IT101 Introduction to Information Technology - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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IT101 Introduction to Information Technology


Any knowledge gained through communication, research, instruction, etc. ... The branch of knowledge that deals with industrial art, applied science, engineering ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: IT101 Introduction to Information Technology

IT-101Introduction to Information Technology
  • Instructor
  • Dr. Peter Pachowicz (ECE Dept.)
  • Office hours Wednesday 230-400pm, and by an
  • Syllabus
  • Course description
  • Tentative schedule
  • Grade
  • Exams 85 (Midterm I 20, Midterm II 25,
    Final 40)
  • Homeworks 15 (3 homeworks, Note Dont miss the
  • (1 recommended homework not graded)
  • Course text

Other Issues
  • Honor code
  • Poll
  • Major
  • How many IT courses did you take?
  • Link for course
  • Lecture slides will be posted in PowerPoint

Information TechnologyAt least to Webster
  • Information (Latin idea, conception)
  • Knowledge communicated or received concerning a
    particular fact or circumstance
  • Any knowledge gained through communication,
    research, instruction, etc.
  • Any data that can be coded from processing by a
    computer or similar device
  • Technology (Greek systematic treatment)
  • The branch of knowledge that deals with
    industrial art, applied science, engineering

Information TechnologyAccording to
  • IT (information technology) is a term that
    encompasses all forms of technology used to
    create, store, exchange, and use information in
    its various forms (business data, voice
    conversations, still images, motion pictures,
    multimedia presentations, and other forms,
    including those not yet conceived). It's a
    convenient term for including both telephony and
    computer technology in the same word. It is the
    technology that is driving what has often been
    called "the information revolution."

Components of IT
  • Computers
  • Telecommunications
  • Software
  • Creativity
  • First IT breakthrough?
  • Cave paintings? The written word?
  • Greatest IT development?
  • Telephone, telegraph, computer, yet to happen?

Information System ExampleThe Telephone System
Switching and Signaling System
Transmission Media
Information System ExampleThe World Wide Web
Signals vs. Messages vs. Information
  • Signal A physical representation of a process.
    Examples include sound waves, light pulse,
    electronic impulses, etc.
  • Message The content of the signal. Examples
    include binary representation, alphanumeric
    characters, etc.
  • Information Whatever the content of the message
    conveys to the observer.

Digital vs. Analog
Exists at SPECIFIC POINTS in space and
time Variables can have ONLY SPECIFIC values
Exists for ALL values of space and time Variables
can have ALL POSSIBLE values
Analog and Digital Technologies
The Natural World is Analog
Human speech is an example of analog
communication. Speech causes air to vibrate with
varying amplitude (volume) and frequency (pitch).
This continuous acoustical waveform can be
detected by a device and converted into an
analogous electrical waveform for transmission
over a circuit.
The Computer World is Digital
  • Digital computers communicate using 2 discrete
    values. In other words, they speak in binary (0
    and 1).
  • Of course, 0s and 1s are not literally
  • In an electrical network, variations in voltage
    represent one of the two discrete values.
  • In an optical network, pulses of light provide
    the discrete values.
  • Recall that the 0s and 1s are the message and
    the pulses of light or voltage variations are the
  • Two values in different combinations sufficiently
    encode text, numbers, image, and video!
  • Note that the telegraph was an early example of
    communications using discrete, electrical pulse

The Digital Advantage
  • Quality Digital information is resistant to
    signal degradation.
  • Copying analog information magnifies noise and
  • Digital information can be perfectly
  • Security Analog signals can be scrambled
    (through frequency mixing) to provide some
    security. Digital signals can be manipulated
    with complex encryption algorithms for much
    improved security.
  • Efficiency Digital information can be easily
    compressed, providing more efficient
  • Cost Digital information systems are cheaper
    than analog systems.
  • Management Management features can be designed
    into digital signals.

The IT Building Block or Digital Native Language
  • Binary representation
  • 1s and 0s
  • What it is physically Presence of or level of
  • Lets count
  • Binary is counting in a base 2 scheme
  • Decimal is base 10
  • Octal is base 8
  • Hexadecimal is base 16

Why Use a Code with Only Two Values?
  • A binary system is resistant to errors!
  • The two symbols are highly distinguishable from
    one another.
  • Two values correspond well to the on and off
    states of electronic switches that comprise
    digital computers.
  • Simplicity!
  • Any Problems with a binary code???

