Title: National
1National International Economics
- Regulation in Network Industries
- Simon J. Evenett
- www.evenett.com
2Overview of todays presentation
- Motivating questionsregulation and business
strategy. - Preliminaries on regulation
- Types of regulation.
- Notions of efficiency.
- Theories of regulation.
- Network industries characteristics and market
dynamics. - Changing nature of regulation in network
industries. - Regulation and business strategy in network
industries. - European experience in regulating network
industries. - Case Study Comparing UK and German experience.
3Why study the regulation of networks?
- Why are these regulations of interest to business
people? - __________________________________________________
_____ - __________________________________________________
_____ - What is the relationship between regulation and
the design and implementation of business
strategy? - __________________________________________________
_____ - __________________________________________________
_____ - What is so special about regulation in network
industries? - __________________________________________________
_____ - __________________________________________________
_____ - What are the sources of enduring competitive
advantage in regulated network industries?
4Purpose of this course
- To familarise you with the types and motives for
regulation. - To examine the implications of economic and
political-economy analyses of regulation in
network industries. - To discuss the implications of regulation for the
design of business strategy in network
industries. - Approach taken here blend of institutional
material, economic analysis, and business
strategy tools. - Relationship to other courses.
5Readings for this course and evaluation
- Three readings
- What is regulation?
- Theories of regulation.
- Case study of regulatory games in European
utility sectors. - The exam questions will refer to the readings and
the material covered in class.
6Main themes of this course
- Firms need not be passive agents in regulated
sectors. - Strategic behaviour vis-à-vis the regulator and
other firms is possible, and maybe even
essential. - Strategic behaviour can have market and
non-market components. - Cannot rule out that rivals will engage in such
behaviour. - It is widely accepted that a free market in a
network industry is no guarrantee of efficient or
socially-acceptable outcomes. - Market outcomes in network industries can shift
very quickly. - Precious little can be taken for granted.
- Need to frequently review the source of
competitive advantage.
7Regulation in Network Industries
- Preliminaries on regulation
8Regulation and the market system
- As an alternative to free markets and state
control of production and consumption. - At its best, regulation seeks to use the power of
incentives provided by free markets plus the
actions of the state to obtain desired outcomes. - Credible regulation relies on the coercive power
of the state. - Why cant the private sector fix the problems
that regulation is supposed to address? - Coases Theorem.
- Limited information.
- Organisation and bargaining costs.
- Negotiating impasse.
9Important characteristics of regulation
- What?
- Form Command and control (thou shall),
liability, inducements (thou should). - When?
- ex-ante versus ex-post regulatory measures.
- By whom?
- Sources of regulation government agencies,
negotiated by state and firms, courts, and even
private associations. - For whom?
- Obligations on some rights for others.
- With what?
- Information requirements and generation.
10Types of regulation
- Control of price.
- Example ______________________________________
- Control of investment.
- Control of rates-of-return.
- Example ______________________________________
- Control of quantity.
- Example ______________________________________
- Control of entry and exit.
- Example ______________________________________
- Control of quality.
- Example ______________________________________
11Types of regulation
- Control of price.
- Example ______________________________________
- Control of investment.
- Control of rates-of-return.
- Example ______________________________________
- Control of quantity.
- Example ______________________________________
- Control of entry and exit.
- Example ______________________________________
- Control of quality.
- Example ______________________________________
12Business-oriented questions about regulation
- What factors trigger regulatory responses by
government? - In what ways does a regulation affect current
firm behaviour and market outcomes? - How do firms respond to regulation?
- How should firms respond to regulation?
- In what ways is future behaviour of firms
affected by regulations? - What is the impact on firm profitability of
different types of regulation? - In what ways, if at all, can firms influence a
regulators decisionmaking processes? - How do regulators learn?
13Assessing market outcomes
- Firms are interested in their current and future
likely profits but do governments always see
market outcomes the same way? - Arguably not markets facilitate the gains from
mutual exchange and buyers gain as well as
sellers. Need a metric to take account of gains
to all parties from exchange. - Economists first big idea welfare impact of
market transactions is the sum of the gains to
consumers and producers. - Concept of consumer surplus.
- Concept of producer surplus.
- Relationship to firm profits.
- Economists next big idea evaluate market
outcomes on the basis of this metric.
14Assessing market outcomes in perfectly
competitive markets
- To see how this metric applies in practice,
consider a perfectly competitive market where - no consumer is large enough that their decisions
affect market prices. - every consumer obeys the law of demand.
- no producer is large enough that their decisions
affect market prices. - the incremental cost of producing each good rises
as output rises.
