Title: Technology for Results
1 Technology for Results
- The Fort Worth Experience
- Public Library Association 2006 National
Conference - Boston, Massachusetts
- Thursday, March 23
- Deborah C. Duke Collection Management
Administrator dduke_at_fortworthlibrary.org
2Fort Worth Public LibraryFacilities
- Central Library
- Built 1978, renovated 2000, tornado 2000
- Computer Lab for public and staff classes
- 3 meeting rooms, 4 study rooms, 1 auditorium
- 2 Regionals
- Opened 1987, 1996
- 24,500 sq ft
- Meeting Rooms, study rooms
3Fort Worth Public LibraryFacilities
- 10 Branches
- Average 7,400 square feet (2 _at_ 10,500)
- 2 have meeting rooms 1 has study room
- 1 in Community Center (moving 2006)
- 7 built in the 60s others 1982, 1989, and 2000
- 1 facelift in 2005, another in 2006
- Northwest Branch/Regional planned for 2008
- 2 Housing Community Satellites
4Fort Worth Public Library FY2006 Budget
- 15.6 million
- Staff 10,519,383 67.4
- Materials 2,207,236 14.14
- Technology 1,498,200 9.6
- Administrative 1,382,385 8.86
- No e-rate funds
5Fort Worth Public Library Staffing
- 250 FTEs
- 81 librarians
- 169 clerical staff and pages
- Training funds provided by the Friends of the
Fort Worth Public Library, Inc.
6Planning for Results
- Long Range Services Plan finalized late 2003
- Service Priorities
- Current Topics and Titles
- Lifelong Learning
- Information Literacy
- Funded in part by The Fort Worth Public Library
7Librarys Pre-2005 Technological Environment
- 5 Computer Services staff
- Of 535 PCs, 440 were
- Scrounged redeploys from other City departments
- More than 6 years old
- Windows 95
- (in)Secure
- PC configurations varied
- No centralized PC management
- Classic Dynix for almost 20 years
- Most staff only had Dynix e-mail
8Librarys Pre-2005 Technological Environment
- T1 central site connection to the Internet
- Fractional T1 connections to the branches
- All servers were at or past end-of-life
- Library website as brochure
- Library staff had no access to City network
- Library staffs technology skills were uhm
9Planning for Results 2003 Technology
- Upgrade and standardize the PCs
- Upgrade the network
- Get staff off Dynix e-mail
- Get staff onto the City network
- Overhaul PC/network management
- Overhaul the website
- Get a new ILS
- The Foundation agrees to pay half the costs of a
new ILS if City will commit to other half - ILS upgrade drives PC and network upgrades
- City agrees to provide PC/network funding in FY05
112005 FWPL (with Help from City IT)
- Selects and migrates to new ILS (Horizon)
- Installs 500 new PCs
- 3-year lease/replacement cycle
- Updated OS and MS software on City schedule
- Always under warranty
- Overhauls the network
- 10Mbps OPT-E-MAN central site connection to
Internet - T1s to branches
- Leased servers
- Security, SMS, security, security, security
- Puts library staff on City network
- Conducts staff technology skills assessment and
12Sad Reality
- All this work did not make FWPL cutting edge
- It merely positioned us well
132006 Time to Make a Technology Plan!
- Texas State Library requires Long Range Plan with
technology plan component for FY06 funding - City of Fort Worth ITS implements Technology
Planning Tool for city departments - Technology for Results just published
- Staff skills assessment already done
- Anticipating skills required for new ILS
- Established Windows competencies
- Assessors assessed all staff
- Mandatory classes for those who didnt pass
- MS Office/Internet competencies included in Staff
Internet/PC Policy - Equipment and network and ILS were new!
