Title: Check 21: Back to the Future
1Check 21 Back to the Future
- Past
- Reflect on Correspondent Day 2004 Survey Results
- Where you thought you would be today
- Present
- Where you are today based on Correspondent Day
2005 Survey Results - Best case timeline example for implementing
imaging - Bankers Bank Check 21 Success to Date
- Check 21 Peer Group
- Where the industry is today
- Remote Deposit/Merchant Capture
- Future
- The Bankers Bank Solution
- Benefits of this solution to a Bankers Bank
- of banks imaging June 04 52
- of banks imaging June 05 67
- Do you currently truncate your customers checks?
(June 04) - 65 Yes
- What percentage of your customers still get paper
checks back? (June 05) - 0 55
- Between 11-50 16
- More than 50 18
- When do you plan to exchange imaged checks?
- 43 no plans
- 19 immediately
- 31 within 1-year
- When do you foresee sending an image cash letter
for deposit? - 2 within 3 months
- 12 within 6 months
- 33 within 1 year
- 15 within 2 years
- 38 not sure
- Are you planning to exchange imaged items with
any processor other than the Fed? - 62 No
- 5 Endpoint Exchange
- 15 Fiserv
- Are you planning to exchange your imaged cash
letter with anyone other than the Fed? - 55 No
- 3 Endpoint Exchange
- 12 Fiserv
- May 2005 Actual
- Approximately 850k/day
- Survey says today
- 74 receive less than 10/day
- 6 receive more than 10/day
- Lengthen business day to allow for later
deposits - 15 Yes
- 55 No
- 30 Maybe
9Best Case Imaging Implementation Timeline
10Bankers Bank Check 21 Success to Date
- Autosolution capable of sending/receiving Image
Cash Letter with the Fed 10/20/04 - First production Image Cash Letter to the Fed
through Autosolution 4/5/05 Community Bank of
Boone, IA - Subsequent banks that use Autosolution in lieu of
FedWeb to send Image Cash Letter reduces the
steps in their Fed test plan by 20 and shortens
the time by 11 days.
11Bankers Bank Check 21 Peer Group
- 21 bankers from Iowa and Wisconsin and a member
from the Federal Reserve Bank - Highlights of the committees accomplishments
- Image Vendor Comparison
- Image Vendor and Image Exchange Due Diligence
Check Lists - Remote Deposit Research
- Vendor Oversight Analysis
- Regulatory and Compliance Study
- Valuable discussions and information sharing
amongst banks and Bankers Bank providing
direction and clarity for our future product
12Where is the Industry today with Check 21?
- Federal Reserve Bank
- 850,000 images a day worth over 11 billion
dollars - Large National Banks
- Large Dollar Items as Images to the Fed
- Marketing Remote Deposit
- Mid-Size Banks
- Out of State Items sent as images
- In State Items as paper
- Smaller Community Banks
- Full image cash letter for deposit
- 3 community banks in Iowa sending full image cash
letter, several more testing.
- Pre-Check 21 Concerns
- Check 21 Warranties and Indemnities
- No known claims to date
- Cost of Substitute Checks
- Fed pricing not a big concern
- Current Concerns
- Image Quality Image Usability
- Duplicate Substitute Checks
14Remote Deposit
15Top Priorities for 2005
16Shift to Electronic Payments
- Since 1979, the U.S. has moved from paper-based
payments to an electronic payments-driven world
in 2003.
Share of Non-Cash Payment Transactions
ElectronicPayments 52
17The Remote Deposit Opportunity
18Traditional Deposit Problems
- Business Challenges
- Business make banking choices based on branch
location - Most businesses face challenges getting deposits
in before cutoff times - Financial Institution Challenges
- Expand footprint for business clients (3 Top
Priority for Community Banks 2005) - Increase core deposits to fund loan growth (4
Priority) - Fend off big bank competition offering remote
deposit services in your market (5 Priority)
19The Big-Bank Threat
- Remote deposit is an easy first step into the
imaging world. - NetBank, Bank of America, US Bank,Wells Fargo,
E-Trade, HSBC, and BBT are deploying remote
deposit services. - In 2005, Wachovia plans to market scanners
aggressively to customers outside its branch map. - Bank of Americas strategy is to convince its
corporate customers to close accounts at other
banks in areas where BofA has no branches.
