Title: Developing an Internship at Your Agency
1Developing an Internship at Your Agency
- WSU Social Work Department
- Cathy Jo Faruque, Ph.D., LICSW, DAPA
- Field Director
2What Types of Internships Are Available
- We have approximately
- 200 students per year
- that complete an internship
- in the Social Work major.
- Field Experience is a internship
- for students who are interested
- in majoring in Social Work.
- Every student interested in
- Social Work as a major must take
- one 3 credit field experience in their
- sophomore or junior year as a
- pre-requisite to entering the major.
- The field experience is for 120 hours
- approximately 8 hours a week for 15 weeks.
3Available Internships, Continued
- Summer placements are
- for 10 weeks (June-August)
- approximately 12 hours per
- week.
- Students may opt to take
- an additional 120 hour field
- experience course as an elective.
- This internship is to provide
- students with an exposure to
- social services. The students have
- not completed skills courses as of
- yet and as such, should not practice
- social work.
- Refer to the Field Experience manual
- for in-depth information on this process.
4Available Internships, Continued
- Practicum is a senior
- level internship for 480
- hours. This is a full time,
- block placement the
- student works 32 hours
- a week for 15 weeks.
- Practicum is a requirement
- to graduate with a degree in
- Social Work. The student must
- be prepared to engage in
- entry-level generalist social work practice.
5Available Internships, Continued
- Students must have all
- university coursework
- completed to the satisfaction
- of the university and social work
- department prior to entering the
- Practicum internship.
- Students in practicum must be
- provided with weekly supervision
- from a BSW or MSW.
- Students complete a Seminar
- course in conjunction with Practicum
- and are expected to engage in research
- while in the Practicum setting.
- Refer to the Practicum Manual for
- in-depth information on this process.
6Letting Students Know About Your Agency and
Internship Opportunities
- Contact the Field Director,
- Cathy Jo Faruque _at_
- cfaruque_at_winona.edu or
- 507-457-5374.
- Please be prepared to provide
- the following information
- Name, address, phone, email
- of agency. Name of contact person
- and his/her credentials. Brief
- description of agency and a brief
- description of the students responsibilities.
- Students interested in Field Experience
- must meet with the Field Director the
- semester prior to entering the internship.
- Students interested in Practicum must
- take a 4 credit course entitled Practicum
- Preparation, prior to entering the internship.
7How Students Select an Internship Site
- Students interested in Field
- Experience are given information
- on the agencies where this type
- of internship may be available.
- Students are able to meet with
- agencies and secure internships
- of this nature with minimal direction
- or supervision from the Field Director.
- Students interested in Practicum are
- given information on agencies where
- an internship of this type may be available.
- The students in Practicum Preparation
- must chose at least three agencies to
- explore and learn about prior to
- attempting to secure a placement.
8Seeking an Internship, Continued
- Students interested in Field
- Experience must secure a
- signed placement memo
- (refer to the Field Experience
- Manual) and submit this to the
- Field Director along with an
- application.
- The decision to accept or decline
- a student for Field Experience rests
- solely on the discretion of the Agency
- Field Instructor.
- Based on course space, students are
- granted the opportunity to enroll in Field
- Experience. Space is limited and some
- students may have to wait for another
- semester prior to taking the course.
9Seeking an Internship, Continued
- Students interested in
- Practicum must meet with
- the Field Director and/or
- Practicum Preparation Professor
- to discuss possible placement sites.
- Students are granted permission
- by the Field Director to contact
- agencies to pursue an interview.
- The interview doesnt guarantee
- the student will have a placement
- at that agency, only the opportunity
- to compete for an internship. The
- decision to accept or not accept a
- student as an intern rest solely in the
- hands of the Agency Field Supervisor.
10Seeking an Internship, Continued
- If accepted for a Practicum,
- the student would then secure
- a signed placement memo
- in effect an agreement between
- student, agency field supervisor,
- and the social work department that
- the student will complete the
- internship during a stated period
- of time at the agency.
- Students in Practicum Preparation are
- required to meet with the agency field
- supervisor at least 10 to 15 hours the
- semester prior to entering practicum as
- an orientation and preparation for the
11Community Service
- We work with over 100
- social service agencies
- in Minnesota and Wisconsin.
- We place approximately
- 125 students in Field
- Experience every academic
- year (Fall, Spring, Summer).
- We place approximately 75
- students in Practicum every
- academic year (Fall, Spring, Summer).
12Community Service Continued
- Our students provide
- some 50,000 hours of
- service to social service
- agencies through these
- internship opportunities.
- These hours of service
- equal 24 full time staff hours
- to the agencies who open their
- doors to our social work students!