Paper 1 Philosophy units 15 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Paper 1 Philosophy units 15


Hell a place of destruction and pain where the Devil is punished. ... life starts when the sperm meets the egg so abortion is a sin (Roman Catholics think this) ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Paper 1 Philosophy units 15

Paper 1 Philosophy units 1-5 6th of June a.m SCS
Some Christians Say YH? Love your
neighbour The Exam Always answer the
Christianity question which will be the first one
on each page. You have to answer 4 units (4
topics). Each Question has three parts.. Part a)
8 marks you need to give lots of information
about what Christians believe. Part b) 7 marks
is about the effect these beliefs have on a
Christian. Try to think of as many different
Christian opinions as you can. Liberal Christians
have very easy going views, they are not extreme
and tolerate other views. Fundamentalist
Christians are the opposite to Liberal
Christians, they have extreme views about things.
They think the Bible is absolutely true and only
Christians go to Heaven.
  • Roman Catholics have very strong views against
    abortion, euthanasia, contraception etc.
  • Methodists and Quakers often very tolerant when
    it comes to moral issues such as abortion,
    euthanasia, contraception etc.
  • The Church of England will often have a mix of
    opinions and will often be somewhere in-between
    the others.
  • Part c) 5 marks
  • This section is always in the form of a quote.
    (eg There must be life after death.) It then
    tells you how to answer the question so follow
    the instructions.
  • Do you agree?
  • Give reasons for your answer
  • and show that you have thought about different
    points of view.
  • You must refer to Christianity in your answer.

  • Unit 1 The Nature of God
  • Christian beliefs
  • God is outside time and space
  • God created the universe
  • God is all powerful (omnipotent)
  • God is all knowing (omniscient)
  • God is good and loving, this means he wants the
    best for people and gives them rules to live by.
  • God will judge everyone
  • The Trinity
  • Father-creator God
  • Son-Jesus
  • Holy Spirit-The personal Spirit of God sent to
    guide us
  • Why do they believe in God?
  • SCS the universe cant be an accident there must
    be a meaning to it.
  • SCS the world looks like it has been designed so
    there must be a designer (God)
  • SCS we feel guilt when we do something wrong,
    must be God.