How do Digital Systems Produce 0s and 1s?
  • Physically, a 1 or a 0 can be produced in several
  • The presence of or level of voltage in an
    electrical network.
  • A pulse of light or varying of light intensity in
    an optical network.
  • Discrete variations of signal amplitude in a
    radio network like satellite or cellular.
  • STORAGE - To store binary data, storage media
    must represent two values.
  • Magnetic disk can be magnetized in two directions
    up or down
  • Laser disk domains have either a smooth surface
    or pitted surface.
  • TRANSMISSION - Two distinct electrical or optical
    quantities are transmitted such as a pulse of
    light and absence of light.
  • PROCESSING - Computer circuits can be broken down
    into the fundamental building block, the
    electronic switch (either on or off).

Binary Conventions
  • Most Significant Bit (MSB) and Least Significant
    Bit (LSB)
  • Decimal Example 64
  • 6 is the Most Significant Digit
  • 4 is the Least Significant Digit
  • Binary 1000000
  • 1 is the MSB
  • 0 on the right is the LSB
  • What does 10000002 represent in decimal? One
    method of binary to decimal conversion
  • How do I represent 1310 in binary?

More Examples
  • Convert 1210 to binary
  • Convert 1010101 to decimal
  • Convert 25510 to binary
  • Convert 1110001110 to decimal

Thinking Binary
  • When dealing with binary, always think in powers
    of 2
  • Binary Computer conventions (You need to know
  • 1 bit can represent two (21) symbols either a 0
    or a 1
  • 8 bits is a byte one byte can represent 256 (28)
  • 1 kilobyte 210 bytes 1024 bytes 8192 bits
  • 1 Megabyte 220 bytes 1,048,576 bytes
  • How many bits are necessary to encode the
    uppercase alphabet? Upper and lower case?

Binary Multipliers
  • Kilo (K) 210 1,024
  • Mega (M) 220 1,048,576
  • Giga (G) 230 1,073,741,824
  • Tera (T) 240 1,099,511,627,776
  • Peta (P) 250 1,125,899,906,842,624
  • Exa (E) 260 1,152,921,504,606,846,976
  • Zetta (Z) 270 1,180,591,620,717,411,303,424
  • Yotta (Y) 280 1,208,925,819,614,629,174,706,1
  • Note You use these factors with base 2 numbers,
    not base 10 numbers!

Something to Remember
  • Bits are often used in terms of a data rate, or
    speed of information flow
  • 56 Kilobit per second modem (56 Kbps)
  • A T-1 is 1.544 Megabits per second (1.544 Mbps or
    1544 Kbps)
  • Bytes are often used in terms of storage or
    capacity--computer memories are organized in
    terms of 8 bits
  • 256 Megabyte (MB) RAM
  • 40 Gigabyte (GB) Hard disk

Lets Be Clear! Bits v. Bytes
  • 56Kbps represents 56,000 bits per second (56,000
    is a base 10 number)
  • 56KB represents 56 x 210 bytes (bytes--8
    bits--base 2 number)
  • or 56 x 1024 bytes 57,344 bytes
  • or 57,344 bytes x 8 bits 458,752 bits

Practical Use
  • Everyday stuff that uses 2X
  • 32-bit sound card
  • 64-bit Video Accelerator card
  • 128-bit encryption in your browser
  • Is 64-bit twice as good as 32-bit?
  • 32 bit 232 4,294,967,296 bits
  • 64 bit 264 1.8 x 1019 bits
  • 128 bit 2128 3.4 x 1038 bits

Other Ways to Count
  • Octal--base 8
  • 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
  • 810 108
  • Represents 3 bit code see page 55 of text
  • Hexadecimal--base 16
  • 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C, D, E, F
  • Represents 4 bit code see page 55 of text
  • Compresses notation F16 178 11112 1510
  • Note on page 56 of text that 7-bits are being
    converted into hexthe authors inserted a
    leading 0 into each group of 7 bits to make a
  • Notice that if you break each byte into a 4 bit
    word you can easily convert binary into hex

Fixed Length Codes
  • Fixed length codes represent information in a
    format someone has agreed to
  • American Standard Code for Information Exchange
    (ASCII)--see Appendix A in text
  • Structure is a 7 bit code (plus a parity bit or
    an extended bit in some implementations
  • ASCII can represent 128 symbols (27 symbols)
  • INFT 101 is 73 78 70 84 32 49 48 49 (decimal)
  • 49 4E 46 54 20 31 30 31 (hex)
  • 1001001 1001110 1000110 1010100 0100000 0110001
    0110000 0110001 (using Appendix A)
  • How do you spell Lecture in ASCII?

