Title: You Dont Need A Title To Be A Leader
1You Dont Need A Title To Be A Leader
- Marc Borenstein, MD, FACEP, FACP
- Chairman and Residency Program Director
- Newark Beth Israel Medical Center
- St. Barnabas Health Care System
2Why Pursue Leadership?
- Get paid the big bucks?
- Less clinical time?
- Prestige?
- Big office?
- Fancy title?
3Why Pursue Leadership?
- Be in charge?
- Get everyone to head in your direction?
- Get anyone to head in your direction?
- Get everyone to change direction?
- Get anyone to change direction?
- Crazy?
4What Is Leadership?
- Someone who has followers
- Peter Drucker
- Leadership is influence
- John Maxwell
- Knowing yourself, having a vision that is
well-communicated, building trust amongst
colleagues - Warren Bennis
5What Is Leadership?
- A person who can persuade people to do what they
dont want to do, or what theyre too lazy to do
and like it - Harry S. Truman
6What Is Leadership?
- Go to the people, start with what they have,
build on what they know, and of the best of
leaders the people will say, we have done it
ourselves - Lao Tse
7What Is Leadership?
- Authority or power over others?
- Telling people to do their job
- Influencing others?
- Getting people to do their job
- Getting people to do your job
8What Is Leadership?
- Authority and power
- Quality of force, requirement, or intimidation
- Organizational and/or role hierarchy
9What Is Leadership?
- Influencing others
- Power without apparent force
- Insincere, disingenuous
- Promoting ones agenda or hidden agenda
10What Is Leadership?
- Directing and showing others what to do?
- Managing outcomes?
11What Is Leadership?
- Leadership ? Management
- Describing leadership ? Creating leadership
- ? Being a leader
12How is Leadership Communicated?
- How am I experienced by others?
- Being v. Doing
- Were aware of what were doing
- Other people are aware of who were being
13How is Leadership Communicated?
- Experiential qualities of life
- Satisfaction, fulfillment, purpose
- Affected by context and being
- Hospitals have a task-oriented culture
- Training in what to do v. how to be
14Why Pursue Leadership?
- You have a commitment
- You have a mission
- Your voice and contribution matter
15Why Pursue Leadership?
- Leadership creates the leverage needed to move
the world - Emergency physicians work in complex
organizational structure
16The Power of Leverage
- 1 EM physician provides care to 3000
patients/year - Graduate 10 EM residents/year 30,000 patients
- 25 year career/graduate 750,000 patients
- 10 year RPD career 7,500,000 patients
17The Power of Leverage
- Never doubt that a small, group of thoughtful,
committed citizens can change the world. Indeed,
it is the only thing that ever has - Margaret Mead
18Start From Where You Are Right Now
- Invent a purposeful context for what you are
already doing - Create mission and vision statements that
articulate that purposeful context for you and
what is possible for others
19Start From Where You Are Right Now
- Be sure your mission and vision are in alignment
with your ED and institutional mission and vision - Create a bold statement
20Why Invent a Purposeful Context?
- The story of the stone cutters
21Qualities of a Purposeful Context
- Must excite you
- Inclusive
- Leave others with the possibility of
participation in and contribution to something
bigger than the individual
22Qualities of a Purposeful Context
- If your actions inspire others to dream more,
learn more, do more, and become more, you are a
leader - John Quincy Adams
- If you want money for people with minds that
hate.brother youll have to wait - John Lennon
- To provide dignity, compassion and enhance the
well-being of each and every person - To have people leave with an experience of being
- To create a ED that will serve as a model for
whats possible for people a safe haven where
excellent emergency care is delivered with
compassion, timeliness, and a driving sense of
honoring the individual
25Vision/Mission NBIMC
- Personal attention notable for its warmth and
sincerity and inspired by a sympathetic
recognition of the human element is the powerful
but gentle handmaiden of science employed by
doctors, nurses, and attendants at Beth Israel
Hospital. Patients are people, not cases at this
hospital.they are men, women, and children,
human beings, and are treated as such
26Vision/Mission NBIMC
- The value of the human touch as a power for
healing is never lost sight of at Beth Israel
27Create a Bold Statement
- The value of a bold statement
- A non-linear future not predicted by the past
- Simple, clear
- Immediately communicates to all
- Bold statements
- Coca-Cola
28Bold Statement
- Putting Newark on the Map!
