Title: Amun
1(No Transcript)
- Great God of Thebes
- Father of the Gods
- God Of
- Air, War, Fertility
- Patron god of Embalmers
- Great god of Necropolis
- God of Mummification
- One of most common household gods
- Protector against snakes and terrors
- Helper of women in childbirth
- God of
- Marriage, Love, Dancing
- Shown as Women with horned headdress, or Cow
- Patron of Mining in Sinai Region
- Goddess Of
- Love, Birth, Death, Music, Pleasure
- Originally Sky God
- Falcon God
- Son of Isis and Osiris
- It was believed that he was incarnated as the
Pharaoh, which gave the Pharaoh great power.
- Wife of Osiris
- Divine Mother
- Guardian of Coffins and Canopic Jars
- God of
- Cataract region in Southern Egypt
- God of
- UnderworldKing of DeadInundationVegetation
- Creator God of Memphis
- Patron God of Craftsmen
- Chief of gods in Old Kingdom
- Know as the Crocodile God
- God of
- the Nile, floods, and fertility
- God of
- ScribesMoon DeityWritingCountingWisdom
14Asherah Ashtoreth
female companion to Baal goddess of moon,
fertility, sex and war prostitution to her
honor glamorized murder cake of bread Jer
15 Asherah worship of poles, trees
Placed on hills Also worshipped at groves of
trees Jer 172
Did they resemble Egyptian poles?
16Molech and Chemosh
Molech Ammonite god
Chemosh Moabite war god planets, stars
Child sacrifice in fire
17El (Bull-El) father of Baal
principal Canaanite god father of the gods and
of man
18Baal son of El
19El and Baal worship of calves
god of storm clouds Baal transformed himself
into a bull
20Gods We Can See
212 Corinthians 57
- for we walk by faith and not by sight
- Hebrews 111, 6
- Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for,
the conviction of things not seen And without
faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who
comes to God must believe that He is and that He
is a rewarder of those who seek Him.
22Gods We Can See
- Golden Calf (Exodus 32)
- King Saul (1 Samuel 88, 19-22)
- Jeroboam Calves (1 Kings 1225-31)
- Ist Pope in 606 A.D.
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24Gods We Can See
- Golden Calf (Exodus 32)
- King Saul (1 Samuel 88, 19-22)
- Jeroboam Calves (1 Kings 1225-31)
- Ist Pope in 606 A.D.
- Emphasis on buildings, big-name preachers,
institutionalized programs
25(No Transcript)
26Gods We Can See
- Golden Calf (Exodus 32)
- King Saul (1 Samuel 88, 19-22)
- Jeroboam Calves (1 Kings 1225-31)
- Ist Pope in 606 A.D.
- Emphasis on buildings, big-name preachers,
institutionalized programs - Modern resurgence of tongues, miracles
- Desire for visible, earthly kingdom JWs,
Dispensational Premillenialism
27Will You Submit To Gods Authority?
Hear The Word (Rom. 1017) Believe That Jesus
is the Son of God (Acts 837) Repent of Your
Sins (Acts 238) Confess That Jesus is the Son
of God (Acts 837) Be Baptized for the
Forgiveness of Sins (Acts 238) Having Become A
Christian, Live Faithfully Until You Die (Rev.