Title: ROSIE Reporting Online System/ Instructor Empowerment
1ROSIEReporting Online System/ Instructor
- Easing the burden and constraints for grade
submission and more!
- Easy to use interface
- Greater freedom from campus
- More opportunity to review and greater control of
your grades - Expanded capabilities being added with every
3(No Transcript)
4Enter under School Services Tab
5Log in to ROSIE via ELROY on Campus
Pipeline(Individual gateway is being developed
for faculty)
6Faculty servicesto enter final grades, click on
final grades
7Select term
8Select course (CRN)
9Enter grades via drop down menu for each student.
The only field you need to enter is the grade
10Other types of grades
- W, WF cannot be entered online yet. The
paperwork for these entries still need to be
turned into the registrar. Audits are already
taken care of. - Incomplete and Joint Enrolled numeric grades can
be entered online. - IMPORTANT NOTE-
- If you intend to use online grading we are
tracking it very closely and we are requiring
that any faculty who wants to use the web for
grade submission send an email to Katherine
and/or Fran stating what courses (CRN or section)
you are submitting.
11When done click submit grades at bottom of page.
If class contains more that 25 students it will
have a second page. Only 25 students can be
displayed per page. Submit your grades often to
keep the browser active and to prevent lost
data.10 minute time out
12Department Regulation
- Some departments still require a hard copy turned
in. The registrars office does not. They do
need to know if you are submitting paper or
electronic though. - The resulting print out of your entries will be a
great resource for confirming what you submit and
to turn in where required. Multiple copies may
be printed.
13Print out of submitted grades
To print the grade sheet after entering, there is
a link at the bottom of the page that says
"Printer Friendly Grade List" Click on that link
to print your grade sheet. That will take you to
web page that contains your class grade sheet. It
does not print automatically. You must click
either the printer icon or the drop down menu
once there. After you have requested it to print
you may click the Back to Final Grades Worksheet.
14Future Enhancements
- Move away from faculty need for Banner
- CAPP for advising
- Electronic grade book
15Feedback and Questions
- Reporting period June 13 July 28
- Future Terms- last day of class to midnight the
day after the last exam. - Problems
- Entered incorrect grade and noticed it when
finished Re-enter for that student - Passwordcall help desk x1482
- Browser interface call help desk x1482
- What features can be added/modified to suit your
16Feedback and Questions cont.
- For Summer term grades will be available the day
after the instructor enters them online, or if
paper submission 2 days - Audit grade rolls will continue to be sent out to
faculty the following term - All I,V,W and WF grades will display on the web
and printer friendly versions. They cannot be
changed by the faculty.
17Other types of gradesReminder!
- W, WF cannot be entered online yet. The
paperwork for these entries still need to be
turned into the registrar. Audits are already
entered into the system. - Incompletes can be entered online and Joint
enrolled numeric grades also - IMPORTANT NOTE-
- If you intend to use online grading we are
tracking it very closely and we are requiring
that any faculty who wants to use the web for
grade submission send an email to Katherine
and/or Fran stating what courses (CRN or section)
you are submitting.
18Need more help?
- 737-1482 ITS Help Desk
- nmiller_at_aug.edu
- www.aug.edu/projects/rosie.htm