Extended ASCII Chart
  • You can easily convert hex to binary
  • Upper case D is 4416
  • 416 is 01002
  • Upper case D is then 0100 0100 in binary
  • Note 8 bits used

Extended ASCII Continued
  • Another example You want to represent the Yen
    sign ()
  • You see it is 9D
  • 916 910 10012
  • D16 1310 11012
  • The sign in binary is 1001 1101

Other Text Codes
  • Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code
    (EBCDIC) used by IBM-- 8 bit (28 bits) 256
  • Unicode is 16 bit (216) 65,536 symbols
  • World Wide Web supports many languages
  • Unicode supports Latin, Russian, Cherokee, other
    alphabet representation

Error Detection and Correction
  • Errors in transmission can be caused by many
  • Clever code construction or additional
    information added to the transmission can
    increase the odds of the sent information being
    received correctly

Parity Bit
  • An extra bit is appended to the code
  • Even parity is when the bit is set so that the
    total number of 1s in the word is even
  • 11 ? 11 0
  • 10 ? 10 1
  • Odd parity is when the bit is set so that the
    total number of 1s in the word is odd
  • 11 ? 11 1
  • 10 ? 10 0

Parity Errors
  • Even parity is set 10 0 is received.
  • Error present, but dont know which one is the
    bit in error
  • Parity can detect errors, but cant correct them
  • Odd parity is set 1111011 0 is received.
  • Even parity is set 1111011 0 is received.

  • Repetition is the provision of extra bits to
    ensure the information is received correctly
  • Original data 1 0 0 1
  • Transmitted 111 000 000 111
  • Received 011 000 001 111
  • Errors in the first and third bits detected
  • Errors in the first and third bits can be

Redundancy Check
  • Symbols are given a parity bit
  • Total word is given a redundancy check
  • The first bit of each symbol in the word is given
    parity, then the second bit of each symbol in the
    word is given parity
  • The additional parity symbol is given its own
    parity and then appended to the transmitted

Redundancy Check
  • Information to be sent 00 01 10 11
  • With even parity becomes 00 0 01 1 10 1 11 0
  • First bits are 0 0 1 1 Odd parity bit 1
  • Second bits are 0 1 0 1 Odd parity bit 1
  • Odd parity bits 1 1 Even parity bit 0
  • Transmitted 000 011 101 110 110

Redundancy Check Error
  • Transmitted 000 011 101 110 110
  • Received 000 111 101 110 110
  • Even parity tells us that the second symbol has
    an error
  • Comparing Odd parity with the first bit in each
    symbol shows us that the first bit in the second
    symbol should be a 0
  • Comparing Odd parity with the second bit in each
    symbol shows us that everything is OK

  • In mathematics, a function is an association
    between two sets of values in which each element
    of one set has one assigned element in the other
    set so that any element selected becomes the
    independent variable and its associated element
    is the dependent variable. Thus, in
  • y f(x)
  • y is said to be a function of x.

  • Common functions we might deal with
  • Functions of Time
  • Functions of Space
  • Functions of Frequency
  • Functions of Power
  • Usually, functions are represented as a
    relationship on an x-y axis graph

The Sine Wave is a Function
Continuous v. Discrete Functions
  • Continuous Functions are just that over the
    function, there is an infinite number of points
    making up that function. Or between any two
    points you can pick another one
  • Discrete Functions A discrete function has a
    finite number of elements (or values)
  • Lets draw the difference!

