Title: Protists Outline
1Protists - Outline
- Reading Chap. 28, Chap. 13 pp.234-239
- I. Introduction
- A. Diversity of life styles
- B. Functional classifications
- C. Kingdom Protista?
- II. Ecological importance
- III. Life cycles
- A. Meiosis and mitosis
- B. The three basic types
IV. Evolutionary history A. How did they
arise? B. How are they related to each other? C.
How are they related to plants and animals?
2I.A. Diversity of life styles
1. Size 2. Morphology 3. Motility 4. Energy
10 mm
6 orders of magnitude!
Filamentous (Golden algae)
Unicellular (Euglena)
Colonial (Volvox)
Multicellular (kelp)
6Energy source - photoautotrophs
7Energy source - heterotrophs
Particle feeder (Stentor)
Parasite (Trypanosoma)
Decomposer (slime mold Physarum)
Predator (Amoeba)
8I.B. Functional classifications
- Protozoans - animal like
- Algae - plant-like, i.e., photosynthetic
- - Eukaryotic photosynthetic organisms that are
not plants - Mix - simple to bizarre
- Dont necessarily relate to taxonomic
relationships and evolutionary history
9Mixotroph example - Euglena
10Bizarre example - Cellular slime mold
11I.C. Kingdom Protista?
Fig. 28.2
12Protists are not a natural group (clade)
- Whats a natural group?
- Monophyletic and not paraphyletic
- Protists are both polyphyletic and paraphyletic
- Any questions?
13Monophyletic vs. Polyphyletic
Fig. 25.9
14Whats paraphyletic?
Fig. 25.9
15II. Ecological importance
16Algae Base of the food chain
Starr, Fig. 37.3 - Antarctic food web
17Algae Eutrophication
18Algae Toxicity - red tides, Pfiesteria
19Algae Global Carbon Cycling
20Algae Useful products
21Algae Habitat
22Algae mutualisms
Corals (cnidarian dinoflagellate)
Lichens (fungus plus green algae)
23Protozoans Decomposition and nutrient cycling
24Protozoans Disease
Trypanosomas sleeping sickness
25Plasmodium malaria
Fig. 28.13
26III. Life cycles
- A. Meiosis and Mitosis the simple picture
- B. The three basic types
- 1. Gametic (animal-like)
- 2. Zygotic (fungus-like)
- 3. Sporic alternation of generations (plant-like)
27A. Meiosis and Mitosis The simple picture
- 1. Mitosis bottom line
- one cell --gt two identical cells
- same ploidy as parent cell
28A. Meiosis and Mitosis The simple picture
- 2. Meiosis bottom line
- One cell --gt four cells
- ploidy is one half that of the parent cell
- some mixing of chromosomes occurs - daughter
cells are not identical
29B. Life cycles the three basic types (draw)
301. Gametic (animal-like)
Fig. 13.5
Raven et al. 1999
312. Zygotic (fungus-like)
323. Sporic (plant-like)
Alternation of generations
333. Sporic variations
- a. Isomorphic
- b. Heteromorphic
- i. Gametophyte dominant
- ii. Sporophyte dominant
34IV. Evolutionary history
- A. How did eukaryotic protists arise?
- B. How are they related to each other?
- C. How are they related to higher plants?
35A. Endosymbiosis
Fig 28.4 Origin of early eukaryotes
36Secondary endosymbiosis
Fig. 28.5 Secondary endosymbiosis
37Secondary endosymbiosisCryptomonads
- Chlorophylls a and c - Phycobilins - otherwise
known only in red algae and cyano- bacteria
38Figs. 28.6 - LUCA
Figs. 28.7 - Multiple events
39B. Phylogeny
- How are they related to each other?
40A tentative phylogeny of the eukaryotes
- Points
- 1. Plant, animal, and fungal kingdoms are intact
- 2. Different main groupings of protists are often
considered to be kingdoms
Fig. 28.8
41A tentative phylogeny of the eukaryotes
- Points
- 3. Photosynthetic and non-photosynthetic phyla
are often more closely related to each other than
to other phyla of similar lifestyle. - 4. Many taxa are not included in this figure -
either not presented in the text or phylogeny is
still too tentative.
Fig. 28.8
42C. Evolution
- How are they related to higher plants and animals?
43Green algae and plants
- Algae are eukaryotic photosynthetic organisms
that are not plants. - So, what are the defining characteristics of
plants? - - Chlorophyll a and b
- - Starch as a storage polymer
- - Cell walls of cellulose (plus other polymers)
- - rosette cellulose synthesizing compounds
- - peroxisome enzymes
- - phragmoplast
44Charophyceans and plants
- Table
- Trait Charo Land plants