15Consumer surplus difference between willingness
to pay and price paid.
16Producer surplus is the difference between total
revenues and total variable costs
17Useful aside Producer surplus is zero if
incremental costs are zero.
This finding has applies whatever the level of
incremental costs. What covers fixed costs?
18The total gains from exchange.
Note P1marginal cost
19Efficiency of perfectly competitive markets.
Area C is lost
Area A
Area B
20How governments assess market outcomes
- Maximising the total benefits from exchange
- Efficiency sum of producer and consumer surplus.
- Maximising the total benefits from exchange
taking account of knock-on effects such as - Pollution.
- Distribution of surplus between producers and
consumers. - Access to good in question.
- Minimum levels of consumption
- Necessities.
- Through impact on favoured or influential
interest groups.
21Notions of efficiency
- There is more than one notion of efficiency that
people use when discussing market outcomes and
the case for government intervention (which may
include regulation). - Allocative efficiency Requires prices to equal
marginal costs. - Rationale ____________________________________
- Productive efficiency Requires prices to equal
minimum possible production cost. - Rationale ____________________________________
- Dynamic efficiency Requires prices charged over
time to maximise the benefits of mutual exchange. - Rationale ____________________________________
22Violations of allocative efficiency any exercise
of market power
Loss of welfare
23Violation of productive efficiency
24Theories of regulation the questions.
- What do these theories seek to explain?
- Why are regulations imposed?
- What is the incidence of regulation? i.e. what
sectors are more regulated than others? - What factors account for changes in regulation
over time? Can they account for deregulation
initiatives? - What are the effects of regulations?
- Whose interests are served by regulations?
- Whose behaviour do these theories try to explain?
- Use theories like chop sticksI will explain why
and how!
25Theories of regulation the answers.
- Public interest theories.
- Regulation is there to fix market failures.
- Capture theory.
- Regulation promotes the interests of incumbent
firms and not social welfare. - Economic theory of regulation.
- Politicians structure regulation so as to
trade-off the interests of different societal
groups in such a way that is most beneficial to
them. - Which theory is correct has big Implications for
firm strategy. Why?
26Public interest theories of regulation
- As much a theory of what the state should do
rather than what it does do. - On this perspective regulations are imposed when
the normal operation of free marketstypically
competitiondoes not deliver efficient market
outcomes. - Regulations are imposed when it is in societys
interest to impose them. - When do inefficient market outcomes happen?
- Natural Monopolies.
- Externalities.
- Information asymmetriesadverse selection and
moral hazard.
27Public interest theories of regulation
- So you answer the following questions
- What is the incidence of regulation? i.e. what
sectors are more regulated than others? - What factors account for changes in regulation
over time? Can they account for deregulation
initiatives? - What are the effects of regulations?
- Whose interests are served by regulations?
28Critiques of the public interest theories of
- Failures in prediction
- It does not explain which sectors are regulated
and which sectors are not. - It cannot explain why some sectors are
deregulated and others are not. - Incomplete explanation
- Does not explain why the beneficiaries of the
status quo cannot successfully oppose changes in
regulation. - Insufficient attention given to who influences
regulatory choice. - What are the implications for business strategy
of this critique?
29Critiques of the public interest theories of
regulation (2)
- Does not consider the information needed by the
state/regulator to set the optimal regulation. - What information is needed?
- Who has that information (if anyone)?
- Does that agent have the incentive to share the
information? - What are the implications for business strategy
of this critique?
30Capture theory of regulation
- Motivated by evidence that regulated sectors
tended to have prices greater than costs and to
have profits. - One interpretation producers seek regulations to
secure higher profits. - Example taxi cabs.
- Regulations are supplied in response to industry
demands for them. - The regulatory agency is effectively controlled
by the industry. - Mechanisms of control
- Information
- Budgets
31Capture theory of regulation (2)
- So you answer the following questions
- What is the incidence of regulation? i.e. what
sectors are more regulated than others? - What factors account for changes in regulation
over time? Can they account for deregulation
initiatives? - What are the effects of regulations?
- Whose interests are served by regulations?
32Critique of capture theory of regulation
- Does not explain why one group (the incumbent
firms) always triumph over other interested
parties. - Hard to reconcile with evidence on
- Discrimination in favour of small producers given
in certain sectors. - Cross-subsidisation imposed on some service
providers e.g. universal service requirements for
telecoms companies. - Complaints about business people that regulations
are lowering profits.