Continuous v. Discrete
  • In the real world many phenomena can be
    characterized as continuous (analog)
  • Mercury thermometer
  • Dial gauges
  • Sound
  • Perceived sight
  • In the digital world phenomena are coded in
    terms of 0s and 1sexplicit values
  • They are ____________ (fill in the blank)

  • Mercury thermometer reflects a temperature that
    can continuously vary over its range of
  • Digital thermometer would require an infinite
    number of bits to accomplish the same thing
  • So if we are building a digital thermometer, we
    must make some choices
  • Precision (number of bits we will use) v. cost of
  • Accuracy (how true is our measurement against a

Temperature Waveforms
Thermometer Engineers
  • What is the range we wish to measure?
  • How many bits are we willing to implement?
  • We want to measure -40º F to 140º F
  • Total measurement range 180 º F
  • If our thermometer measures in 1º increments, we
    need to represent 180 steps
  • We can do this with an 8 bit code (256 values)
  • Accuracy issue at what temperature does the
    thermometer increment or decrement? And is it the
    right temperature? (Not dependent on the coding
    scheme we choose!)

Design Review
  • CEO wants the thermometer to read to the
    hundredth of a degree
  • How many bits are required?
  • 180 x 100 18000 steps
  • Can implement with a 15 bit code (215 32768)
  • Note wasted bits
  • Precision now to the hundredth degree
  • Is a precise instrument the same as an accurate
  • How do we build the code now?

Thermometer Coding (One Answer)
Thermometer Coding (Another Way)
What Was That?
  • 2s complement notation is a method to represent
    negative numbers
  • Take the positive binary representation with the
    MSB as a sign bit (a 0 makes the representation
  • 01001 (910)
  • Take the binary complement (flip the bit values)
  • 10110
  • Add a binary 1
  • 10110 1 10111 (-910)
  • Ill specifically tell you to do something in 2s
    complement on a homework or test

Speaking Digital
  • Digital cant absolutely capture analog
    (continuous) functions
  • Trades are made in length of code-word
  • CDs use 16 bits
  • So why is digital better?
  • Accurate reproduction
  • Error detection and correction
  • 0s and 1s are easier for electronic systems to
    deal with (encryption, multiplexing,
    regenerating, amplifying)

Audio Waveform
Storage Needed
  • Digital audio signal 16bit per sample
  • Sampling every 0.0000227 sec.
  • It means, we need total
  • 1,411,200 bits for every second of music
  • 16 bit per sample
  • 44,100 samples per sec.
  • 2 channels (stereo signal)
  • Added error correction will multiply this storage

  • Believe it or not, you use protocols every day
  • When you see a red, octagonal sign, you_____
  • When you pick up the telephone when it rings, you
    say _______
  • The procedure in checking out a library book
  • Using the ATM
  • Protocols give structure and provide rules, but
    they arent based on anything but human
    convention, agreement and understanding

  • IT is built on protocols
  • Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)
  • Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)
  • Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol
  • And just about everything else we will talk about
  • Weve already discussed the convention of the
  • Four bits are called nibbles
  • Four (or eight) bytes is a word

Who Makes Protocols?
  • International Organizations
  • International Telecommunications Union (ITU)
  • International Standards Organization (ISO)
  • National Organizations
  • American National Standards Institute (ANSI)
  • Professional Organizations
  • Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers
  • Trade Groups/Consortiums Sony/Phillips and the
  • Companies Microsoft, Cisco, Bell (back in the
    day), 3Com, others..

Why Protocols?
  • Protocols provide the rules under which a desired
    function can occur
  • Greatly simplify production and development of
    new products compatibility with other vendors
    and older equipment
  • Bring order to chaos
  • Text has example of 140 different formats of
    floppy disk storage on the same 5 1/4 inch media
  • Provide new and better functionality

Protocol Problems
  • Computers arent all that capable of independent
  • New protocols drive obsolescence
  • Microsoft XP wont use the 95 kernel (allegedly)
  • And perhaps obsolescence of the competing
    protocol (see next bullet)
  • The best protocol doesnt always win
  • Market forces and inertia sometimes are the
    victor (DVD v. DiVX)
  • Whats the standard?
  • Physical devices 3.5 floppy disk contains
    160tracks 18 sectors 512B 1.44MB
  • In a word Interoperability

Some Examples (Data Transmission)
  • How do we know where the bit stream begins?
  • Start bits stop bits (Guess what? These are
  • Flags--used in Ethernet, High-Level Data Link
    Control (HDLC)

