Title: Daphne Ang, M'D'
1General Principles of Microbial Pathogenesis
2Categories of Infectious Agents
- Prions
- Viruses
- Bacteriophages, Plasmids, Transposons
- Bacteria
- Chlamydiae, Rickettsiae, Mycoplasmas
- Fungi
- Protozoa
- Helminths
- Ectoparasites
- Abnormal forms of prion protein (PrP)
- PrP are normally found in neurons
- Abnormal PrP are protease-resistant PrP which
undergoes conformational change - Accumulation of abnormal PrP leads to neuronal
damage spongiform pathologic changes in the
brain - Spongiform encephalopathies kuru,
Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD), bovine
spongiform encephalopathy (BSE)/madcow disease
- Obligate intracellular parasites, depend on host
cells metabolic machinery for their replication - 20-300nm in size consists of nucleic acid genome
surrounded by a protein coat (capsid) sometimes
encased in a lipid membrane - Classified by their nucleic acid genome (DNA,
RNA, both), presence of lipid envelope, preferred
cell type for replication (tropism), type of
pathology (characteristic inclusion bodies)
5Bacteriophages, Plasmids, Transposons
- Mobile genetic elements that infect bacteria and
can indirectly cause human diseases by encoding
bacterial virulence factors (eg. Adhesins,
toxins, enzymes that confer antibiotic
- Prokaryotes have a cell membrane but lack
membrane-bound nuclei other membrane enclosed
organelles - Cell wall structures
- Gram (-) thin cell wall sandwiched between two
phospholipid bilayer membranes - Gram () thick cell wall surrounding the cell
membrane that retains crystal-violet stain
7(No Transcript)
- Classified by Gram staining (positive or
negative), shape (cocci, rods), form of
respiration (aerobic, anaerobic) - Some have flagella (for movement), pili (for
attachment to host), synthesize their own DNA,
RNA, protein - Most are extracellular, but can be intracellular
- Normal people are colonized by bacteria
- Skin (1012) S. epidermidis, Propionibacterium
acnes - Mouth (1010) Streptococcus mutans
- Colon (1014) 99 anaerobic, Bacteroides sp.
10Chlamydiae, Rickettsiae, Mycoplasmas
- Like bacteria but lack certain structures,
metabolic capabilities - Chlamydia Rickettsiae obligate intracellular
organism that replicate in membrane-bound
vacuoles in epithelial endothelial cells - Mycoplasma lack cell wall
- Eukaryotes that possess thick chitin-containing
cell walls, ergosterol-containing cell membranes.
- Hyphae (septate or aseptate), budding yeast cells
- Some exhibit thermal dimorphism (grow as hyphal
forms at room temperature but as yeast forms at
body temperature) - May produce sexual or asexual spores (conidia)
- May cause superficial (dermatophyte) and deep
infection - Superficial skin infection Tinea pedis (athlete
foot), tinea capitis (scalp ringworm) - Subcutaneous tissue infection, abscesses,
granulomas Sporotrichosis, tropical mycoses - Deep fungal infection Candida, Coccidiodides,
- Single-celled eukaryotes
- Intracellular replication
- Plasmodium in RBC
- Leishmania in macrophages
- Extracellular replication
- Intestinal protozoans Entamoeba histolytica,
Giardia lamblia - Blood-borne protozoa Plasmodium, Trypanosoma,
Leishmania - Trichomonas vaginalis in vagina and male urethra
- Toxoplasma gondii, acquired from oocyst shedding
kittens, undercooked meat
- Multicellular organisms, complex life cycle
(sexual reproduction in definitive host, asexual
multiplication in intermediary host/vector) - Adult worm in humans do not replicate (except
Strongyloides stercoralis), but generate eggs or
larvae - Consequences of lack of replication of adult
worms - Disease is caused by inflammatory responses to
eggs or larvae - Disease is in proportion to the number of
organisms that have infected the individual
- Insects (lice, bedbugs, fleas)
- Arachnids (mites, ticks, spiders)
- Produce disease by directly damaging host (cause
itching, excoriations) or indirectly by serving
as the vectors for transmission of infectious
agents (e.g. deer ticks, Borrelia burgdorferi,
transmits Lyme disease)
15Transmission and Dissemination of Microbes
- Host Barriers of Infection