33Economic theory of regulation
- Predicated on the assumption that the state has
the power to coerce and that politicians use that
power to advance their own interests. - Three key assumptions
- Regulation redistrbutes wealthbut is costly to
society. - Behaviour of legislators is driven by desire to
remain in office. - Interest groups compete by offering political
support (votes, funds) in exchange for favourable
regulation. - Prediction groups that are more easily organised
or have more to gain from legislation tend to
receive the benefits of regulation. - Prediction politicians will limit the amount of
regulation given.
34Economic theory of regulation (2)
- So you answer the following questions
- What is the incidence of regulation? i.e. what
sectors are more regulated than others? - What factors account for changes in regulation
over time? Can they account for deregulation
initiatives? - What are the effects of regulations?
- Whose interests are served by regulations?
35Explaining cross-subsidisation
- Can you use the Economic Theory of Regulation to
explain why cross-subsidisation of supply to
rural and less-populated reasons happens in
telecomunications and in other utility sectors?
36Critique of economic theory of regulation
- Voters tend to care about more than one
mattermaking it easy for politicians to
trade-off non-regulation-related benefits for
pressures to intervene in markets. - Politicians may care about things other than
reelection. - Assumptions being made about the vulnerability of
politicians and the powers delegated to
politicians. - Various forms of representative democracy.
- Can this theory explain the creation of so-called
independent regulatory agencies? - Insufficient attention given to the role of the
courts. - Why does any of this matter for business
37Explaining the trend towards creating independent
- What do we mean by independence?
- Ability of regulator to set own agenda?
- Financing?
- Need to explain why politicians would delegate
their powers to a third party? - Technocratic expertise.
- Investment of time and resources in acquiring
expertise and information. - Can each theory effectively explain this trend?
- Which sectors would tend to get independent
regulators and which sectors not?
38Summary remarks on regulations
- There are many types of regulations and may
reasons why they get imposed. - The fact that regulations can affect business
performance is the primary reason why a
strategist needs to understand - Why are regulations imposed?
- What is the incidence of regulation? i.e. what
sectors are more regulated than others? - What factors account for changes in regulation
over time? Can they account for deregulation
initiatives? - What are the effects of regulations?
- Whose interests are served by regulations?
39Summary remarks on regulations (2)
- Dont worry about the fact that there is no one
agreed explanation for regulationthe world is
very varied and it would be surprising if one
story could explain every regulation. - Regard the theories of regulation as potential
explanationsdecide which is more relevant to the
suitation at hand. - Important to undertand
- which actors are involved.
- their motives.
- the options available to a firm.
- the need to formulate a coherent strategy for the
market place and in the regulatory arena.
40Regulation in Network Industries
- Network industries characteristics and market
41The changing meaning of network industry
- Public policies towards these industries were
markedly influenced by how these industries were
perceived. - Until 10 years ago network industries were
thought to have a small number of producersoften
only one--with a large, possibly central,
production facility as well as a distribution
system from the producer to each (or many)
customers. - On this view network industries were associated
with natural monopolies (economies of scale)
and the market power that they might employ. - Often there were multiple, inter-related market
failures, e.g. market power and environmental
concerns in power generation.
42The changing meaning of network industry (2)
- Old view overlooked the consumer-related benefits
of network membership. - Essential point Increasing returns to
consumption. - Has three possible meanings
- Consumers derive benefits from the total number
of other consumers who are consume the same good
or service. - Incremental benefit enjoyed by a consumer
increases with the amount consumed. - Consumers derive benefits from consuming lots of
related products. - Can you think of examples of each?
43How can we characterise these consumer
- Remember key concept is the willingness to pay.
- In standard supply and demand theory, we assume a
consumers willingness to pay obeys the law of
demand. - Remember, however, that was only an assumption!
Reality may be very different. - For example, the willingness to pay for a good
depends not only on its price but also on the
number of other consumers who are willing to
produce the good. - What about the other two logical possibilities?
44Network effects but still obeys law of demand
Willingness to pay
D (many network members)
D (few network members)
Premium due to more members in network
Own demand
45Network effects but breaks law of demand
Willingness to pay
Own demand for MSN messenger
46Demand for internet time rises if ISP offers more
programmes in its package.
Willingness to pay
D (many features)
D (few features)
Premium due to more features
Own demand for internet time
47Node and link representation of networks
- Highlights other features of networks, which will
have important public policy implications. - Here, a network is defined as a set of
complementary nodes and links between suppliers
and consumers. - The increasing returns to scale feature of
consumption is retained, however the supply side
features of networks receive more attention. - Example Star network.
- Could be a traditional telecoms network.
- Willingness to pay rises as number of customers
rises. - More than one part of the network is used by each
customer at any one time.