- Equipment inventory was fresh
15Technology for Results at FWPL
- Committee formed August 2005
- Library public service staff (4) (neither geeks
nor phobes) - Library Computer Services Manager
- Library Web Manager
- Library administrators (4)
- Representative from The Foundation
- Representative from the Library Advisory Board
- City ITS Library Business Planner and ITS
library liaison - North Texas Regional Library System (NTRLS)
Technology Consultant - 15 total
16Technology Plan Schedule
- Timeline
- Committee orientation late August 2005
- Final plan due mid-January 2006
- Committee took September off to read and gather
information - 2-hour, bi-weekly meetings started in October
- Holidays interfered
17Committee Orientation
- Reviewed Planning Process
- Distributed and discussed Technology for Results
- Discussed Business Imperatives
- Library Business Plan Performance Indicators
- Long Range Services Plan Service Priorities
- Mandates (legal, City Council, ILS upgrade, etc.)
- Summarized Librarys technological environment
before and after 2005 - Established Anticipated Results
18Anticipated Results
- Determine relation of existing technology-supporte
d services (TSSs) to Library Service Priorities,
Business Plan, business functions - Identification of new TSSs that would support
Service Priorities, Business Plan, business
functions - Plan, timeline, cost estimates for new services
- Inventory of current hardware, software,
maintenance agreements - Plan, timeline, cost estimates to purchase,
replace, and/or upgrade hardware and software
19More Anticipated Results
- Process and procedure for identifying,
evaluating, introducing, supporting, and
maintaining new TSSs - Timeline and metrics for re-evaluating the
librarys Technology Plan, including customer
response and needs assessment - Strengthening relationship between library
Computer Services and CFW ITS - Coordination with the City of Fort Worths
Technology Strategic Plan - Identification of training needs for existing and
new services plan for same
20Gathering Information
- Polled all library staff for ideas on new TSSs
- Administrators, NTRLS rep, and City IT staff
provided ideas (library and other world) and
explanations - List of possible TSSs from ILS consultant
- Committee did not do lots of additional reading
or research (this time)
21Technology for ResultsSeven Workforms
- 2 Equipment and Services Inventory
- Equipment, Number, Public or Administrative
Function, Service Delivered - 3 Strategic Plan Links
- Services link to Service Priorities
- Sustain, Expand, Phase Out
- 4 Administrative Tools
- Sustain, Expand, Phase Out
- 5 New Public Service Support Projects
- Strategic Plan Objective, Relation to Target
Audience, Relation to Intended Results, Appeal - 9 and 10 Costs and Requirements
- 12 Project Time Estimates (step by step)
22into One Big Spreadsheet a.k.a. The
- The Service or Process itself
- Existing or New
- Keep, drop, changechange how?
- Public or Staff/Administrative support
- Business Imperative
- Cost Estimate
- Impact on IT/Computer Services staff time
23The Sifter
- Staff training required
- Impact on other staff time
- Relation to Library Business Plan Performance
Targets - Used instead of Relation to Target Audience
- Audience appeal
- Total Score
- Year to Implement
- Notes
24Scoring Values Business Imperative for Service
- Council Mandate 1
- City Manager Mandate 1
- Current Topics and Titles 1
- Lifelong Learning 2
- Information Literacy 3
- More than 1 Service Priority 1
- Running the Library Good RLG
25Scoring Values Service Cost Estimate
- Less than 3,000 1
- Charge it!
- Less than 24,999 2
- Get 3 quotes
- Over 25,000 3
- Requires Council Approval
- Over 100,000 4
26Scoring ValuesImpact on IT Staff Time
- Little 1
- Nominal research/planning
- Installation takes few hours, or involves
few sites or few staff - Few kinks requires little additional tending
- Moderate 2
- Research/planning takes several days, several
Library and City staff - Installation takes several hours at multiple
sites - Kinks worked out in a few weeks ongoing upkeep
worked into routine daily operations
27Scoring ValuesImpact on IT Staff Time
- Lots 3
- Planning takes days/months, involves multiple
Library and City staff - May require bids, Council approval, etc.