Flag 01111110
Protocol Take-a-Ways
  • Check the protocols you are using
  • Check them again
  • Make sure the other guy is using the same
  • Check again
  • New protocols build on older ones to support
    interoperability and are approved by standards
    bodies to ensure availability and compliance
  • But specific vendor implementation may cause
    interoperability problems (thats why you check)
  • Some protocols are introduced as bridges between
    incompatible protocols -- Rich Text Format (RTF)

Visual Representation and Display
  • A picture is worth ten thousand words
  • But it takes a whole lot more than 10,000 bits
  • A visual image is a powerful way to convey
  • The need to process a huge amount of image/video
    data requires a lot of computing power
  • Specialized processors
  • New type of computers
  • A very dynamic growth in consumer electronics

Image Issues
  • The world we live in is analog
  • Another way to look at it--continuously variable
  • Problem for digitizing, or making discrete
  • But
  • We are producing information for human use
  • Human vision has limitations
  • Take advantage of this fact
  • Produce displays that are good enough

Digital Info for Humans
  • Many digital systems take advantage of human
    limitations (visual, aural, etc)
  • Human gray scale acuity is 2 of full brightness
  • Or 50 gray levels can capture what most folks
    can detect
  • Human eye can resolve about 60 lines per degree
    of visual arc
  • 8.5 x 11 sheet of paper at 1 foot (landscape)
    contains 49.25 degrees horizontal and 39 degrees
  • 49.25 degrees x 60 2955 horizontal lines we can
    just distinguish
  • 39 degrees x 60 2340 vertical lines we can just
  • These numbers give us a clue about how long our
    code will need to be to capture images

Cameras and Image Formation
  • Basic image formation process
  • Essential components
  • Object/scene
  • Lens
  • Image recording medium
  • Display device may correct the inverted condition
  • Projection 3D to 2D

Other Types of Image Formation
  • Radar, Sonar, X-rays, CAT scan
  • Differ from traditional camera
  • Type of energy used to form image
  • Geometry of the system that relates the location
    of the objects in the real world to the image

  • Radar Radio Detection and Ranging
  • TV weather forecasts
  • Sends a narrow beam of radio waves in a
    particular direction and waits for reception of
    some reflected energy
  • Distance and angle of transmission (polar
    coordinate system)

Pixels and Lines
  • A pixel is the smallest unit of representation
    for visual information
  • In order to form a black line, you need two rows
    of pixels (one black and one white) to give a
    visual clue of transition
  • So two rows of pixels are needed per line
  • Go back to our paper example
  • Number of pixels needed to represent total image
  • 2(2955 horizontal) x 2(2340 vertical)
    27,658,800 pixels

Check for Yourself
  • On the CD that accompanies the text, play with
    the visual representation applets
  • Some changes to the level of pixels or colors
    affect very little your ability to discern the
  • After a time degradation becomes very apparent
  • On pages 84 and 85 you can see the effects of
    going from a 6-bit to 1-bit grayscale code

Picking the Codes
  • The assignment of a code to a particular analog
    value is called Quantization
  • Quanitization results in the loss of some
    information and precision
  • You are taking a continuous function and
    assigning discrete values, resulting in some
    values not being exactly represented
  • More detail on Quanitzation in a later lecture

Spatial Resolution
  • Image represented in a finite number of small
    picture elements
  • Represent a single intensity (brightness) level
  • Usually arranged in rectangular grid
  • Tradeoff
  • Why do we want more pixels?
  • Why do we want fewer pixels?

13 x 13 grid 169 pixels
How Many Pixels Should We Use?
  • If too few pixels used, image appears coarse

16 x16 (256 pixels)
64 x 64 (4096 pixels)
Digitized Image
  • Process of breaking a continuous image into a
    grid of pixels is called pixelization, sampling,
    scanning or spatial quantization.

Shades of Gray
  • Each pixel must be converted to binary data.
  • Suppose 8 bits are used to represent the
    brightness at each pixel.
  • How many brightness levels?
  • 28 256 brightness levels (black gt white)
  • Quantization process of rounding off continuous
    values so they can be represented by a fixed
    number of binary digits.

