Title: Introduction to the CNS
1Introduction to the CNS
- http//biosingularity.wordpress.com/2007/05/07/neu
rons-and-how-they-work-animation - http//www.healthscout.com/animation/68/10/main.ht
2Neurotransmitters found in the CNS
3Its a balancing act!!
- Current models of CNS diseases often attribute
the physiological cause of the disease to an
imbalance of neurotransmitters.
- All ACh receptors in the CNS are nicotinergic.
The stimulating effect of nicotine is due to the
influence of these receptors.
- Acetylcholine is transmitted within cholinergic
pathways that are concentrated mainly in specific
regions of the brainstem and are thought to be
involved in cognitive functions, especially
memory. Severe damage to these pathways is the
probable cause of Alzheimers disease.
- http//highered.mcgraw-hill.com/sites/0072495855/s
7- See Patrick Chapter 19, pt. 1
8Alzheimers Disease
- Alzheimers Disease (AD) is characterized by an
increasing impairment of cognitive abilities. - AD is the most common cause of senile dementia
(dementia decline in cognitive abilities beyond
what is expected by normal aging)
9Stages of Alzheimers Disease
- Predementia Short term memory loss and inability
to acquire new information - Early dementia Shrinking vocabulary and
increased problems with complex tasks - Moderate dementia Extreme difficulty finding
words. Long term memory is affected. - Advanced Human behavior becomes automatic.
Nearly all language is lost. Patients cannot
perform even the most simple tasks, including
feeding oneself. Death frequently results from
pneumonia or infection (approx. 6-12 yrs after
- Little is known about the causes of AD
- There has been some success in linking AD to
certain genes.
- There is no cure for AD
- There are a few drugs available that can help
moderate some of the symptoms - There is no evidence that these drugs slow the
progression of the disease
12- http//www.healthscout.com/animation/68/7/main.htm
13Physiology of AD
- Amyloid plaques interfere with the normal
transmission of nerve impulses within the brain
and destroy other brain cells located in their
same vicinity. - Neurofibrillary tangles cause a collapse of the
molecular skeletons that neurons rely on not just
for structure but also for the transport of
nutrients from the body of the cell to theaxons.
This process not only disrupts the ability of
neurons to communicate with one another but also
eventually causes them to starve to death as
vital nutrients cease to get distributed
throughout the entire cell.
14(No Transcript)
15- Amyloid precursor protein (APP) is a large
nerve-protecting protein that is the source of
beta amyloid. In Alzheimer's certain enzymes,
particularly those called gamma-secretases, snip
APP into beta amyloid pieces. This process is
controlled by factors called presenilin proteins.
(Genetic abnormalities that affect either APP or
presenilin proteins occur in some inherited cases
of early-onset Alzheimer's.) - High levels of beta amyloid are associated with
reduced levels of the neurotransmitter
acetylcholine. (Neurotransmitters are chemical
messengers in the brain.) Acetylcholine is part
of the cholinergic system, which is essential for
memory and learning and is progressively
destroyed in Alzheimer's disease.
16Drugs to Treat ADInhibitors of
Donezepril (Aricept)
Galantamine (Razadyne, Razadyne ER, Reminyl,
Rivastigmine (Exelon)
17Drugs to Treat ADNMDA receptor antagonist
Memantine (Axura and Akatinol Namenda Ebixa
and Abixa Memox)
NMDA N-methyl-D-aspartate This drug interferes
with the action of the neurotransmitter glutamate
in the CNS
18N-Methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA)
L-Glutamic Acid
- Memantine is a low affinity uncompetitive
antagonist of the glutaminergic NMDA receptors. - By binding and inhibiting these receptors,
Memantine is believed to alleviate a process
known as excitotoxicity, which is believed to be
involved in Alzheimers Disease.
- Most cell bodies of noradrenergic neurons are in
the locus coeruleus, a center in the brain stem.
These neurons send their axons to the limbic
system (appetite inhibition), the subcortical
centers and the cerebral cortex (arousal).
- Noradrenaline is classed as a monoamine
neurotransmitter and noradrenergic neuron are
found in the locus coeruleus, the pons and the
reticular formation in the brain. These neurons
provide projections to the cortex, hippocampus,
thalamus and midbrain.
- The release of noradrenaline tends to increase
the level of excitatory activity within the
brain, and noradrenergic pathways are thought to
be particularly involved in the control of
functions such as attention and arousal.
22Locus ceruleus
- The Locus ceruleus, also spelled locus caeruleus
or locus coeruleus (Latin for 'the blue spot'),
is a nucleus in the brain stem responsible for
physiological responses to stress and panic.The
locus ceruleus (or "LC") is located within the
dorsal wall of the upper pons, under the
cerebellum in the caudal midbrain, surrounded by
the fourth ventricle. This nucleus is one of the
main sources of norepinephrine in the brain, and
is composed of mostly medium-sized neurons.
Melanin granules inside the LC contribute to its
blue color it is thereby also known as the
nucleus pigmentosus pontis, meaning "heavily
pigmented nucleus of the pons".
23Locus ceruleus
26- Dopamine is also classed as a monoamine
neurotransmitter and is concentrated in very
specific groups of neurons collectively called
the basal ganglia. Dopaminergic neurons are
widely distributed throughout the brain in three
important dopamine systems (pathways) the
nigrostriatal, mesocorticolimbic, and the
tuberohypophyseal pathways. A decreased brain
dopamine concentration is a contributing factor
in Parkinson?s disease, while an increase in
dopamine concentration has a role in the
development of schizophrenia.
27Biosynthesis of Epinephrine
28- Although dopamine is synthesized by only several
hundred thousand cells, it fulfils an exceedingly
important role in the higher parts of the CNS.
These dopaminergic neurons can be divided into
three subgroups with different functions. The
first group regulates movements a deficit of
dopamine in this (nigrostriatal) system causes
Parkinson's disease which is characterized by
trembling, stiffness and other motor disorders,
while in the later phases dementia can also set
in. ?The second group, the mesolimbic, has a
function in regulating emotional behavior. The
third group, the mesocortical, projects only to
the prefrontal cortex. This area of cortex is
involved with various cognitive functions,
memory, behavioral planning and abstract
thinking, as well as in emotional aspects,
especially in relation to stress. The earlier
mentioned reward system is part of this last
system. ?The nucleus accumbens is an important
intermediate station here. Disorders in the
latter two systems are associated with
29Dopamine and Parkinsons Disease
- In patients with Parkinsons disease, there is
disease or degeneration of the so-called basal
ganglia in the deeper grey matter of the brain,
particularly of that part known as the substantia
30Parkinsons Disease
- The substantia nigra, which connects with the
striatum (caudate nucleus and globus pallidus),
contains black pigmented cells and, in normal
individuals, produces a number of chemical
transmitters, the most important of which is
dopamine. Transmitters are chemicals that
transmit, that is, pass on, a message from one
cell to the next, either stimulating or
inhibiting the function concerned it is like
electricity being the transmitter of sound waves
in the radio. Other transmitters include
serotonin, somatostatin and noradrenaline. In
Parkinson?s disease, the basal ganglia cells
produce less dopamine, which is needed to
transmit vital messages to other parts of the
brain, and to the spinal cord, nerves and muscles.
31In Parkinsons disease, there is degeneration of
the substantia nigra which produces the chemical
dopamine deep inside the brain