48A Star Network
e.g. B does not link to C directly
49A Long Distance Network
50Virtual networks have a common technical
platform. e.g. Razors and blades.
There is a distinction between one-way and
two-way networks
51Strategic choices available in network structures.
- Prices charged to end consumers.
- Charge customers to send or receive data.
- Charge for technology to access to network?
- Two part pricing of the above.
- Price discrimination among customers.
- Intertemporal pricing to foster network
expansion. - Types of services offered to customers.
- Prices charged to rivals for access to own
network. - Technical standards employed.
- Compatiability or engage in a standards war.
- Protection of intellectual property.
52Some practical questions that follow from this
- How to price internet services?
- Whether to give away internet software?
- How to price roaming charges on cell phones?
- How to price razor blades?
- Whether to introduce a blade that is compatiable
with existing razor? - How to price an improved version of Excel?
53Which of Porters five forces are affected by the
characteristics of network industries?
54Implications for market outcomes in network
- Over time, large differences in market share and
performance are possible in markets where firms
were initially pretty equal - small differences can matter a lot and path
dependence. - Large networks can generate substantial barriers
to entry and the appearance of large profits. - Concentrated market outcomes are not necessarily
to the detriment of consumers. - In the limit monopoly may be most efficient.
- Bottlenecks can emergegenerating market power.
- One standard may eventually dominate another even
though initially they had the same market
sharecritical role of customer expectations.
55Public policy questions raised by network
- Sectoral regulation
- Pricing access to networks.
- Prices to final consumers.
- Regulation of investment decisions and entry.
- Standard setting.
- Competition law.
- Abuse of dominance.
- Pricing (including predatory pricing).
- Use of standards.
- Barriers to entry.
- Merger review.
- Barriers to entry.
56Perils of applying traditional static efficiency
criteria to analysing markets.
- What is the correct marginal cost to use?
- Especially if there is learning-by-doing.
- Firms setting prices below current marginal
costs. - What happens when the marginal cost is zero?
- Financing of investment.
- Rapid technical change suggests that competition
is often for the market and not in the market. - But for analysis.
- Emphasis on counterfactual.
- Dynamic efficiency considerations taken into
57Summary remarks on competition in network
- Key feature of these markets increasing returns
to consumption. - Need to understand the form the increasing
returns takes. - Networks differ in structurecreating different
potential strategic choices. - Market outcomes are subject to much more path
dependence small differences can really matter. - Large size is not necessarily associated with
much market power. - But control of access to the network and
proprietary technology can be important sources
of market power. - Competition can be for the market as well as in
the market.
58Regulation in Network Industries
- Changing nature of regulation in network
591980s and 1990s
- Shift from public ownership and public financing
of network infrastructure to private hands. - Many publicly owned firms were vertically
integratedbreak up different functions. e.g.
power generation, railways. - Publicly owned firms had universal service
mandates. - Fears about security of supply gave way to
optimism about incentives created by private
enterprise, especially cost control. - Government happy to see private sector bear
burden of investment. - Governments in Europe tended to choose
privatisation over concessions.
601980s and 1990s (2)
- Privatised firms were subject to strict
regulation. - Abandon rate-of-return regulation.
- Can you think of the incentives created by this
regulation? - Introduced fixed term price contracts, often with
RPI-X formulas. - Was an attempt to solve the long-standing natural
monopoly problem. - Can you think of the incentives created by this
regulation? - Many firms introduced competitive tendering for
suppliers. - Competition from rival technologies, especially
relevant in telecommunications and entertainment.
611980s and 1990s (3)
- Two widely-acknowledged failures affected
regulation of network industries - Californian energy crisisreminded critics of
security of supply provisions. - Issue separation of production from supply
network. - British railwaysHatfield railway crash in
October 2000. - Attention on who is responsible for maintaining
the infrastructurewho invests and who pays for
maintainence. - Upgrades require slow train speeds for weeks.
- Both cases raise issues of coordination in
vertically integrated network industries.
62Regulating Telecoms in OECD nations
- Main findings of OECD June 2005 study (released
on 11 January 2006). - Responsibilites of regulators have tended to
expand as ministries have transferred powers to
them. - Several telecoms regulators have been merged with
broadcasting regulators. - Shift towards joint responsibility for sector
with competition agencies, sometimes with formal
cooperation mechanisms established. - Although seen by some as temporary institutions,
whose job would be over when competition reigned
in telecoms, sectoral regulators have survived. - Why? Foreberance and new technologies.
- Next generation networks expected to create
pressures for single regulatory regimes in
telecoms-related sectors.