29Are You Playing By Yourself?
- If youre working on a project you can accomplish
all by yourself its too small for who you are
and what you can contribute - At risk for resignation/burnout
30Are You Playing By Yourself?
- Symptoms
- Feeling bored, tired
- Not having much fun at work
- Same old, same old
- Been there, done that
31Are You Playing By Yourself?
- Solutions
- Reclaim your childhood vision/mission
- Invent a new vision/mission
- Consider taking a careful risk
32Are You Playing By Yourself?
- The important thing is this to be able at any
moment to sacrifice what we are for what we could
become - Charles Dubois
33Trying To Do It All By Yourself?
- Your working on a big project but have
insufficient time to get the job done and have a
life outside work - At risk for resentment/burnout
34Trying To Do It All By Yourself?
- The time you spend trying to do it all will be
taken at the expense of ones personal and family
35Trying To Do It All By Yourself?
- Symptoms
- Feeling angry
- Im working harder than they are
- No one around here cares as much as I do
- Tired/sleep deprived, working late at home
- Stress with spouse, family
- I need a time management class
36Leadership Reality 1
- There is insufficient time for you to get
everything done
37How Can I Get the Job Done?
38Leadership Reality 2
- All great projects require a team
- Many great projects are not accomplished in a
single lifetime
39Leadership Reality 3
- Trying to do it all yourself
- Compensation for a failure to provide leadership
- Reliance on skills you already have
- Staying within your comfort zone
40Leadership Effects
- Creates an environment of scholarly inquiry
- Divergent thinking
- Empowered by uncertainty
- Safety to ask and explore
41Leadership Effects
- Changes paradigms
- Creates and changes context
42Paradigm Shifts
- Expanding the world
- Bigger, better boats v. traveling to a new world
- Expanding the world of business
- watches v. measuring time v. fashion
43Leadership Requirements
- Discipline to articulate and sustain a vision and
sense of purpose - New and/or expanded non-intellectual skills and
responsibility -
44Leadership Requirements
- Effective and disciplined communication
- Ownership of outcomes and the experience of
others - Creative v. descriptive language
45Measurements of Leadership Effectiveness
- Amount of individual participation
- Number of teams taking action
- Quantity and quality of results produced by
others - Number of new leaders created
46Can It be Taught?
- I can teach my wait staff to set the table
correctly but I can not teach people to be
interested in how their behavior affects
others.Hire right - Danny Meyer
47Great Leaders
- Build great teams that produce extraordinary
results - Do not all employ the same style
- Utilize coaching and coaching structures
- Evangelistic
- Embrace change
48Great Leaders
- Understand the marketplace from outside-in
- Customer (patient) focused
- Understand the critical role of organizational
culture - Implement the best ideas regardless of origin
- Advance the leadership body of knowledge
49Keys to Leadership
- 1 Willingness to take ownership
- 2 Creating the future through language
- 3 Prioritizing choices and taking action
- 4 Thinking from abundance
50Keys To Leadership
- 5 Mining for the gold
- 6 Listening for ones vision in what others say
- 7 Embracing change
- 8 Incorporating renewal
- 9 Seeking the inner journey
51Leadership Continuum
- Leadership
- Participation
- Complaint
- Skepticism
- Resignation, apathy
- Cynicism, despair
- General competencies
- Communication and interpersonal skills
- Professionalism
53Components of Communication
- Speaking - Listening
- Thinking - Speaking - Hearing - Listening
54What is Communication Effectiveness?