- Spread and Dissemination of Microbes
- Release of Microbes from the Body
- Sexually Transmitted Infections
16Host Barriers to Infection
- Innate Immune response
- Exists before infection occurs
- Physical barriers to infection, phagocytic cells,
NK cells, plasma proteins (complement proteins,
cytokines, acute phase reactants) - Adaptive Immune response
- Stimulated by exposure to microbes and increase
in magnitude, speed effectiveness with
successive exposures to microbes - Mediated by T and B lymphocytes
17Host Barriers to Infection
- Skin
- Low pH and presence of fatty acids inhibit growth
of microorganisms - Most micoorganisms penetrate through breaks in
the skin, bites, burns, foot sores, animal bites - A few penetrates unbroken skin (dermatophytes,
Schistosoma larvae) - Gastrointestinal Tract
- Acidic gastric secretion
- Viscous mucous layer covering the gut
- Lytic pancreatic enzymes and bile detergents
- Mucosal anitimicrobial peptides (defensins)
- Normal flora
- Secreted IgA antibodies
18Host Barriers to Infection
- Gastrointestinal Tract (Mechanisms of
pathogenecity) - Enteropathogenic bacteria
- S. aureus release enterotoxins food poisioning
symptoms - V. cholerae, E. coli multiply in mucous layer
of gut and release exotoxins watery diarrhea - Shigella, Salmonella, Campylobacter - invade
damage intestinal mucosa and lamina propria
ulceration, inflammation, hemorrhage - S. Typhi passes from damage mucosa to peyer
patches to mesenteric lymph nodes into blood
stream systemic infection - Fungal infection
- Mainly in immunocompromised patients, eg Candida
- Intestinal protozoa
- Cysts (acid resistant) converts into trophozoites
in the gut attach to sugars on the intestinal
epithelia through surface lectins - Giardia lamblia attaches to epithelial brush
border - Cryptosporidia are taken up by enterocytes form
gametes and spores - E. histolytica contact-mediated cytolysis
ulcerates and invades mucosa - Intestinal helminths
- Ascaris lumbricoides obstructs and damage bile
ducts - Hookworms cause Fe deficiency anemia by sucking
blood from intestinal villi - Diphyllobothrium latum depletes host of vit B12
- Larvae of helminth parasites passes gut on their
way to another organ, eg. Trichinella spiralis
(muscle), Echinococcus (live,r lung)
19Host Barriers to Infection
- Respiratory Tract
- Mucociliary blanket smokers, CF, intubation
- Phagocytosis by alveolar macrophages (lt5um)
Mycobacterium tuberculosis - Influenza virus
- Hemagglutinin binds to sialic acid on
epithelial cells leading to viral entry and
replication within host cell - Neuraminidase cleaves sialic acid allows
virus to release from host cell - H. influenza, B. pertussis elaborate toxins
that paralyze mucosal cilia - S. pneumonia, S. aureus lacks adherence
factors, gains entry after viral infection - Urogenital Tract
- Infection via urethra, FgtM (shorter distance of
urinary bladder and skin) - Infection of the kidney is via retrograde
transmission - Vagina is normally protected from pathogens by
low pH (catabolism of glycogen in the normal
epithelium by lactobacilli) antibiotic treatment
cause increase susceptibility to infection
20Spread and Dissemination of Microbes
- Placental-fetal route of transmission
- Congenital rubella syphilis infection
21Release of Microbes from the Body
- Depending on location of infection
- Skin shedding
- Coughing, sneezing
- Voiding of urine or feces
- Insect vectors
- Human-human transmission
- Repiratory route
- Fecal-oral route
- Sexual route
- Animals to human transmission
- Invertebrate vectors
- Vertebrates
22Sexually Transmitted Infections
- Initial site of infection urethra, vagina,
cervix, rectum, oral pharynx - Person-person spread, maybe infectious in the
absence of symptoms - To reduce spread report to public health
authorities - General features
- Infection of one STI increases the risk for
additional STIs - Coinfection of Chlamydia and gonorrhea
- The microbes that cause STIs can be spread from a
pregnant woman to the fetus and cause severe
damage to the fetus
23How Microorganisms Cause Disease?
