Title: Coordinating Education for Citizenship
1Co-ordinating Education for Citizenship
Ollie Bray PT Curriculum Citizenship Values
2In simple terms
- Its just a word!
- That means nothing to most people!
3The National Priorities in Education
- Achievement and Attainment
- Framework for Learning
- Inclusion and Equality
- Values and Citizenship
- Learning for Life
4Petronius Arbiter (AD 60)
- I was to learn later in life that we tend to
meet any new situation by re-organising and a
wonderful method it can be for creating the
illusion of progress while producing confusion,
inefficiency, and demoralisation.
5In simple terms
- Its just a word!
- That means nothing to most people!
6Citizenship education includes (1)
- Understanding how the lives of young people in
Scotland are linked to those of people throughout
the world. - The interconnectedness and interdependence of
modern living. - The development of critical understanding of the
economic, cultural, political and environmental
contexts in which we live.
7Global education includes (2)
- Empowering young people to take control of their
own lives rather than becoming victims of change. - Encouraging young people to work towards a more
sustainable world.
8Why is it important?
- Education for citizenship is important because
every society needs people to contribute
effectively, in a variety of ways, to the future
health and wellbeing of communities and the
environment, locally, nationally and globally. - Adapted from Education for Citizenship in
Scotland A paper for Discussion and Development
9What should education for citizenship seek to
- Education for citizenship should aim to develop
capability for thoughtful and responsible
participation in political, economical, social
and cultural life.
Knowledge and understanding
Values and dispositions
Skill and competencies
Creativity and enterprise
10We have been doing that for years!
11Voting in General Elections
12Obesity in Scotland
- Reinforce what we are already doing.
- Work together to reinforce what we are already
doing (cross-curricular projects?). - Remember what we should be doing.
- Re-define and up-date what we are already doing.
- Lead by example.
14Re-defining literacy
- From www.dictionary.com
- The condition and quality of being literate,
especially the ability to read and write. - The condition or quality of being knowledgeable
in a particular subject or field cultural
literacy, computer literacy.
15 16Using real and relevant data
17The player
How much did this player earn today?
This player earned around 1400 today for kicking
this ball. (He scored a goal, with great skill)
18The football
The football was sewn by Omar with great skill.
He works in this stitching centre.
How old do you think Omar is?
How much did her get paid to make the football?
21Where does Omar live?
The produce 35 million footballs a year.
75 of the world footballs are made in this area.
23Secondary School Education?
24(No Transcript)
25(No Transcript)
2690 of children in P2 will enter careers that do
not exist at the moment.
27Whole School Initiatives
Business and Enterprise
Technology and ICT
Social Subjects
Expressive Arts
Social Education
Science and Managing Environmental Resources
28How do you create relevant secondary curriculum
enriched with citizenship?
- Decide what's important
- introduce it into the compulsory curriculum
- recognise and reward students for achieving this
part of the curriculum - Introduce whole school cross curricular
29The Curriculum Audit
Business Education
Modern Studies
30The Citizenship Audit
- Meet with departments
- Complete pro-forma
- Compile findings
- Review results
31Citizenship_at_Knox Academy
32Cross Curricular Projects
- Eco-Schools
- Youth Parliament
- Charities Partnership
- Activities Week
- Enterprise
- Outdoor Education
- Student Council
- Staff / Student Initiatives
- Parent Training Events
- Meaningful Student Information Seminars
- Community Service / Volunteer Placement
33Eco Schools
- The creation of a more sustainable school
- Introduction of recycling initiatives
Paper Aluminium Clothing Steel - Plastic
34Library Recycling Centre
- Ink cartridges
- Greetings cards
- Mobile phones
- Household batteries
35Yellow Pages
36Greetings Cards
37Mobile Phones
- Why
- batteries explode in landfill sites
- parts can be toxic.
- Pupils collect phones
- Ask parents/ friends/ relatives /neighbours
- Pupils get prizes
- The more phones you collect the bigger the prize
- School gets money
- 500 for 200 phones
38Transport Audit
- Whole school surveyed on-line
- Results will be used to compile school travel
plan and to campaign for secure cycle facilities.
39Energy Conservation
- Computers, printers and televisions marked with
40New for 2005
41Eco Code of Conduct
- Turn off the lights when leaving a room to save
electricity. - Make sure computers are turned off at the mains
to save electricity. - Turn off TVs at the mains to save electricity.
