Title: Dont miss the point'
1Dont miss the point.
- Teach good design skills
- Teach good presentation skills
- Powerpoint is only a visual aid
2Design Tips for PowerPoint
- 1st Backgrounds Templates
- Best fonts
- Bullets 6 is max
- Content is king!
- Words on a slide 25 or less
- Images key
- Content and layout provided by Professor Keri
Stephens, University of Texas
3Pick a good template
- Match the mood
- Look professional
- Dont get the blues
- medium blues
- navy blue OK
- Content and layout provided by Professor Keri
Stephens, University of Texas
4Bluesy templates yikes!
Lock key
Content and layout provided by Professor Keri
Stephens, University of Texas
5Use high contrast colors
Content and layout provided by Professor Keri
Stephens, University of Texas
6Why high-contrast?
- Your PC screen is hi-res
- everything looks great
- dont trust it!
- big displays wash out colors
- always TEST on final equipment
- alter templates defaults as needed
- Content and layout provided by Professor Keri
Stephens, University of Texas
7See for yourself
- Which line is easier to read?
- Which line is easier to read?
Which line is easier to read? Which line is
easier to read?
Content and layout provided by Professor Keri
Stephens, University of Texas
8Which is easier to read?
Once upon a time there lived a yellow bear named
Pooh. He had a cat named Tigger and a law degree
from Texas Tech. He was allergic to chocolate.
Once upon a time there lived a yellow bear named
Pooh. He had a cat named Tigger and a law degree
from Texas Tech. He was allergic to chocolate.
- Content and layout provided by Professor Keri
Stephens, University of Texas
9Be font savvy
- Sans serif good
- Arial
- Arial Black
- Futura
- Tahoma
- Serif bad
- Times New Roman
- New York
- Courier
Content and layout provided by Professor Keri
Stephens, University of Texas
10Dont waste bullets
- use
- no
- more
- than
- 6
- in a list
Content and layout provided by Professor Keri
Stephens, University of Texas
11Observe the limit
More looksbusy
words per slidemax
Content and layout provided by Professor Keri
Stephens, University of Texas
12Content is King!
- Single phrases
- Short lists
- Questions for audience
- Quotes
- Photographs
- Video
- Words in the PowerPoint are talking points and
headings only. Do not read PowerPoint aloud
during your demonstration.
Content and layout provided by Professor Keri
Stephens, University of Texas
13Avoid death by cheese
- Weird sound effects
- Most transitions
- Flying text
- Strange animations
- Bad clip-art
Content and layout provided by Professor Keri
Stephens, University of Texas
14Clip-art Hall of Shame
Content and layout provided by Professor Keri
Stephens, University of Texas
15PowerPoint rules
No more than one graphic image per slide. Make it
Content and layout provided by Professor Keri
Stephens, University of Texas
- Use quality graphics
- MSN Images or Google Images
- Remember citations