Shades of Gray
A 6-bit (64 gray levels) image
  • A 3-bit (8 gray levels)
  • image

A 1-bit (black and white only) image
How Much Storage Is Needed?
  • Total number of bits required for storage total
    number of pixels number of bits used per pixel
  • For example Black and white photo
  • 64 x 64 pixels
  • Use 32 gray levels (5 bits)
  • 64 x 64 x 5 20,480 bits 2560/1024 bytes
  • Remember data storage is in bytes
  • KB represents 210 or 1024 bytes

Color Representation
  • Instead of grayscale, assign coding to the levels
    of each of three colors--Red, Green, Blue (RGB)
  • Another approach is Hue (light spectrum),
    Luminance (brightness) and Saturation (dilution
    by white) (HLS)
  • Both systems use 3 bits per component (RGBHL or
    S), for a total of 9 bits--512 different levels
    of representation
  • Limited color scheme, so additional palettes are
    available, each with a 512 level representation
    (Color Palette Representation)
  • Windows supports 32-bit color--much larger choice
    of colors than with RGB!

  • Human perception of movement is slow
  • Studies show that humans can only take in 20
    different images per second
  • We can detect higher rates of flicker, but only
    to about 80 cycles per second
  • Movies show 24 frames per second, but flash at 48
    per second
  • TV works similarly, but instead of a frame, TV
    refreshes in lines across the tube
  • Whats going on? Make discrete a continuous
    function--it is possible to capture the image
    with bits!

Your Computer Display
  • Described in terms of pixels
  • 640 x 480
  • 800 x 600
  • 1024 x 768
  • At 60 Hz, how many pixels are being refreshed in
    a 1024 x 768 resolution per second? 1024 x 768 x
    60 47,185,920
  • Encoding Supports some number of colors
  • 256 (one byte)
  • 65536 (two bytes)
  • 16,777,216 (three bytes or indexed)--see p 99 of
  • Using number of pixels computed above, how many
    bytes are being processed per second for 65,536
    colors? 47,185,920 x 2 bytes 94,371,840 bytes
    per second

  • Compression techniques can significantly reduce
    the bandwidth and memory required for sending,
    receiving, and storing data.
  • Most computers are equipped with modems that
    compress or decompress all information leaving or
    entering via the phone line.
  • With a mutually recognized system (e.g. WinZip)
    the amount of data can be significantly
  • Examples of compression techniques well discuss
  • Variable length coding (e.g. Huffman coding)
  • Universal Coding (e.g. WinZip)
  • GIF and JPEG
  • MPEG

Variable Length Coding (Compression)
  • ASCII is a fixed length code--8 bits for Extended
  • Certain letters are used more frequently than
    others in the English language
  • This fact is the basis for Morse Code
  • . E - T --.. Z
    --.- Q
  • Why bother?
  • Saves transmission time, reduces storage

  • Message Values or meanings to be conveyed
  • Data A stream of symbols (voltages, 1s/0s)
  • Information Amount of surprise in the message
  • Take pi can be symbolized by p or a series of
    non-repeating digits 3.141592654.
  • Easier to send p than the whole string of digits
  • We already know (a priori) what ps value is
  • We can take advantage of this fact and compress
    the data we send

Basic Information Theory
  • Claude E. Shannon developed modern Information
    Theory at Bell Labs in 1948
  • He saw the relationship between the probability
    of appearance of a transmitted signal and its
    information content
  • This was a huge realization that allowed for
    compression techniques

  • Shannon found that information can be related to
    probability (Others had done work as well, but
    Shannon gets credit for Info Theory)
  • Fair coin toss Heads or Tails each has a
    probability of .50
  • In two tosses, both heads probability is .5 x .5
  • In three tosses, all tails .5 x .5 x .5 .125
  • We compute probability this way because the
    result of each toss is independent of the results
    of other tosses

  • If the probability of a binary event is .5 (like
    a fair coin), then, on average, you need one bit
    to represent the result of this event.
  • As the probability of a binary event increases or
    decreases, the number of bits you need to, on
    average, represent the result decreases
  • The figure is expressing that unless an event is
    totally random, you can convey the information of
    the event in fewer bits, on average, than it
    might first appear
  • Lets step through the store example in the text

How do you measure code effectiveness?
  • The authors describe the store example
  • 80 of the customers are male, 20 female
  • For now, just accept the codes assigned
  • M-M 0 M-F 10 F-M 110 F-F 111
  • (1)(.64) (2)(.16) (3)(.16) (3)(.04) 1.56
  • The leading number is the number of bits
    contained in the code
  • The fractional number is the probability of that
    codes occurrence
  • We achieved 0.722 lt 1.56 lt 2 bits/event
  • Lower bound and upper bound concept