- Having what I think I said
- what you think you heard
55Difficult People v. Difficult Airways
- Are you willing to settle for 67?
56Emotional Intelligence
- Self-awareness
- Self-regulation
- Motivation
- Empathy
- Social Skill
- Confidence
- Comfortable with divergent thinking, ambiguity
- Able to consider other points of view
- Accurate, realistic self-view
- Thirst for constructive critique
- Candor, without self-significance
- Self-deprecating sense of humor
- Reflective
- Not impulsive, reactive or emotionally driven
- Invites and considers all points of view before
taking action - Creates trustworthiness
- Builds integrity
- Innately driven to achieve
- Striving talents
- Strongly optimistic
- Organizational commitment
- Cultural sensitivity
- Appreciates and invites diversity
- Drives service to others
- Patient satisfaction
- Attraction/retention of talent
61Social Skills
- Talent for finding common ground
- Team-building
- Leading change
- Creating new and strengthening existing
relationships - Schmoozing
62Be A Coach For Others
- What is required for coaching?
- Commitment
- What creates mastery?
- Practice and training
63Be A Coach For Others
- What are characteristics of an effective coach?
- Remember the commitment
- Honor and interact based on the commitment
- See whats missing
- Acknowledgement
64Be A Coach For Others
- Know the rules for the game at work
- Play the game at work by the rules
- Know the outcomes that define winning
- Know the score
65Empower Others
- Dont offer agreement to complaints
- Find the commitment
- Move complaints to solutions
- Challenge people to put in whats missing
- Invite people work on what they love
66Giving Back/Generosity
- Annual hospital fundraiser
- Departmental gifts/activities
- Residency graduation
- Holiday parties, gifts
- Research/education fund
67Giving Back/Generosity
- Create an empowering context for some of you time
at work - Health fairs
- Community education
- Committees
- ED and non-ED conferences
68Practical Tips
- Schedule everything you intend to do
- Schedule time for yourself, family, and friends
- Frequently check your schedule with your family
- Head, heart, body Total well-being
- Schedule time for the mind, soul, and physical
69Practical Tips
- Learn to say no
- Empower and trust others to get the job done
- And let go
- Annual inventory of projects
- Give away the ones that no longer excite you,
create income, or forward your career
70Practical Tips
- Make requests
- Let people know that you need help
- Communicate breakdowns early
- Know whats expected of you
71In Conclusion
- This is the true joy of life, the being used
for a purpose recognized by yourself as a mighty
one the being a force of nature instead of a
feverish little clod of ailments and grievances
complaining that the world will not devote itself
to making you happy. - I am of the opinion that my life belongs to
the whole community and as long as I can live, it
72In Conclusion
- my privilege to do for it whatever I can.
- I want to be thoroughly used up when I
die.Life is no brief candle to me. It is a sort
of splendid torch which I have got hold of for
the moment, and I want to make it burn as
brightly as possible before handing it on to the
next generation. - George Bernard Shaw
- First, Break All the Rules. Buckingham M and
Coffman C. Simon Schuster, 1999. - Good to Great. Collins J. Harper Business, 2001.
- The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. Covey
SR. Simon Schuster, 1989. - Principle-centered Leadership. Covey SR. Simon
Schuster, 1991.
74Bibliography (contd)
- What the Best CEOs Know. Krames JA. McGraw Hill,
2003. - The Last Word on Power. Goss T. Doubleday, 1996.
- What They Dont Teach You At Harvard Business
School. McComack, M. Bantam Books, 1984.
75Bibliography (contd)
- Organizing Genius. Bennis W. Persius Books, 1997.
- Its Not How Good You Are, Its How Good You Want
To Be. Arden P. Phaidon, 2003. - The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership. Maxwell,
J. Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1998.
76Bibliography (contd)
- Harvard Business Review on What Makes a Great
Leader. Harvard Business School Press, 1998,
1999, 2000, 2001.