Title: Blood Flow Regulation The Effects of Peripheral Vascular Disease
1Blood Flow Regulation The Effects of Peripheral
Vascular Disease
Jefferson C. Frisbee, Ph.D. Center for
Interdisciplinary Research in Cardiovascular
Sciences Robert C. Byrd Health Sciences
Center West Virginia University School of Medicine
2Overview of Presentation
- Basic Principles of Blood Flow Regulation
- Introduction of the Metabolic Syndrome
- Consequences for Vasculature and Perfusion
- Attempts at Amelioration
- The Brick Wall or The Challenge
- Philosophy
3Small Arteries/Arterioles are a Major Site of
4Control over Perfusion
- Intrinsic Control
- That which arises from within the vessels and
vascular networks (e.g., shear, myogenic,
conducted) - Allows for matching of delivery to demand (e.g.
active hyperemia) - Autoregulation
- Manifested by factors/stimuli acting on vascular
smooth muscle - Extrinsic Control
- That which arises from sources outside the
vessels or vascular networks (e.g., sympathetic,
parenchymal, humoral)
5Myogenic Activation - Concept
6Myogenic Activation - Pathways
7Locally Produced Vasodilators/Vasoconstrictors
- Metabolites derived from parenchymal cells
- linked to cellular metabolism
- sensitive to balance between O2 delivery and O2
Plays a central role in cardiovascular
homeostasis (1) physical permeability
barrier (2) site for metabolism of some
vasoactive substances (3) confers
anti-thrombogenic properties to the vessel
wall (4) releases paracrine and autocrine factors
that influence vascular tone vascular
permeability vascular growth and remodeling
9Flow-related shear stress
The effect of luminal flow on arteriolar diameter
is due to shear stress on the endothelium
Shear Stress the force acting on a surface in
a direction tangential To the endothelial surface
Shear rate the velocity gradient in a moving
Endothelial shear stress shear rate x blood
Endothelial cells
10Shear-induced release of vasoactive factors
11Gap Junction Channels Electrical Syncytium
Communication between and among VSM cells and
endothelial cells
12Apply vasoconstrictor
Conducted response
13- Gap-junction coupling among endothelial cells
- Gap junction proteins (connexins) are different
from those in vascular smooth muscle - May contribute to the longitudinal conduction of
some vasomotor responses along the vascular
network (simultaneous conduction through VSMC and
- Gap-junction coupling between VSM and endothelial
cells - Myoendothelial gap junctions ultrastructural
and electrophysiological evidence, but no
evidence for the presence of connexins at
endothelial-smooth muscle cell junctions. - The functional significance of myoendothelial
gap junctions is unclear
14The Metabolic Syndrome
A combined metabolic/cardiovascular disorder
reflecting the concomitant development of
multiple risk factors for negative cardiovascular
outcome. Obesity Hypertension Dyslipidemia
Type II DM/Insulin Resistance/Hyperglycemia Pro-t
hrombotic/Pro-inflammatory state
Significantly elevates the risk for development
of peripheral vascular disease
- Concentrated in the lower limbs (gt80 of cases)
- Localized in the microcirculation, not treatable
by angioplasty - Symptoms include
- Dynamic (spasm) and passive occlusion (lesions)
- Exertional limb pain and fatigue
- Chronic ischemia, pain at rest
15Todays Lucky Contestants
- Due to a dysfunctional leptin receptor gene,
resulting in chronic hyperphagia, OZR rapidly
develop insulin resistance/type II diabetes,
dyslipidemia, moderate hypertension and obesity
an excellent model of the metabolic syndrome. - The lean Zucker rat (LZR) is identical throughout
the genome with the consistent exception of the
leptin receptor gene, and is thus an appropriate
control animal for OZR.
16The Dogma of the Metabolic Syndrome
Progressive peripheral ischemia at rest and under
conditions of elevated metabolic demand The
result of an impaired dilator reactivity of the
peripheral resistance arterioles in response to
physiological stimuli.
17Impaired Arteriolar Responses to Some Dilator
18But certainly not all
19Effects of PEG-SOD on Arteriolar Reactivity
Increased vascular oxidative stress contributes
to an impaired skeletal muscle arteriolar
reactivity to select dilator stimuli in isolated
and in situ arterioles.
