaboration Artifacts
  • The elaboration phase also involves the initial
    creation of the following artifacts
  • Domain model A visualization of domain concepts
    and entities
  • Design model A set of diagrams outlining of the
    structure of the software, as well as the user
  • Data model Database schemas, including object
    to relational database mappings

Elaboration Artifacts
  • Software implementation may also take place
    during elaboration
  • When the design of a concept is created by
    designers, it can be implemented by developers
  • Often, the most mission critical components are
    implemented in Elaboration
  • Sometimes, these are proof-of-concept code
    snippets or prototypes

Activity Diagrams
  • Activity diagrams can be used in the use case
  • Similar to flow charts, activity diagrams
    describe algorithms using flow control elements,
    such as
  • Conditionals (switch, if)
  • Loops (while, do-while, for)
  • Etc.

System Sequence Diagrams
  • SSDs are created for the use case model
  • Sequence diagrams describe the interaction
    between objects over time
  • System sequence diagrams describe the interaction
    between system objects and users to implement use
  • This is called use case realization, since they
    make the vague descriptions of the use case more

Domain Model
  • A domain model is a visualization of domain
    concepts and entities
  • In other words, a domain model is a number of
    class diagrams describing the classes in the
    problem domain
  • A domain model is an attempt to understand the
    problem domain by categorizing its elements

Design Model
  • A design model is a visualization of the
    structure of the software to be created
  • A design model often includes the following
  • Class diagrams Describing classes used to
    implement the software, and their relationships
  • Sequence and collaboration diagrams Describing
    problem-solving processes
  • Statechart diagrams Showing how objects evolve
    (or change state) over time

Class Diagrams
  • Class diagrams are used in two ways
  • In the domain model, they are used to describe
    domain classes (and their relationships)
  • Domain classes are classes which describe
    tangible or conceptual objects (or entities) from
    the problem domain
  • e.g. Molecule, Refrigerator, Composition, Sale
  • In the design model, they are used to describe
    design-level classes (and their relationships)
  • Design-level classes are classes created to
    implement the required functionality

The Unified Process
  • The Unified Process has 4 phases
  • Inception Requirements capture and analysis
  • Elaboration System and class-level design
  • Construction Implementation and testing
  • Transition Deployment

  • The construction phase involves iterative
    enhancement to previously created artifacts
  • Domain model
  • Design model
  • Implementation
  • Obviously, the implementation is the most
    significant body of work enhanced during

  • Implementation of high-risk problems is done
    during the elaboration phase
  • During the construction phase, the lower-risk
    problems are implemented
  • Also, the various components (potentially created
    by different teams) are unit tested, integrated,
    and integration tested
  • Quality assurance plays an important role in the
    Construction phase

  • Any changes in user requirements are reflected in
    changes to the analysis documents, and
    subsequently in design and architecture documents
  • Once complete, implementation can take place
  • Typically, these changes are not mission critical

The Unified Process
  • The Unified Process has 4 phases
  • Inception Requirements capture and analysis
  • Elaboration System and class-level design
  • Construction Implementation and testing
  • Transition Deployment

  • During this phase, the software produced at the
    end of the construction phase is deployed
  • This could involve
  • Rigorous complete system testing
  • Installation programs being purchased or
  • Software media being developed
  • Solutions for support/user training being
  • Best testing under varied deployment environments
  • Verifying that the system meets acceptance

  • While there are UML diagrams used in this process
    (e.g. Deployment and Component diagrams), they
    are not relevant to analysis and design
  • Therefore, they will not be discussed in the
    context of this course
  • Typically, managers, administrators, and quality
    assurance persons work with developers to fix
    bugs and deploy the system
  • Often these developers are separate from those
    who implemented the software in the first place

The Unified Modeling Language
  • UML was developed by Jacobson, Rumbaugh, and
    Booch (like the UP)
  • It is a visual language (i.e. for drawing
    diagrams) that describes a number of diagram
  • owning a hammer does not make you an architect
  • Knowing UML does not make you a software engineer
  • UML can be used to create poor designs as easily
    as designs that demonstrate best practices
  • This course is not about UML per se, we merely
    use it as a tool for learning analysis and design

