- Anita T. Gliniecki, President
- Housatonic Community College
- February 2008
2Statistical Reality
Nationally, 600,000 college students drop out or
fail out of college annually. Nationally, 40
require remediation upon entering college. It now
takes an average of 6 years to receive a 4-year
degree. The research shows that with a more
direct relationship with local post secondary
institutions, high school students will be able
to better judge their readiness for college.
( Conley, DavidT. College Knowledge What It
Really Takes for Students to Succeed and What We
Can Do To Get Them Ready. 2005)
4Cost of Higher Education Full time Tuition and
Fees per Year
- HCC 2828.
- CT State University 8400.
- Private University 31,450.
- Eligibility for Federal Financial Aid
- Adjusted Gross Income - 20,000 per year
- 2007-2008
- multiple variable formula for AGI calculation
5HCC Service Region
- Eleven Town Service Area
- Ansonia Bridgeport
- Derby Easton
- Fairfield Milford
- Monroe Seymour
- Shelton Stratford
- Trumbull
- HCCs Regional Economic Impact
- 179,000,000
6HCC Vital Statistics
- Fall 2007 Student Population 4,475
- Women 65
- Men 35
- Average Age 28
- Annual 8,757 per year
7HCC Vital Statistics
8Geographic Distribution of Housatonic Students
- Bridgeport
- Easton
- Fairfield
- Milford
- Monroe
- Stratford
- Trumbull
- Valley
- Ansonia, Derby, Seymour, Shelton
- Other
- Total
- 46.8
- .06
- 4.3
- 6.8
- 3.4
- 12.1
- 5.7
- 11.3
- 8.8
- 100.00
9HCC Findings
- HCC study conducted as part of national
initiative, Achieving the Dream, a Nellie Mae and
Lumina Foundation funded project - Longitudinal Analysis of access, course success
rates and persistence in college from 2002 to
2006 - Course success is defined as a grade of C or
10HCC Findings
- 80 of new students are placed in at least one
developmental course - Math is the greatest barrier to persistence and
degree attainment - As age of students has declined, the success rate
in all courses has declined - The least successful students are those aged
15-19, recent high school graduates
11HCC Response to Student Needs
- Financial Support
- 56 to 70 of students receive Federal Financial
Aid but need for developmental courses may
consume student's eligibility - Emergency bus tokens and bookstore vouchers by
Dean of Students - Emergency loans through HCC Foundation
- Major Gift Campaign Initiative
12HCC Response to Student Needs
- Achieving the Dream
- Development of Open Entry/Open Exit Classroom for
Math Instruction - Expand Middle College Pilot Project
- Increase Student Engagement /Student Support
13HCC Response to Student Needs
- Open Entry / Open Exit Math Program
- Computer based with instructor and tutor in
classroom with students - Competency based course progression only with
mastery at 80 for ALL math concepts - Time per math concept - individualized
14HCC Response to Student Needs
- Middle College Pilot Program
- Partnership with Bassick, Harding and Central
High Schools - High School seniors completing either math or
English course - Goal to close gap between high school and college
expectations - Goal to provide bridge for high school seniors
15HCC Response to Student Needs
- Increase Student Engagement /Student Support
Activities - Mentoring
- Tutoring
- Career Development
16HCC Response to Student Needs
- Increase capacity to serve students
- Fall 2008, open new facility, Beacon Hall
- 174,500 new and renovated space
- 30 classrooms, all media rich
- 10 computer labs
- 500 seat event center
- Continuing Education seminar rooms and classrooms
- Expanded space for display of HCC Museum of Art
17Housatonic Community Colleges Expansion