SCS they have experienced God in some remarkable
way. SCS they have been raised a Christian so it
seems natural. Bible Old Testament, before Jesus.
Not as important as the... New Testament, after
Jesus, it is very important. SCS the Bible is
the exact word of God SCS that it is inspired by
God but written by humans 2000 years ago so it
can be updated. SCS say that the only important
thing is the message of Jesus. Miracles SCS that
Miracles can still happen as they did at the time
of Jesus. SCS that they happen very rarely SCS
that even Jesus miracles have an explanation in
science. Roman Catholics may go to Lourdes to be
Unit 3 Religion and Science The Origins (Start)
of the world The Bible says that God made the
world in 6 days and that man was created at the
end. Man was special and given domination over
all of the plants and creatures. SCS that the
Bible is completely true so the worlds is 5000
years old, made in 6 days No evolution No Big
Bang. They reject lots of Scientific
discovery. SCS that the days of Genesis are
long periods and that the universe is very old
but still made by God, they might reject
evolution. SCS that the bible is a religious book
not a scientific manual so they believe that God
made everything but they also accept scientific
theories such as evolution and the Big
Bang. People and Animals Most Christians agree
that animals have no souls so we can use them as
we like but we must be responsible for them.
SCS that the Bible says that God cares for all
the birds of the air and lilies of the field so
we should look after everything. Stewardship and
the Environment SCS Christians believe that God
created the world so we must look after it. SCS
that we should love our neighbour which means
that we shouldnt damage the environment because
it causes suffering in developing countries and
for future generations. SCS we should work to
improve the environment by recycling, protesting,
campaigning and by supporting green causes.
Unit 4 Death and the Afterlife The Soul When God
made man in the beginning he breathed into him.
This is a special kind of life which is different
to animals. SCS that your body is separate from
you soul. SCS that your soul is a part of you
that defines what you really are. It makes the
choices between right and wrong. SCS your soul
needs a body so you get a new body after
death. Heaven, Hell and Purgatory Most Christians
say there will be some kind of Judgement after
death where God will decide where you will spend
your afterlife. Heaven is a paradise where you
live forever with God. Hell a place of
destruction and pain where the Devil is punished
. Purgatory a middle place of penance.
SCS all people go to heaven, because God is
loving. SCS the worst people go to Hell, everyone
else pays for their sins in Purgatory. When they
have paid for their sins they go to Heaven. Roman
Catholics believe this this is why they pray for
the dead. SCS (fundamentalists) that everyone
goes to Hell apart from the true believers in
God. Funerals Provide comfort support and hope of
a future life after death. Roman Catholics will
pray for the soul of the dead person. Prayers of
thanks will be said for the person who has
died. The funeral reflects the idea that all life
is given by God and only God can take it
away. Funerals often reflect the beliefs of
Christian denominations.
  • Unit 5 Good and Evil
  • Why is there evil in the world?
  • Two types of evil
  • Natural evil such as disease and earthquakes some
    people say that God causes these because they are
    not under mans control.
  • Moral evil is the things people do to each other
    such as war, murder etc.
  • Some say there is no God because if
  • God is loving and good he wont want evil.
  • God is omnipotent (all powerful) he has the power
    to stop evil
  • God is omniscient (all knowing) he knows about
  • Yet evil still exists so why?
  • SCS that God is testing us.
  • SCS that we are being punished for Adam and Eve.
  • SCS that there has to be suffering otherwise we
    wouldnt learn to be good people. Sometimes bad
    experiences lead to you becoming a better person.
  • If there were no suffering there would be no
    consequences for any actions you could do what
    you wanted and nothing bad would happen, we would
    all become very selfish.
  • SCS Jesus died on the cross to show us that God
    is involved in our suffering.
  • How do Christians know what is Right and Wrong.
  • The local Church
  • The teachings of Jesus YH
  • The 10 commandments
  • Prayer
  • Famous Christians
  • Conscience
  • Why do Christians do good things
  • To get to heaven
  • To please God who is good
  • To follow our nature which was given by God.

  • Unit 6 Human Relationships
  • Marriage The services involves.
  • Promises in front of God and witnesses
  • Exchanging rings to show the marriage is forever
  • Prayers for the success of the marriage
  • Conducted by the vicar who would support them in
    their marriage
  • Readings from the Bile help tem to view the
    marriage as sacred and special.
  • The Purpose of Marriage
  • It is the only place for sex
  • It is the proper way to raise children in a
    family unit
  • It is for one man and one woman (Monogamy)
  • The Roles of Men and Women
  • SCS that husbands are in charge of their wives
    and the head of the family.
  • SCS that all are equal and that ideas of women
    obeying their husband are old fashioned.