- Shut the door when leaving a room to keep in
heat. - Ensure that the windows are securely closed to
avoid heat loss. - Close all blinds and curtains to keep in heat.
- Recycle paper in the recycle bin provided.
42Youth Parliament
- Linked with Haddington Youth Parliament
43Question Time
44Video Debate
- MSP school visit
- Visit to the Scottish Parliament
- 14 minute debate
- 6 minute First Ministers Question Time
45European Eco-Parliament
- National Competition
- 10 delegates from UK go to Berlin to produce and
present White Paper to the European Youth
46Outdoor Education
- Trips to the theatre, musicals, Filmhouse
- Inter-school sports
- S1 taster OE weekends
- S2 John Muir Award
- Opportunities through activities week
- Duke of Edinburgh Award
- S5 Winter skills weekend
- S6 Staff/Student teambuilding weekend
- Overseas expeditions
47Young Enterprise
- 2 companies 2003/2004
- 3 companies 2004/2005
- Scotlands first Youth Co-operative
48Parents Training Event
- What do we know already? Globingo get to know
each other activity. - Mr Peanut (part 1)
- Fascinating facts?
- Mr Peanut (part 2)
- International trade game
- Mr Peanut (part 3)
- What is Fairtrade?
- Mr Peanut (part 4)
- Summary
49Students Training Event
50School Council
- Elected by other students
- Regular meetings of whole school council and
sub-groups - Training provided
51Charity Partnerships
- International School Charity
- Local School Charity
- National Events
52Volunteering (1)
- Compulsory in S6
- Introduced to S2 and S3 Activities Week
- Duke of Edinburgh and John Muir Award
- Links to East Lothian Volunteers Centre and
Millennium Volunteers
53Volunteering (2)
- Volunteer work is something a person does in
their own time, without pay or compulsion, and
which is for the benefit of the community, the
environment and other people. - It is a very powerful expression of active
citizenship or social enterprise and demonstrates
high levels of individual engagement with a local
54All learners in S1 to S6
- Introduction to Volunteering
- Linked to Social Education
- 6 Year Programme
55Open to volunteers from S2 and S3
- Introduction to Volunteering (follow-up)
- Volunteering Project in the Environment (John
Muir Award at Explorer level) - Team Building Programme (concentrating on
communication, verbal and written, planning
skills and games toolkit)
56Open to volunteers from S3 and S4
- As part of East Lothian Schools Pre-vocational
Enhanced Curriculum Programme (Working through
the Easter Term for 10 half-day sessions to
experience accredited courses of John Muir
Awards, at Explorer or Conserver levels, LINC
(Leadership in the Community) courses at 2
possible levels, introductory and level 2,
leading to NVQs, including communication, team
work/building, community toolkit) - Introduction to Volunteering (follow-up
accredited through Millennium Volunteers, with
possible residential experiences and Community
Projects) - All of the above will be delivered informally
through the Arts, Outdoor Pursuits and
Environmental Activities.
57Open to volunteers from S6
- Development of Community Service
- This element of the programme provides
opportunities for the practical application of
the participants citizenship and social
enterprise skills, developed through whole-school
experiences to date. - Sessions will include Introduction to
Volunteering (follow-up), training and advice on
community placement possibilities and
accreditation for all their volunteering
58Open to all volunteers
- Facilitation, advice and support for anyone
considering volunteering for an extended period
beyond school, before entering paid employment or
further study. (This will cover International
opportunities and those available through
Project Scotland, a fully accredited,
business-funded programme.)
- Deutshe Bank Spotlight Awards
- Giving Nation Awards
- Princess Diana Citizenship Awards
- Anne Frank Awards
- SCIAF Citizenship Awards
60Project Bids
- New Future Awards
- BT Citizenship Awards for Communication
- East Lothian Study Support
- Masterclass Funding
- Radio Forth Awards
61Short term goals
- Produce school citizenship policy
- Audit citizenship curriculum
- Create citizenship directory
- Develop the role of the school council
- Work towards eco-schools status
62Medium/Long term goals
- Implement recommendations of audit
- Share good practice with other education
institutes - Increase amount of cross-curricular projects
o_bray_at_knox.e-lothian.sch.uk olliebray_at_yahoo.com
www.nationalpriorities.org.uk www.ltscotland.com/c