63Characteristics of Telecoms regulators
- To whom does the regulator report?
- How is the regulator financed?
- Who appoints the head of the regulatory agency?
- How long a term does the head have?
- Can the head be dismissed?
- How are decisions made within the regulator?
- Which bodies, if any, can overturn the decisions
of the regulator? - What do the answers to these questions imply
about the form that independence of a regulator
takes? - Are their sub-national regulatory agencies in
64Relationship between telecoms regulator and
competition agency
- Shift since end 1990s away from sole, full
responsibility given to one agency to joint
responsibility for competition-related matters by
both agencies. - Not for regulators authorisation and licensing
functions. - Competiton agency can have parrallel powers (e.g.
UK). - Sometimes agencies enter into cooperation
agreeents to clarify areas of individual or joint
jurisdiction (e.g. Canada.) - Sectoral regulator reports cartel violations to
competition agency (e.g. Austria). - Sectoral regulator can issue opinions to
competition agency (e.g. Italy). - Sector regulator may seek opinion of competition
agency (e.g. Turkey). - Why does all of this matter for strategy
65Areas of potential dispute between regulators and
competition agencies
- Pricing interconnection.
- Rules on price competition, especially rules
against lower prices beyond a certain level. - Mergers and acquisitions.
- Conditions imposed on new entrants.
- Forebearance of anti-competitive practices so as
to meet a social regulation. - e.g. unfunded universal service requirement.
- Even where the competition agency does not have
formal powers it may engage in advocacy to
those that do. - Regulatory capture may not be enough!
66Regulation in Network Industries
- Business strategy and regulation in network
67Firms in network industries need integrated
- Such firms operate simultaneously in a market
environment (think Porters 5 forces) and a
non-market environment (made up of non-commercial
actors.) - The non-market environment can be just as much as
a threat to firm profitability as any of the five
forces. - David Baron argues that firms need integrated
(that is, coherent) strategies in the market and
non-market environment so as to protect against
threats to profitability. - He adapted Porters five forces approach to
include the non-market environment. - Lets do that here in the context of regulation
of network industries.
68Businesses operate in two environments
69Examples of non-market strategies.
- Two main objectives creating and exploiting
opportunities and countering threats. - Create opportunities for selfopening foreign
markets. - Alter rivals current opportunitiesraising
rivals costs through impact of differential
regulation. - Block rivals opportunities altogetheropposing
rivals MA plans. - Reducing threats from rivalsblocking entry by
imports, patents. - Reducing threats from the stateself regulation
in financial services. - Mitigating threatsstate bail outs and insurance.
- Creating threats and uncertaintythreatening
legal action.
70Firms develop strategies for the market and
non-market sphere.
- Need not involve a change in the objectives of
the firm. - Effective strategy formation involves
- Identifying the relevant 4Is and 5 forces.
- Identifying a set of strategic options which may
have market and non-market components. - Anticipating strategies of actors in market and
non-market environment. - Given 1-4, evaluating strategic options decision
and coherence in both spheres. - Implementationconsideration of resources
required. - Mitigation of risks.
- Evaluation of prior decision. Start of feedback
71Important characteristics of non-market
- Appropriability Are the gains from pursuing
non-market strategy only appropriated by those
firms pursuing such strategies? If not, what are
the implications for the desirability of a
non-market strategy? - Collective versus individual action Would
collective action be preferable to individual
approaches? - Sustainability. What are the sources of
distinctivethat is, hard to copy yet
effectivenon-market strategy? Can non-market
strategy be a source of long term competitive
advantage? - Reversibility Does precedent matter? Can a
particular strategy be reversed? If not, does it
72Regulation in Network Industries
- Case study on Regulatory Games in Utility Markets
73Notes on case study (1)
74Notes on case study (2)
75Concluding remarks.
- Corporate strategy tools can be adapted to the
special circumstances of network industries. - Those characteristics include
- Increasing returns to consumptionor how
networks create value! - Generates mutiple pricing opportunities.
- Control over access to network.
- Choices concerning standards adopted
(compatiability, and intellectual property.) - Competition is often for the market, not in the
76Concluding remarks (2)
- Concentrated market outcomes is often the
resultprompting calls for government
intervention. - Plus there is legacy of government regulation in
many sectors. - Regulation calls for integrated strategies by
firms to take account of the non-market
environment. - Critical to understand which regulators matter,
how they make decisions, on what basis, and who
they talk to. - Regulators are often deeply influenced by
national bureaucratic traditions. - Dont make assumptions about due process and
procedural fairness. - Effective non-market strategy typically requires
distinct resources and capabilities to implement.