Divorce SCS that divorce is always wrong. Roman
Catholics will not allow divorce, however they
will allow annulment in extreme circumstances
such as insanity and impotence. SCS that although
divorce is wrong it sometimes cannot be help,
particularly in cases of violent
abuse. Contraception Roman Catholics are against
all unnatural contraception because sex is for
having children. They can use the rhythm method
timing sex so that the woman is unlikely to fall
pregnant. SCS sex can also help unite a couple so
contraception is o.k. SCS that the coil is a form
of abortion (like the morning after pill) so they
will not use it.
Unit 7 Medical Ethics Sanctity of Life Life is
sacred and special given by God and must be
preserved. Abortion SCS life starts when the
sperm meets the egg so abortion is a sin (Roman
Catholics think this) SCS that life begins when
the soul enters the body at about 20 weeks so
abortion after this is wrong. SCS that in some
circumstances it may be the more loving thing to
do to prevent suffering. YH SCS that if a
mothers life is in danger abortion should be
allowed. Fertility treatment SCS that you
shouldn't interfere with human life so fertility
treatment is wrong. (Roman Catholics) SCS that if
it is the loving thing to do then it can be
justified. SCS it is wrong to discard unwanted
foetuses as this is murder.
Euthanasia Passive euthanasia is when you turn
off a life support machine and a person dies from
their injuries. Active euthanasia is when you
kill someone tom end their suffering eg. with a
lethal injection. SCS that euthanasia is wrong
that God has a plan for every life it is
sacred. SCS that it is sometimes the most loving
thing to do so is acceptable. YH Medical research
on animals SCS that animals are Gods creation so
we should treat them with respect SCS that
animals have no soul so we can do what we like
with them SCS that people are more important than
animals so we can experiment on them but perhaps
not for shampoo and makeup.
  • Unit 8 Equality
  • The Bible says
  • ...God does not show favouritism.
  • ..There is neither male or female, all are equal
    in Jesus.
  • Love your neighbour as yourself
  • The parable of the Good Samaritan shows that
    everyone is your neighbour.YH
  • Racism
  • Christians are against racism because everyone is
    the child of God. Martin Luther King and Desmond
    Tutu campaigned agaist racism in America and
    South Africa using non-violence.
  • Women
  • SCS that they should follow the Bible which says
    women should not speak in Church, should obey
    their husbands and should keep their heads
  • SCS that they treated women badly at the time of
    the Bible. Nowadays we should treat them as

SCS that women should not be priests as Jesus and
God are men. SCS that women and men are equal and
we can have women priests (the vicar of
Dibley). Attitudes to other Religions SCS
(Fundamentalists) that all will go to Hell unless
they change their beliefs this is why they may
become missionaries. And try to convert others to
Christianity. SCS that as long as people are
loving their neighbour then they will go to
heaven. SCS that even other Christians from other
denominations are wrong some fundamentalists
believe that roman Catholics are not true
Christians and will go to heaven. Forgiveness Chri
stians think it is important to forgive others.
The Lords prayer says forgive us as we forgive
Unit 9 Poverty and Capital Wealth The poor Jesus
said, YH so you should look after the
poor. Blessed are the poor Most Christians will
follow the example of Jesus and work to help the
poor, sick and opressed. Charity Many of the
worlds charity organisations are Christian such
as Tear Fund, Word Vision and CAFOD. These
organisatiions help the poor by teaching them to
help themselves. Some Christians believe that by
helping staving people in Africa they will
convert them to Christianity and they will go to
heaven. Teachings about Money the love of Money
is the root of all evil It is harder for a rich
man to enter the kingdom of heaven than for a
camel to fit through the eye of a needle.
Jesus said to the rich man, sell everything you
have and give it to the poor. SCS that anything
you have should be used wisely. You will be
judged by god if you are greedy and selfish. SCS
that if you have loads of money its because god
has blessed you and you should enjoy your wealth
but use it wisely. The Church of England is one
of the richest organisations in the
country. Christians should all try to avoid jobs
which cause pain and suffering.
  • Unit 10 Peace and Justice
  • War
  • SCS that War is always wrong because Jesus said,
    YH and Turn the other cheek
  • SCS that violence is necessary only in extreme
  • A Just War is a war that some Christians believe
    can be justified under certain conditions
  • The War is started by the proper authority (e.g.
    Democratic governments or the U.N)
  • There must be a just reason to go to war.
  • The war must produce good and not evil.
  • The war must be a last resort everything else
    must have been tried.
  • There should be no more force used than is
  • Pacifism
  • Some Christians are pacifists they refuse to use
    violence. Martin Luther King was a Christian who
    refuse to use violence to fight against
  • The Bible says
  • If you live by the sword you will die by the
  • Turn your swords into ploughshares and your
    spears into pruning hooks
  • Love your enemies and pray for those who
    persecute you.
  • Punishment
  • There are 4 aims of punishment.
  • Reformchanging a person
  • Protectionprotecting society
  • Retributionmaking them pay for their crime
  • Deterrenceacting as a warning to put people off.
  • Christians are in favour of any punishment that
    involves love and forgiveness. They might work in
    prisons and campaign for human rights. They also
    work in the fight against social injustice.
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