- They can contact or enter host cells and directly
cause cell death. - They may release toxins that kill cells at a
distance, release enzymes that degrade tissue
components, or damage blood vessels and cause
ischemic necrosis. - They can induce host cellular responses that,
although directed against the invader, cause
additional tissue damage, usually by
immune-mediated mechanisms.
24Mechanisms of Viral Injury
- Directly damage host cells by entering them and
replicating at the hosts expense - Tissue Tropism
- host cell receptors for the virus
- CXCR4 (on T cells), CCR5 (macrophages) HIV
gp120 - transcription factors that recognize viral
enhancer and promoter sequences - JC virus restricted to oligodendroglia
promoter/enhancer DNA sequences upstream from the
viral genes are only active in glial cells - anatomic barriers, local temperature, pH, and
host defenses - Enteroviruses replicate in intestine because they
are resistant to acids, bile, digestive enzymes - Rhinovirus replicate in URT because they survive
in lower temperature
25Mechanisms of Viral Injury
26Mechanisms of Bacterial Injury
- Bacterial adherence to host cells
- Ability to invade cells and tissue (virulence)
- Ability to deliver toxins
27Mechanisms of Bacterial Injury
- Bacterial adherence to host cells
- Adhesins
- Bacterial surface molecules that bind bacteria to
host cells - Fibrillae (Gram() bacteria are composed of
- Lipoteichoic acids
- Hydrophobic, bind to fibronectin surface of
buccal epithelial cells - M protein
- Prevents phagocytosis by host macrophages
- Non-fibrillar adhesins (protein F)
- Binds to fibronectin, helps evade immune response
by entering epithelial cells - Fimbriae/pili
- Filamentous proteins on surface of G(-) bacteria
- Determines the binding specificity of bacteria
- E coli (P pilus) binds to gal moiety expressed on
uroepithelial cells
28Mechanisms of Bacterial Injury
- Virulence of Intracellular Bacteria
- Intracellular growth allows the bacteria to
escape certain immune response (antibodies),
facilitates spread of the bacteria - Entrance to host
- M.tb activates alternative complement pathway
C3b (opsonization) which allows them to be
endocytosed into the macrophages - G(-) bacteria has projections that form pores in
host cell and injects proteins that mediate
cytoskeleton rearrangement facilitating bacterial
entry - Inside the Cell
- M.tb blocks fusion of lysosome with the phagosome
- L. monocytogenes produces a pore-forming protein
(listeriolysin O) phospholipase to degrade
phagosome membrane, allowing escape into the
cytoplasm - Shigella E. coli inhibit protein synthesis,
rapidly replicates and lyse the host cell within
6 hours
29Mechanisms of Bacterial Injury
- Bacterial Toxins
- Endotoxin LPS, large component of G(-) bacteria
- Long-chain fatty acid anchor (lipid A)
- Carbohydrate antigen (O antigen) used for
serotyping - Activates cytokine that enhance T-lymphocyte
activation - Also cause septic shock, DIC, ARDS through TNF,
IL-1, IL-12 - Enterotoxin released protein that cause
cellular injury - Enzymes (proteases, hyaluronidases, coagulases,
fibrinolysins) - S. aureus proteases cleaves proteins that
separates epidermal cells - A-B toxins (V. cholerae, B. anthracis, E. coli)
- B toxin for binding
- A toxin for enzymatic effect
- Neurotoxins (C. botulinum and tetani)
- Inhibit release of neurotransmitter resulting in
paralysis - Superantigens (S. aureus, S. pyogenes)
- Binds to conserved portions of T-cell receptor
that stimulates a large number of T lymphocytes
increased cytokines capillary lead and shock
30Immune Evasion By Microbes
- (1) remaining inaccessible to the host immune
system - (2) varying or shedding antigens