What does this mean for skeletal muscle perfusion?
20In situ Rat GPS Preparation
ODrobinak and Greene (1996)
Fatigue resistance and active hyperemia of in
situ skeletal muscle response to elevated
metabolic demand are impaired in OZR versus LZR.
21Effects of PEG-SOD Infusion (2,000 U/kg)
22Effects of PEG-SOD Infusion (2,000 U/kg)
Dogma fails us.
23- So, where does this leave us?
- Some indices of vessel dilator reactivity are
reduced, some are normal. Those that are down
can be restored with anti-oxidant treatment. - However, even though impaired dilator reactivity
is ameliorated, skeletal muscle perfusion is
still down.
24Another kick at it
- Why didnt anti-oxidant therapy work?
- Acute reduction of vascular oxidant stress only
(use chronic) - Severe levels of metabolic demand (use
incremental) - LZR/OZR on Tempol (1 mM, 5-6 weeks)
- 3 minute bouts of 1, 3, or 5 Hz twitch
25Chronic Tempol Improves Dilation to NO-dependent
Acetylcholine (10-6M)
26Tempol Improves Perfusion at Mid-High Metabolic
Demand Only
27- Chronic reductions in oxidant tone have no
identified beneficial effect on muscle perfusion
at rest or with mild elevations in metabolic
demand, where vasodilation should be most
sensitive to modulation.
- The benefit of improved oxidant tone occurs with
higher metabolic demand, where dilator influences
are more severe and vascular tone is minimized.
From a perfusion standpoint, what else becomes
increasingly consequential as metabolic demand
28Minimum Vascular Resistance
OZR have an increased resistance across a
maximally dilated microcirculation versus LZR
29Arteriolar Remodeling
Skeletal muscle arterioles of OZR are less
distensible versus LZR, contributing to an
increased resistance to perfusion via structural
narrowing of arterioles.
30Microvascular Rarefaction in Skeletal Muscle of
25 mmHg increase in MAP
Is this just hypertension-induced reduction in
31Microvessel Rarefaction at 11 weeks in OZR
Microvessel rarefaction precedes
hypertension. What if hypertension never
32Microvessel Rarefaction with Anti-Hypertensive
But neither hydralazine nor captopril are solely
anti-HT agents
33What is the real predictor of microvessel
Dogma fails us.
Hypertension, classically considered a strong
stimulus for MV rarefaction, is not a predictor
of reduced MVD in OZR. However, insulin
resistance does correlate well with SKM MVD.
34Vascular Nitric Oxide Bioavailability
LZR Control
Vascular Oxidant Stress
Allows for not only the assessment of potentially
ameliorative effects of reduced oxidant stress,
but also a separation of oxidant stress from
nitric oxide bioavailability.
OZR Control
35Improved MVD with Chronic NO Bioavailability, not
Skeletal muscle microvessel rarefaction in OZR
develops in response to chronic reductions in NO
bioavailability. The scavenging actions of ROS
merely represent one route through which this
36Experimental Protocol
- LZR and OZR _at_ 6-7 weeks of age Sedentary (cage
restricted) or Exercised (10 weeks of treadmill
exercise 1hr/d, 6d/wk, 22m/min) - Assessments of
- vascular structure/function
- microvessel density
- active hyperemia and minimum vascular resistance
- markers of inflammation
37Exercise Training Increased Vascular NO
Bioavailability and Microvessel Density
38Active Hyperemia and Minimum Vascular Resistance
were Improved with Exercise Training
39Correlations between MVD, Angiogenic Cytokines,
NO Bioavailability
40What have we learned about rarefaction in OZR?
- Elevated minimum vascular resistance and blunts
active hyperemia at moderate-high metabolic
demand - Develops independent of hypertension, more
accurately predicted by insulin resistance - Develops as a result of chronic reduction in
vascular NO bioavailability, elevated oxidant
stress is only a means to an end - Chronic exercise training will blunt severity of
rarefaction, effect correlated with improved NO
bioavailability and blunted inflammation (e.g.
MCP-1, IL-1b, TNF-a)
41Endothelial Dysfunction
Vascular NO Bioavailability
Arteriolar Mechanics
Adrenergic Tone
Oxidant Tone
Microvessel Density
Blood Viscosity