Title: From Multicultural Diversity to Mutual Respect
1FromMulticultural Diversityto Mutual Respect
2Maryville Middle School Maryville, Tennessee
3- Lisa R. McGinley
- Principal
- Bobbie V. Briggs
- Eighth Grade
- Language Arts Teacher
- Patti G. Clevenger
- Eighth Grade
- Social Studies Teacher
4 5Maryville City Schools Foundation Grant
- Topic Multicultural Diversity
- Student Interdisciplinary
- Projects
- Use of Funds
- LCD Projectors
- DVD/VHS players
- Computer Programs
- DVD/VHS tapes
6 7Diversity Training
- Teachers through In-service
- Students through social studies classes
8Adult Diversity Committee
- Members
- Teachers
- Parents
- Community
- Members
- Function
- Plan Diversity Day
9Student Diversity Committee
- Members
- Students elected from social studies classes.
- Function
- Plan Diversity Day
10What Happened NEXT!
11Student Produced Video
12Diversity Calendar
1/1/1892 Ellis Island opens
1/6 Armenian Christmas
Jan. 16-20 No Name-Calling Week
1/31/1919 Jackie Robinson born
13Guiding Principles
14Just for Today
- Â Just for Today.
- Watch a television program that may have a
particular ethnic group targeted as its audience. - Â I like to watch court TV shows. Today I
watched the judge. He was working to resolve two
different court cases. One case involved white
people. The plaintiff was accusing the defendant
of keying her car in a grocery store parking lot.
The other case involved black people. The
plaintiff was accusing the defendant of running
up a credit card bill that needed to be paid by
the defendant. In both cases, the plaintiffs
were upset with their former boyfriends, which
were the defendants. He treated both sets of
people about the same and with respect, but one
thing I noticed is that the judge spoke to the
white people and the black people differently.
The white people and the black people also spoke
to him differently. He did not seem to use the
same tone of voice or slang type words with the
white people as he did with the black people.
However, it did not seem to be wrong. It
appeared he understood the cultural and language
differences when speaking with the black people
and the white people. In the end, it appears he
spoke more formally with the white people and
more casually with the black people.
15Mix It Up at Lunch Day
- Students sat in different locations and met new
16Eighth Grade Interdisciplinary Project
Research Paper
Diversity Research Product
Brochure Video PowerPoint
Presentation Web Site
Scrapbook Collection of Poems Art
Work Newsletter Childrens Book
Six Sources 60 Notecards Title Page Outline 3-5
pages-Body of Paper Works Cited Page
17From Cultural Pizza
Family Roots
Traditions Family
Family Activities
18To Cultural Puzzle
19Student Respect Committee
- Develop
- Student
- Respect
- Policy
- Students
- added to Adult Diversity Committee.
- From Student Diversity Committee to
- Student Respect Committee
21School Climate
- This program was one of the influences in our
school which led to the reduction of student
discipline referrals.
22Diversity Day to Diversity Week
23(No Transcript)
24Where Are We Now?
25Project Wisdom
26Home/School Connection
27Harassment Contract
28Seventh Grade Interdisciplinary Project
People of Purpose
Men and women who have made a difference
Thomas A. Edison
Juliette Gordon Low
Colin Powell
Abigail Adams
Eunice Shriver
29Where Are We Going?
30The Student Respect Committee will develop a
Rights and Responsibilities Guidebook
31When Are We Going to End ? We are NOT!
- The future
- is
- limited
- only by the
- imagination
- of
- our students
- and
- teachers.
32Contact Information
- Maryville Middle School
- 805 Montvale Station Rd.
- Maryville, TN 37803
- 865-983-2070
- Website http//www.maryvillecityschools.k12.tn.us
/middle - Email mms_at_ci.maryville.tn.us
33Presenters Contact Information
Lisa McGinley mcginleyl_at_ci.maryville.tn.us Bobbi
e Briggs briggsb_at_ci.maryville.tn.us Patti
Clevenger clevengep_at_ci.maryville.tn.us
Just for Today Ollie
Malone, Jr., Ph.D Project Wisdom
www.projectwisdom.com International Center for
Leadership in Education Dr.
Willard Daggett The Teachers Calendar