Title: Hillsdale High Schools small learning communities provide a dynamic
1- Florence Kyoto Marrakech Cusco Jakarta
Hillsdale High Schools small learning
communities provide a dynamic educational
environment that challenge every individual to
learn and grow. Among our cornerstones are
2Will the school I am considering
- Know me/my child?
- Help fulfill my childs potential?
- Understand the educational requirements of our
ever-changing global economy?
31. Know me/my child?
- Smaller Learning Communities (SLCs)
- 9th grade class of approx. 300 is divided into 3
groups of 100 each (Marrakech, Florence, Kyoto) - Each group of 100 is assigned to 4 core
teachers/advisors who work with the students over
two years (English, Social Sci, Math, Science) - All students are assigned to rigorous classes and
personally supported - All teaching teams collaborate daily
42. Help fulfill my childs potential?
- Hillsdales Rigorous Academic Program
- All students in Biology and Algebra (at least!)
in the 9th grade - AP Calculus (AB BC), English (Lang. Lit.),
US History, Government, Biology, Chemistry,
Physics, Enviro. Science, Spanish, Chinese, Music
Theory - College Courses on campus Psychology, Business,
Business Law, Ceramics, Statistics, American Sign
Language, Music (12 total) - Elective Extra-curricular Opportunities
5What is Hillsdales interpretation of Academic
- Hillsdales Unique Approach
- Benchmark Assessments
- Project-Based Assessments
- Senior Exhibition/Senior Portfolio
- College Readiness
- Our concern is what students LEARN,
- Not just what teachers TEACH
6(No Transcript)
7(No Transcript)
8(No Transcript)
9Sample College Acceptances for SLC
GraduatesClasses of 2007 and 2008
- Stanford Yale Cornell Duke
- Brown Loyola (LMU) USC
- UoP PugetSound LewisClark
- SantaClara Whitworth ArizonaState
- St.Marys Baird Chapman Biola
- Pepperdine CaliforniaLutheran USF
- as well as ALL UC and CSU campuses, including
- CAL, UCLA, UCI, UCSD, CalPoly,...
103. Understand the educational requirements of our
ever-changing global economy?
- Did you know of College Graduates in 2006
- USA 1.3million India3.1million
China3.3million - By 2016, China will be the largest
English-speaking nation in the world - U.S. Department of Labor estimates that
- ½ of all current workers have been with their
current employer less than 5 years - The average worker entering the workforce today
will have 10-14 different jobs by the time he or
she is age 38
11Hillsdales Vision for Students
- ALL students must graduate both College and
Work-place Ready - 11th and 12th grade years must begin to bring the
community in and take the student out college
courses, internships, digital portfolios - ALL students must be mentored and guided by at
least one adult who knows them well
12- In the years of our SRNs partnership,
Hillsdale has designed and implemented Smaller
Learning Communities that have the potential to
significantly address issues of educational
equity and serve as a model for conversion
schools across the country. - Their implementation plan is a blueprint for
more powerful teaching and learning. - Dr. Linda Darling-Hammond
- -Education Policy Advisor to President Obama
- -Founding Executive Director of the National
- Commission for Teaching and America's Future
- -Founder and Co-Director of Stanford
Universitys - School Redesign Network (SRN)
- -Professor of Education, Author
13- Florence Kyoto Marrakech Cusco Jakarta
Hillsdale High Schools small learning
communities provide a dynamic educational
environment that challenge every individual to
learn and grow. Among our cornerstones are