- May require work with outside agencies such as
State Library - Installation takes more than 3 hours at multiple
sites, and/or multiple days at central site may
take months to work out all the kinks - Maintenance may require significant change to IT
staff work schedule ongoing attention
required--may or may not actually save staff time
28Scoring ValuesStaff Training Needs
- Little 1
- Just turn it on, or, few staff
- Moderate 2
- Up to ½ day for many staff
- Lots 3
- Full day for many staff
29Scoring Values Impact on Other Staff Time
- Little 1
- Staff can use it with little-to-no additional
tending - Product will in fact save staff time
- OR
- A few staff will be affected a lot
- Moderate 2
- Ongoing use will be a daily factor, but not
burdensome - May require routine customer assistance
- May or may not save staff time elsewhere
- Lots 3
- Ongoing use will involve significant addition to
staff workload
30Scoring Values Relation to Performance Targets
- FY2006 Library Business Plan Performance Targets
- Visits 2,510,300
- Circulation 4,931,400
- Web visits 1,512,900
- Program attendance 190,800
- New library cards 33,300
- High 1 Moderate 2 Low
3 - Not used for Running the Library Goods
- (Oops! So, why did we install all those
public PCs?!!)
31Scoring Values Audience Appeal
- Love it 1
- Like it 2
- Wont care 3
- Not used for Running the Library Goods
32Identifying Existing Public and Staff TSSs
- One meeting to brainstorm/flipchart existing TSSs
- Existing services dumped into The Sifter
- One meeting to
- Determine their relation to Business Imperatives
- Decide whether to keep, drop, or change
33Identifying New Public and Staff TSSs
- One meeting to brainstorm new TSSs
- New services dumped into The Sifter
- One meeting to determine new TSSs relation to
Business Imperatives - Five meetings to score existing and new services
- Scores totaled and services ranked
- One meeting to decide which year to implement (or
34The Sifter
- 65 existing services identified
- 19 Multiple Service Priorities
- 42 RLGs
- 1 Legal mandate
- 3 Irrelevant and removed (e.g. security cases)
- FWPL had very little tech fat
- 25 to sustain
- 34 to change/improve
- 3 to phase out 1 added back
35The Sifter
- 64 new services identified
- 13 Current Topics and Titles
- 4 Lifelong Learning
- 4 Information Literacy
- 6 Multiple Service Priorities
- 7 Mandates
- 15 RLGs
- 1 completed
- 14 eliminated (e.g. flat-screen TVs, filters,
public fax)
36Public TSS Examples
37Other TSS Examples
38Taking Control of The Sifter
- Moved eliminated and sustained existing TSSs to
other Excel workbooks - Ranked expanded existing and new TSSs scores
low-to-high - Looked at costs, staff time, mandates
- Which low scorers seemed silly? Which high
scorers were necessary? - Assigned low-cost and necessary high-cost
services to FY06 or FY07 - Eliminated or deferred most very high scorers
39FY2006 PlanPublic(x ) out of 7 (lowest score)
- Assisted listening devices and ADA compliant
public workstations (mandate) - PC Reservation/Print Management (new ILS)
- Self-charge/checkout stations _at_ 3 4 locations
(new ILS) - Seminary Branch facelift (10)
- Branch relocation (mandate)
- Summer Reader software (9)
- Self-service holds pickup (6)
- Library blog for RA, other library info (10)
- Online signup for classes (10)
40FY2006 PlanRLGs(x) out of 4 (lowest score)
- Website Content Management System (City mandate)
- Public PC recovery and history cleaner software
(6) - Formalized structure for requesting additional
staff software (4) - Staff MS training e-mail, calendar sharing (4)
- Turn on Horizon booking module for
rooms/equipment (4) - Begin planning for Horizon upgrade (12)
41FY2007 PlanPublic(x ) out of 7 (lowest score)
- Downloadable audio books (12)
- Data projectors and laptops for meeting rooms (9)
- Wireless for public (15)
- Additional public PCs (12)
- Phones (11) and Internet access (9) in meeting
rooms ( - Payment by credit/debit cards (10)
- Digital archives (16)
42FY2007 PlanRLGs(x) out of 4 (lowest score)
