Title: Real World DSS POP Process Optimization
1Real World DSSPOP Process Optimization
- At IMERYS Sandersville, GA, U.S.A.-based Kaolin
Clay Processing Firm - Sandersville, GA The Kaolin Capital of the World
2Kaolin Clay
- Paint
- Wallpaper
- Countertops
- Paper and Cardboard Coating
- Sandpaper
- Aluminum Processing
- Ceramics
- Electricity Superconductors
- Stomach Upset Medication
3Kaolin Clay
- Billions of Dollars in the Worlds Economy
- Main Deposits are in
- Georgia to Alabama (U.S.A.)
- France
- Wales (U.K.)
- China
- Brazil
4Process Optimization / DSS
- Processing takes a number of steps
- Different steps for different final clays
- Can use different blends of crudes and recipes
for same final clays - Can adjust process rates, cuts, chemicals to
achieve similar results - Hundreds of mines
- 10s of crude clays to blend
- Hundreds of final products
- 4 plants (or so)
- Supply Chain Management
5Clay Processing Involves
- Mining and local shipping
- Bashing
- Grinding
- Separating (Centrifuge)
- Thickening
- Oxidizing
- Purifying
- Magnetizing (to pull impurities out)
- Heating
- Blending
- Drying or Evaporating
- Liquifying (Slurrying)
- Packaging (Bulk, Bags, Noodles, Slurry)
- Shipping to customers
- ERP/SAP/ Fails in the Process Industry
- Need an Enterprise DSS
- Communication within and across plant boundaries
is NOT enough - Must truly Optimize!
7POP (Process OPtimization)
- To determine optimal production at several plants
- To optimize crude blends, recipe blends, rates
and chemicals - TO MAXIMIZE NET PROFIT (not throughput)
- Annual, 6 Month, 3 Month, 1 Month, 2 Week, etc.
8POP (Process OPtimization)
- DSS in
- Microsoft Access to manage data, reports, queries
- Lingo Modeling Language The Linear Programming
Model - Model linked to database tables through _at_ODBC
9POP Development Process
- Formed a Team
- Invited a consultant in
- Got bad advice
- Invited another consultant in
- Got good advice
- He joined the team
- He did almost all of the Model development work
10The Team
- Consultant Linear Programming and MIS expert
- 2 Programmers
- Small Plant Manager (became team leader)
- Project Leader (left and came back)
- Accountant
- Team evolved as needed
- Deepstep Plant Manager
- Deepstep Plant Assistant Manager
- Mine Manager
- Production coordinator
- Others
12Rapid Prototyping Process - 1
- Consultant (and IS Specialists) had to learn how
clay was processed. - The Small Plant Manager knew how her plant
worked. We had much contact with other plant
managers. - Consultant had to learn how to develop a Lingo
Model. - Small Plant modeled after 8 Months.
- With one IS specialist, they developed the _at_ODBC
link between the model and database systems.
13Rapid Prototyping Process - 2
- Then Eureka Moment The model is a
near-generalized (multicommodity) network flow
problem. - The model fell out easily and the tables were
designed to match. - First big plant running after 3 more months
- Minor changes following November 1999.
- New plants added between then and Summer 2002.
14POP Model Structure
- Simple Processes
- Complex Processes
- Nodes
- Links
- Conversion Nodes
- Supply Nodes
- Demand Nodes
- Transshipment Nodes
- Proportion Constraints (2 Kinds)
15Pop Structure On Next Few PagesFor the Hydrous
(Deepstep) PlantDoes not IncludeCalcine
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21Sandgrinders Bank Simple
22Magnet Bank - Complex
23Birds - Complex
24Bays with Blends/Proportions
25POP (Process OPtimization)
- Demo of POP
- Modify the data tables
- Update Demands, Unit Revenue, Clay Costs, etc.
- Mega Users can update the process data
- Create a Case
- Run Case (Lingo)
- Lingo returns solution into POP database
- Can save case to compare to others
26POP Main Menu
27POP Reports Menu
28Chemical Use Report - 1
29Chemical Use Report - 2
30Utilization Chart
31Final Demand Report - 1
32Final Demand Report - 2
33Open Market Purchase Report
34Objective Report - 1
35Objective Report - 2
36Objective Report - 3
37Forecast Analysis By Product
38Forecast Analysis By Process
39Process Details
40Lingo With Model
41Pop Impacts (Highlights)
- In 1999 Correctly predicted the cost of a new
process because good cheap clays are being
replaced by not as good, expensive clays - Annual Model Increased profit by about U.S. 20
Million out of U.S. 180 Million by increasing
throughput - Correctly set blends, chemicals, etc. when moving
a major clay product to Deepstep. Determined how
the plant could massively increase throughput. - Used annually, quarterly, monthly, and biweekly
for planning
42Why Not Optimize?
- Managers incorrectly assume that communication
and collaboration equals optimization. - Business Schools have dropped Management Science
/ Operations Research courses and programs. - Math is hard!
- It is too hard to understand the system!
- It is too hard to understand the model!
- It is too hard to understand the solution
methods! - It is too hard to get someone to build such a
system! - Get Real!
43The Future
- Can use in (most) any process industry
- Clay Production
- Pharmaceuticals
- Chemical Processing
- Steel
- Others
- Can probably use in discrete parts industries.
- Can save millions of Dollars or Euros annually.
- Why not develop such systems?