  • UML can be used as a analysis language or a
    design language (or others)
  • It supports object-oriented principles, such as
    inheritance, encapsulation (classes), etc.
  • Thus, it serves well as a design language for
    object-oriented software
  • It allows you to clearly and concisely define
    behaviour, without implementation specifics

  • UML is a visual language
  • Instead of declarations, you have shapes and
  • Often, this makes UML easier to understand
  • Other languages (including OOPL) require a
    transition to visualize
  • Visualization is fundamental to design, since it
    provides an environment where an architect can
    see the complete picture

UML Tools
  • You can begin working with UML, but you need one
    of the following tools
  • Rational Rose (software)
  • www.rational.com (15 day demo)
  • Visio (software)
  • From Microsoft (not free)
  • Other software
  • A UML editor is available from the course website
  • Feel free to use this in this course, and
    continue to use it even after you graduate if you
  • A plastic ruler and neat writing
  • Any of these tools will do, so just pick one that
    suits you

Design Principles
  • Most experts agree on a set of common principles
    of quality software
  • Reusability
  • Reliability
  • Robustness (including security/integrity)
  • Extensibility
  • Scalability

  • Reusing software was the idea behind creating
  • The same idea applies to classes and groups of
  • Classes often do things that might be needed
    elsewhere in the program or in another program
  • Classes like these should be written in such a
    way that
  • They are easy to reuse in other programs
  • They can perform similar functions that differ
    only slightly

  • Code that is written should not fail
  • Essentially, the trick is to ensure that the code
  • Consistently between executions
  • Successfully given a wide range of inputs
  • The second point can be simplified by placing
    constraints on the input that can be passed
  • For example, a bank should not allow a command to
    operate, such as
  • account.withdraw(-500)
  • We will learn how to do this later in the course

  • Under extreme conditions, even the best programs
    can fail
  • Which operating system would you prefer?
  • When the CD-ROM tries to read a CD with a scratch
    in it, the operating system freezes and loses all
    your open files changes
  • When the CD-ROM tries to read a CD with a scratch
    in it, the operating system attempts to read the
    part of the CD again
  • If it fails, it will report the error to the user
    without affecting the users open files

  • Robustness is about handling problems gracefully
  • In the example given, the operating systems were
    not at fault, but clearly one OS handled the
    situation more appropriately than the other
  • The important point about the 2nd operating
    system, is that the users files were saved, and
    the users inconvenience was minimized

  • Sometimes (incorrectly) called scalability
  • Lets say you wrote the medium-size program,
    which handles products and customers, and lets
    you browse
  • Say I asked you to extend the program so that it
    printed the prices in a user-specified currency,
    given an exchange rate
  • If this change takes months or even weeks to
    accomplish, you have a problem

  • Extensibility is the simplicity of making
    reasonable additions to your program
  • For example, we may wish to add the ability to
    store orders made by customers in a new database
  • The ideal situation is where the total time (time
    to develop the previous system plus time to make
    the extension) should be approximately the same
    as developing the complete (order-capable) system
    from scratch

  • The ability of an object to handle more
  • Requests (in a given time period)
  • Data items
  • e.g. Consider a class CustomerDatabase that
    represents a list of our customers
  • The ability for the class to handle 10 million
    entries as (or nearly as) efficiently as 100
  • e.g. Consider a web server
  • Handling 10 million requests per second should
    take time proportional to handling 100 requests

  • Software maintenance takes longer than all other
    phases of the software life cycle
  • Requirements analysis
  • Design and architecture
  • Implementation
  • Testing
  • Maintenance
  • Including bug fixes and extensions
  • Which phase do you think (ideally) takes the
    shortest amount of time?

  • In most systems, it takes much longer than it
    should because developers did not follow these
  • Keep this in mind
  • It is always possible for a customer (or a boss)
    to ask for your program to change, no matter how
    unlikely you think it
  • Rather than make the program perfect the first
    time, a more reasonable idea is to make it work
    now, and add to it later
  • The person making the changes might not be you

A Note on Design
  • The design phase is typically shorter than the
    implementation phase
  • However, in companies that make large-scale
    products, the opposite is always true
  • Consider software development like automobile
  • Which should take longer?
  • Designing a car
  • Manufacturing a car on an assembly line
  • In software, (a little) more design may save
    development time
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