Title: Business Case for PlugandPack
1Business Case for Plug-and-Pack
- Applications in Pharmaceutical Packaging
2Pfizer Global Manufacturing
- Purpose
- We improve the quality of peoples lives by
assuring the supply of Pfizers high-quality
human and animal health products. - Mission
- We will be the 1 supply organization in our
industry and a strategic asset to Pfizer.
3Business Dynamics
- Product development costs
- Patent protection
- Regulatory compliance
- Pricing pressure
- Global competition
4Manufacturing Opportunity
New Prescription For Drug Makers Update the
Source Wall Street Journal, September 3, 2003
5Call to Action
new standards are being designed to encourage
cost-reducing and precision-enhancing innovation
in manufacturing
Source The Food and Drug Administrations
Strategic Action Plan August, 2003
6OMAC Packaging Workgroup (OPW)
- Mission
- Maximize the business value of packaging
machinery by developing guidelines that lead to
the most appropriate application of advanced
automation technology. - Plug-and-PackTM Guidelines
Source www.OMAC.org
7Best-value Packaging Solutions
- Meet all user requirements
- Performance accuracy speed,
- Reliability,
- cGMP validation,
- Competitive cost,
- Delivery time,
- and more
- in the right proportions
8Packaging System Evolution
Source ARC Advisory Group
10Plug-and-PackTM Application
Tube Filler and Robotic Tube Loader
11Plug-and-Pack Off-the-Shelf
- Integrated Logic/Motion Control
- Industry Standard Networks
- IEC 61131-3 Software
- PackMLTM State Model
12Performance Enabled by Gen 3
13Additional Benefits
- Configuration not customization
- Cost, delivery, risk improved
- Value-add technology integration
- Vision inspection
- Robotic loader
- Interface to SCADA
- PackMLTM States
- Validation supported by design
14Validation Method
15Design Method Supports Validation
- Business environment demands higher quality and
lower costs - Gen 3 solutions are an enabler
- Plug-and-PackTM Guidelines provide a road map
- Collaboration drives standards
- OEM implementation is pivotal