- (3) resisting innate immune defenses
(phagocytosis, complement system) - Resistance to cationic antimicrobial peptides
(defensins, cathelicidins, thrombocidins)
important initial defense - Carbohydrate capsule (H.influenza, S. pneumonia,
N. meningitidis) prevents phagocytosis - Replication within phagocytes (Mycobacteria,
Listeria, Legionella, C. neoformans, Leishmania,
Toxoplasma etc) - (4) preventing T-cell activation or impairing
effective T-cell antimicrobial response
31Spectrum of Inflammatory Responses to Infection
- Suppurative (Polymorphonuclear) Inflammation
- Characterized by leukocytic infiltrate,
neutrophils - mostly evoked by G() cocci G(-) rods
- Mononuclear and Granulomatous Inflammation
- Diffuse mononuclear infiltrate (lymphocytes,
plasma cells) - Common feature of chronic inflammatory processes
- Response to viruses, intracellular
bacteria/parasites, spirochetes, helminths - Granulomatous inflammation (M. tb, H. capsulatum,
Schistosoma) - Accumulation of activated macrophages
(epithelioid cells) which may form giant cells - Cytopathic-Cytoproliferative Inflammation
- Produced by viruses, characterized by cell
necrosis or proliferation with sparse inflmmatory
cells - Inclusion bodies (viral aggregates within cells)
e.g. CMV, herpes - Necrotizing Inflammation
- C. perfringens
- Extensive tissue destruction and necrosis
(gangrenous necrosis) - Chronic Inflammation and Scarring
- Final common pathyway of many infection, may lead
to healing or scarring
32Acute Inflammation
Granulomatous Inflammation
Viral Cytopathic change
Chronic Inflammation
Necrotizing Inflammation
33Viral Infection
34Measles (Rubeola)
- ssRNA virus Paramyxovirus
- Transmission respiratory droplet ? virus
multiplies in respiratory epithelium ? lymphoid
tissue, replicates in mononuclear cells ? spreads
by blood throughout body - Cough, coryza, conjunctivitis, photophobia
- Koplik spots (pathognomonic) ? maculopapular rash
from the ears down ? Giant cell Warthin-Finkeldy
cells (eosinophilic nuclear and cytoplasmic
inclusion bodies) - Rare complication subacute sclerosing
panencephalitis (chronic CNS degeneration) - Live vaccine (single strain)
Paramyxovirus Mumps, Measles, RSV, Parainfluenza
Measles giant cells with glassy eosinophilic
intranuclear inclusion
- ssRNA virus, Paramyxovirus family
- Transmission respiratory droplets ? lymph,
replicates in lymphocytes ? spread through blood
to glands - Parotitis
- Pancreatitis
- Orchitis in adult males (sterility caused by
scars and atrophy of the testis after resolution
of viral infection) - Meningoencephalitis (perivenous demyelination and
perivascular mononuclear cuffing) - Live vaccine reduced the incidence of mumps by
99 in USA
- Spherical unencapsulated RNA virus, Enterovirus
- Transmission fecal-oral route infects or
pharynx ? secreted to saliva ? swallowed and
multiplies in intestinal mucosa and l.n. ?
usually asymptomatic few percentage with fever
and poliomyelitis (viral damage of anterior motor
neurons/flaccid paralysis of lower limbs) - Three strains all of which is included in the
vaccine - Sabin (live/oral/best gut immunity)
- Salk (killed/injectable)
Enterovirus Coxsackievirus A, B Hepatitis A
39West Nile Virus
- Encapsulated ssRNA Flavivirus arthropod borne
virus - Africa, Middle East, Europe, SEA, Australia
- Asymptomatic, headache, myalgia, maculopapular
rash (half of cases), acute flaccid paralysis - Pathogenesis not clear
- Rare complication hepatitis, myocarditis,
40Viral Hemorrhagic Fevers
- Fever and hemorrhage, caused by enveloped
viruses arenaviruses, filoviruses,
bunyaviruses, flaviviruses - Transmission (not well understood) insect
bite/inhalation ? endothelial cell infection ?