Huffman Coding
  • You need to understand the probability of event
  • Then you order the events in probability of
  • Then you group the events in pairs of events with
    lowest probabilities
  • Compute the probability of occurrence for the
    pair (you add the probabilities)
  • Keep pairing, even if you pair previous pairings
    (keep pairing lowest unpaired probabilities!)
  • Add your codes to the events--watch that your
    codes are shortest for the most common
    occurrences and that each code can be uniquely

A (.35)
B (.25)
C (.13)
D (.12)
E (.1)
F (.04)
G (.01)
Huffman Coding
  • Using our just constructed code, how should you
    decode this string?
  • 0000111010110001000000111110011011000
  • 00 00 1110 101 100 01 00 00 00 1111 100 110 110
  • A A F D C B A A A G C
    E E A
  • How do we know this is the code? Every code is
    unique in form--note the wasted bit characters
  • That is there is no such thing as 0 or 11

Universal Coding
  • Huffman has its limits
  • You must know a priori the probability of the
    characters or symbols you are encoding
  • Universal coding allows you to compress as you go
  • Lempel-Ziv coding one form of Universal Coding
    presented in the text
  • Used by WinZip to compress info

Variable Codes
  • Takes advantage of probabilistic nature of
  • If we had total uncertainty about the information
    we are conveying, fixed length codes are better
  • Variable codes achieve their efficiency over
    longer information strings
  • Lempel-Ziv achieves large efficiencies over long
    strings of info
  • Over short strings, Lempel-Ziv is very
    inefficient compared to Fixed or Huffman

Introduction Computer Architectures and Software
  • Read Chapter 5 in Optional text for more detail
    (2 copies are on reserve in the library)
  • The IT world is based on Computers--you should
    have a basic understanding of how the computer
    works and about the software that drives it

  • What were computers like just over 50 years ago?
  • 1946 - ENIAC
  • Used plugboards and switches to program
  • Occupied 1,000 square feet
  • Used vacuum tubes
  • Developed at UPenn
  • Funded by U.S. government

Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer
Computer Technology Evolution
Ultra Large Scale Integration gt 100 million
devices per chip
Very Large Scale Integration Post 1978 100,000 -
100 million devices per chip
Vacuum Tubes 1946-1957
Transistors 1958-1964
Large Scale Integration 1971-77 3000- 100,000
devices per chip
Medium Scale Integration Pre-1971 100-3000
devices per chip
Small Scale Integration 1960s Up to 100 devices
per chip
Moors Laws
  • Intel pioneer, Gordon Moore, predicted in 1965
    that the number of transistors on a chip would
    double every 18 months.

The Desktop PC
Central Processing Unit
  • Two ways to think of I/O
  • 1 At the board/chip level (Physical Connections)
  • 2 What is connected to the board (User I/Os)
  • Depends if you are a computer architect or a
    peripheral device designer/user
  • The board
  • Parallel, serial, network, game, digital ports
  • What is connected to the board
  • Printer, scanner, keyboard, joystick, modem,
    speaker, monitor, network card

Sound Board
Game Board
Graphics Board
Serial Port

Parallel Port
Serial Port
Local Area Network
Network Port
Analog signal source
  • Used by the computer to store programs,
    information, data (Write)
  • Used by the computer to access information and
    programs when necessary (Read)
  • Some storage can do both read and write, some
    only one
  • Some storage can randomly access information,
    some can only sequentially access
  • Magnetic
  • Hard disk, floppy disk, ZIP disk, tape
  • Optical
  • CD, DVD
  • Solid State
  • Flash cards, PCMCIA cards

  • Memory helps computers operate faster and more
  • Random Access Memory (RAM) --- Temporary
  • Memory chips in a PC
  • Virtual Memory
  • Cache Memory (on the CPU)
  • Read-Only Memory (ROM) --- Long-Term
  • CD-ROM

The Central Processing Unit (CPU)
  • The brains of the computer
  • Performs calculations and completes instructions
  • Performance based on clock speed--how many
    instructions can it accomplish in a cycle
  • Pentium 4 --- 2.0 GHz chip operates at 2 billion
    cycles per secondcan do one instruction per
    cycle per pipeline

Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU)
Control Unit
Cache Memory
Four Stages of CPU Operations
  • Fetch - Seeks instructions from outside source
  • Decode - Analyzes the instructions to determine
    which of the chips circuits should be used for
  • Execute - Performs the actual instructions
  • Store - Places processing result in appropriate

Comparing a Dime to a Microprocessor
Simple Instruction
  • You want your computer to add 1 2 4
  • MOV 1, R0 (Move the number 1 into Register 0)
  • MOV 2, R1 (Move the number 2 into Register 1)
  • ADD R0, R1 (Add R0 to R1 and put the result in
  • MOV 4, R0 (Move the number 4 into Register 1)
  • ADD R0, R1 (Add R0 to R1 and put the result into
  • Move, Add are examples of instruction sets
  • Real computers have many more Registers

Chip Types
  • Complex Instruction Set Computer (CISC)
  • Many forms of instructions (some special purpose,
    but chip must support them all)
  • x86, Pentium
  • Reduced Instruction Set Computer (RISC)
  • Specific list of supported instructions (Want to
    do something else? Find a combination of
    instructions to accomplish the task)
  • Power PC (Motorola), Alpha, IBM RISC System/6000,
  • Difference is speed of execution RISC is faster,
    but may require longer instruction combinations
    to accomplish the same task as a CISC

Hierarchy of Software(Above the Abstraction
Level i.e. 0s and 1s)
Computer Language (High Level Language)
Operating System
Assembly Code
Machine Language
Machine Language
  • Machine Language
  • 01100100100101010
  • Lowest level language
  • Consists of elementary instructions directly
    recognized by the CPU
  • Provides numerical codes directly recognized by
    the CPU
  • Machine language programming produces a string of
  • Cannot be used by programmers any longer

Assembly Code
  • Assembly Code Most basic of abstraction
  • ADD R1, R2
  • MOV ADDR, R1
  • Different computer systems (RISC v. CISC) use
    different languages
  • Breaks down instructions to their most basic--at
    the level of implementation of the chip (or what
    instructions a particular chip will understand)

Operating System
  • OS provides for common system tasks
  • Display information on a monitor
  • Print services
  • User interface
  • Text based
  • Graphical User Interface (GUI)
  • MS/DOS, Windows 3.0, Windows 95/98/2000/Me/XP
  • Microsoft NT/2000 Professional/Server/XP
  • Mac OS X (and other earlier)
  • Linux
  • HP Unix
  • Sun Solaris
  • IBM OS/2

Examples of Operating System
MS-DOS Introduced in 1981 Microsofts first
O/S Microsoft Disk Operating System (MS-DOS) Text
based O/S -- C/gt
Mac OS Appeared in 1984 Apple Macintosh Icons
and Graphical User Interface (GUI)
IBM OS/2 Roughly 1992 Split with Microsoft Never
took off
Microsoft Windows Dominates PC market Windows 3.x
in 1990 Windows 95 and 98 Windows NT Windows
2000 Windows XP
Unix Variations IBMs AIX Hewlett Packards
HP/UX Suns Solaris Linux Others
Computer Language(High Level Language)
  • Used to program instructions for computer use
  • Eases programming, since the Compiler
    translates almost human syntax into lower level
  • Java
  • Fortran
  • C
  • Visual Basic
  • Pascal
  • Ada
  • HTML

Programming Languages
Visual Basic Microsofts visual
language Provides an array of tools that
decrease development time
Basic (Dartmouth College, Kemeny and Kurz) Simple
language students could learn 1964
C and C Developed originally as C/Unix
in 1974 C is object oriented version
FORTRAN (Formula Translator) Developed by
IBM Science/engineering 1957
Pascal Once popular with serious
programmers 1970s Appeal has diminished
COBOL (Common Business Oriented Language) Pushed
by U.S. Govt. 1960
Java Developed by Sun O/S independent
HTML HyperText Markup Language describes
documents on the Web
XML eXtensible Markup Language More powerful
successor to HTML
Application Software
  • This is how we usually interface with the
  • MS Word
  • MS PowerPoint
  • Lotus Notes
  • Quicken TurboTax
  • AOL Instant Messenger
  • Etc., etc., etc..
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