20Remote Deposit Buzz vs. Reality
- Buzz
- End-to-end electronic processing
- Reality
- IRD (Replacement Documents)
- IRDs add cost to processing
- Most of the 125,000 image items at Wells Fargo
are converted to IRDs (Jeffery Kline, SVP) - 99 of the image items at BofA become substitute
checks (John Feldman, SVP) - So why is everyone running to Remote Deposit?
21In the beginning
- Check 21 legislation was initially viewed as an
operational cost reduction opportunity - The true battle is at the customers desktop!!!
- Initially, banks will realize higher processing
costs to offer Remote Deposit - Banks that move early into imaging are likely to
win over new business from slower-moving
competitors that stick to paper (Alenka Grealish,
Celent Communications) (2 Priority) - Theres a real gold mine in offering image
capture, since it will let big banks like Wells
Fargo eliminate geographic constraints and go
after regional or small businesses (Jeffery
Kline, SVP, Wells Fargo)
22Drop-Off vs. Courier vs. Remote
Comparative monthly costs for merchant (5 miles
frombranch) depositing 20 checks per weekday.
23Small vs. Large Business
- Small Business
- Best candidates for RD
- Cost per check highest
- Perfectly suited for Web Remote Deposit
- Need
- Easy solution
- Low cost
- Web RD could handle as many as 600 items per day
- Large Business
- Complex needs for RD
- Need to determine how they will process items
- Central Location
- Multiple Locations
- Desktop application for lrg. volume and
centralized processing - Web for multiple locations and distributed
24Case Study First Choice Bank
- 120MM Assets
- De novo 2002
- Highly competitive market over banked
- 49 banks present in town of 30,000
- Loan to Deposit Ratio over 95
- 6 loans funded through business deposits,
yearend 2005 goal is 12 - 30 business signup since Jan 28th
- 1.5 million dollars in deposits in a single day
- Remote Deposit addresses 4 of the top 5
Priorities for Community Banks - Helps you retain Core Deposits
- Expand footprint to attract new bus. cust.
- Develop new revenue (New Deposits, Fees)
- Increase productivity using Remote Deposit
- Strategic business opportunity
- Fend off the Big Bank threat
- Reduce your and your customers cost
26Eric DotsonVP ACH/Remote DepositGoldleaf
www.goldleaf.com PH (816) 880-9495 E-mail
27Future Bankers Bank Check 21 Solution
- Objective
- Provide a cost effective check image clearing
solution to our customers, building on existing
systems and the strength of our current customer
28Future Bankers Bank Check 21 Solution
- Our Research Shows
- 20 of your items are drawn on our other
customers. (On-we) - 12 of items are drawn on credit unions,
potentially processed by a common processor - National Correspondent Banks - 6 each
29Future Bankers Bank Check 21 Solution
Feds Image Clearing Prices for 2005
5 cents
1.5 cents
5 cents
3 cents
31Futureand how it works
- Today
- Send image files to Bankers Bank using
Autosolution - We forward those files onto the Fed
- Greatly Improved Availability (99 )
- Operational Efficiencies
- No more reliance on the courier
32Futureand how it works
- In the Future using the Bankers Bank Check 21
Solution - Send image files to Bankers Bank using
Autosolution - Prior to forwarding those files onto the Fed
- Pull out all items drawn on our other customers
- Clear those items for a much lower cost
- Send remaining items on to best clearing
33Benefits to You
- Lower clearing fees
- On-we Exchange
- Reduced Cash Letter Fees
- Volume discounts at the Fed
- One cent discount at 50,000 items/day
- Two cent discount at 100,000 items/day
- All adjustments and cash letter issues with the
Fed would be handled by Bankers Bank.
- Please visit the Check 21 resource center on the
Bankers Bank Web site for your Check 21