platelet and endothelial dysfunction ? hemorrhage
and necrosis in multiple organs (liver necrosis,
41Herpes Simplex Virus 1 and 2
KSHV/HHV-8 Kaposi sarcoma
42Herpes Infection
Glassy intranuclear inclusion
- CMV binds to EGRF not known if the virus uses
this receptor to gain entry - Produces enlargement of infected cells ? large
intranuclear inclusion surrounded by a clear halo
owls eye - Dx morphologic alterations in tissue section,
viral culture, rising antiviral antibody titer,
detection of CMV antigens, qualitative or
quantitation PCR based detection of CMV DNA
45Varicella-Zoster Virus
- Asynchronous rash, chickenpox latent in dorsal
root ganglia ? shingles, herpes zoster in adults
(severe nerve pain) - Associated with Reyes syndrome (Children with
chickenpox treated with Aspirin) - Transmission similar to HSV , latent in dorsal
root ganglia, most frequent in trigeminal ganglia
(recurs only once, in elderly and
46HZV Infection
Inraepithelial vesicle ? Vesicular skin lesion
and Shingles in dermatome innervated by the
trigeminal ganglia ?
47Hepatitis B Virus
- Cause acute and chronic liver disease
- DNA virus (Hepadnavirus)
- Transmitted percutaneously (IV drug use, blood
transfusion), perinatally or sexually - Cellular injury occurs due to immune response to
infected liver cells - CTL response is a major determinant of whether a
person clears the virus or becomes a chronic
carrier - Chronic hepatitis lymphocytic inflammation,
apoptotic hepatocytes, cirrhosis, increased risk
of hepatocellular CA
48Epstein-Barr Virus
- Selectively infects B cells by binding to CD21
(CR2) present on B cells - Infectious Mononucleosis, Kissing disease)
- Benign, self-limited lymphoproliferative disorder
- Fatigue, fever, sore throat, lymphadenopathy,
splenomegaly - Atypical reactive T lymphocytes (Downey Type II
cells) - Antigens produced EA, VCA, EBNA, MA
- Also causes Burkitt Lymphoma, nasopharyngeal
cancer, thymus carcinoma
49Human Papillomavirus
- Nonenveloped DNA virus Papovavirus
- Transmission skin or genital contact ?
perinuclear vacuolization of epithelial cells
koilocytosis - HPV E6 stimulates ubiquitination, degradation of
p53 HPV E7 binds to Rb releasing E2F tf ?
cellular transformation and malignancy - HPV 6 11 anogenital and laryngeal papillomas
(warts - HPV 16 18 CIN/Cervical CA
50Some Medically Important Bacteria
51Staphylococcal Infection
- Gram () cocci in clusters
- S. aureus
- Transmission hand contact, sneezing, surgical
wounds, foods (canned meats, custard pastries,
potato salad) - Pathogenesis exotoxins (Protein A, TSST-1,
Enterotoxins A-E, Exfoliatins, Cytolysin) - S. epidermidis
- Opportunistic infections in catheterized
patients, patients with prosthetic heart valves,
drug addicts - S. saprophyticus
- Common cause of UTI in women
52Staphylococcal Infection
53Streptococcal Infection
54Streptococcus - Erysipelas
- G() rods with clubbed ends, Corynebacterium
diphtheriae - Diphtheria toxin (A-B) inhibits protein
synthesis by adding ADP-ribose to EF-2 tf - Pseudomembrane formation in oropharynx ?
obstruction - Fatty myocardial change, polyneuritis
- Immunization doesnt prevent colonization but
protects from the lethal effects of the toxin
- G() facultative intracellular bacterium,
Listeria monocytogenes - Transmission food borne, transplacental spread
- Diseases
- Listeriosis generally asymptomatic, in pregnant
woman (fever, chills, septicemia, abortion,
stillbirth) - Neonates Sepsis, meningitis, granulomatosis
infantiseptica (disseminated granulomas with
central necrosis) - Immunocompromised sepsis and meningitis
- Spore forming, box-car shaped, G() rod, Bacillus
anthracis - Transmission inhalation of spores from animal
hair and wool - Anthrax toxin
- A subunit edema factor (EF), lethal factor (LF)
- B component mediates entry
- Diseases
- Cutaneous anthrax papule ? vesicle ? ruptures,
central necrosis (eschar) with erythematous
border, painful lymphadenopathy, fever - Inhalational anthracis/Pneumonia cough, fever,
facial edema, dyspnea, diaphoresis, cyanosis,
shock with mediastinal hemorrhagic lymphadenitis
(release of toxins in lymph nodes) - Gastrointestinal (eating contaminated meat)
abdominal pain, nv, severe bloody diarrhea
Bacillus sp.