- Staff training MS Office Internal Document
Control (4) - Promotional video for library (5)
- Library use mapping software (8)
- Online forms (9) and passworded digital
signatures (5) - New gate counters (3)
- New staff phones, rational distribution (9)
- RFIDre-evaluate (14)
43FY2008 Plan for Sure
- Replace 500 leased PCs (11)
- 3-year leases expire
- Start planning network upgrade (12)
- Open new branch (mandate)
44FY2008 Plan Maybe
- Downloadable e-books and videos (12)
- Microform reader/printers with e-mailing
capabilities (12) - Software license management system (7)
- Digitization collaboration with area libraries
(12) - Replace Horizon and network servers (not ranked)
45Re-Evaluate in FY2008
- RFID (again) (14)
- MP3 players for checkout (13)
- Laptops for in-house checkout (17)
- Web-authoring tools for public use (19)
- Digital media production for public use (19)
- Videoconferencing (14)
46On Perpetual Hold
- Checkpoint security installed at remaining
branches (FY2010) (6) - Internet Café (14)
- Although if someone gives us the ...
- Staff wireless access (13)
- Insurmountable City security issues
- VOIP and security monitoring (9)
- Depends on Citys timetable
- Selling USB sticks to public (not scored)
- Too expensive right now
47Off the Island
- Flat-screen TVs
- Videoconferencing capabilities on public PCs
- Public fax
- Internet filters
- Public scanners
- Games and gaming devices
- Edutainment CD-ROMs
- Public color photocopier
- Electronic kiosk marquee
- USB sticks to check out (??)
48Asset Inventory and Replacement Schedule
- Could have been a nightmare
- Easier for us because all our stuff is new
- Critical for long range budget planning
49Writing the Plan
- Not a history of technology in public libraries
- Recognize the committee
- Brief discussion of Anticipated Results
- Brief discussion of Business Imperatives
- List services and costs to implement each year
- Equipment inventory/replacement schedule
- Brief discussion of Sustaining
- Just do it (low /time costs) started this
year - FY2007 Budget and Business Plan planning began in
February - Cost estimates for FY07 projects
- Incorporate into FY07 Budget Request
- Time estimates for FY07 projects
- Incorporate into staffs FY07 work plans
- Technology Project Planning Checklist
- Who are the affected staff and are they in the
loop? - Is publicity sent out at least one month before?
- Are instructions ready, right, and
comprehensible? - Are policies and procedures in place?
- Have staff had opportunity for input and
questions? - Have staff had sufficient notice before work
begins? - Is work completed on schedule?
- Is it working right?
- Do staff know where to report problems and
- Committee will regroup quarterly
- Check progress
- Adjust plan
- Upcoming services included in each years budget
and work plans - Mechanism in place for gathering suggestions from
public and staff - Committee tasked with keeping up with developments
53Lessons Learned
- Reality most work happened during the meetings
- Probably missed something important
- Took longer to evaluate services than anticipated
- Tendency to bog down in implementation details
- Even the simplest ideas generated lots of
discussion - Steep learning curve
- Group tended to dismiss new ideas too quickly if
they were tired
54Lessons Learned
- Linking services to hardware was sometimes more
confusing than helpful - Relation to Target Audience all 2s no help
- Life interferes with going strictly by the
rankings - 129-item list just seemed unmanageable
- Should have attended more to IT best practices,
e.g. backup plan, inventory management system - Its OK not to be on the cutting edge
- Were off to a good start, considering where we
55Successes and Bonuses
- Educational experience for all
- Input from The Foundation and Board
- Process helped us make sound decisionseven if we
didnt stick to the numbers - Met all Anticipated Results
- Good discussion of Internet filters
- Shopping list for Foundation and Friends
- Sifter useful for other library decisions
- We have a technology plan!