Cutaneous Anthrax
- Aerobic G() rods in branched chains
- Transmission air borne, traumatic implantation
- Immunosuppressed and cancer patients are
predisposed - Diseases
- Cavitary bronchopulmonary nocardiosis
- Cough, fever, dyspnea
- May spread hematogenously to brain (abscess)
- Cutaneous/Subcutaneous nocardiosis
- Cellulitis and abscess
60Neisserial Infection
- G(-) diplococci
- Virulence factors (more impt in gonorrhea) Ag
variation - Pili adherence to mucosal surface
- Opacity proteins (OPA) - binding and promotes
entry into cell - N. meningitidis
- Transmission respiratory droplets, spread via
meninges to bloodstream - Meningitis
- N. gonorrhea
- Transmission sexual contact, birth
- Urethritis, Endocervicitis, PID, Arthritis,
Proctitis, - Infants Ophthalmia
61Whooping Cough
- G(-) cocobacillus, Bordetella pertussis
- Paroxysms of violent coughing followed by loud
inspiratory whoop - Pathogenesis respiratory droplet ? colonizes
bronchial epithelium, invades macrophages ?
releases hemmaglutinin adhesin and exotoxin ?
paralyzes cilia - Vaccine has effectively prevented this disease
62Pseudomonas Infection
- Opportunistic, aerobic, G(-) rod, Pseudomonas
aeruginosa - Transmission water aerosoles, respirators,
humidifiers, sink drains, raw vegetables - Diseases
- Necrotizing inflammation (whitish necrotic
centers and red, hemorrhagic peripheral areas) - Deadly pathogen of CF (bronchial obstruction by
mucus plugging), burns (ecthyma gangrenosum),
neutropenia, DIC - Corneal keratitis in contact lenses wearers,
external otitis (swimmers ear and in DM)
63Pseudomonas Infection
Necrotizing inflammation and Ecthyma gangrenosum
- Acid fast rods with waxy cell wall
- Cell wall contains high concentration of lipids,
long chain fatty acid called Mycolic acid - Cell wall makes it resistant to dessication and
many chemicals but is sensitive to UV
65Mycobacterium tuberculosis
- Transmission respiratory droplets
- Predisposing Factors poverty, HIV infection,
immunosuppression - Pathogenesis
- Sulfatides in cell envelope inhibits
phagosome-lysosomal fusion allowing intracellular
survival - Cord factor inhibits leukocyte migration,
disrupts mitochondrial respiration oxidative
phophorylation - Tuberculin and mycolic acid ? delayed
hypersensitivity and cell mediated immunity
(granulomas and caseation) - Damage is done by immune system
Acid fast bacilli
68Clinical Features of PTB
69Secondary PTB
Ghon focus and complex
Miliary TB
70Mycobacterium Avium-Intracellulare Complex
- M. kansasii, M. scrofulaceum, M.
avium-intracellulare - Found in waters, soil, dust, domestic animals
- Non-contagious, problem in AIDS (CD4 count lt60
cells/mm3) - Hallmark widely disseminated in mononuclear
systems, abundant AFB within macrophages ?
lymphadenopathy, hepatosplenomegaly
71Mycobacterium leprae/Leprosy
- Acid fast obligate intracellular, M. leprae
- Transmission aerosols from lesions in the upper
respiratory tract ? taken up by alveolar
macrophages ? blood ? grow in cool tissue of skin
and extremities - 2 patterns of disease
- Tuberculoid leprosy dry scaly skin lesions that
lack sensation, large asymmetric peripheral nerve
involvement ? nerve degeneration causes skin
ulceration, autoamputation, contractures,
paralyses - Lepromatous leprosy symmetric skin thickening
and nodules
72Leprosy/Hansen Disease
- spirochete, Treponema pallidum
- Transmission sexual contact, transplacental
- Chronic venereal disease, divided into three
75Lyme Disease
- Gram (-), larger spirochete, Borrelia burgdorferi
- Transmission
- Ixodes (deer ticks, nymphs) mainly in Northeast
(Connecticut), Midwest (Wisconsin), West Coast
(California) ? organism invades skin ?
bloodstream ? heart, joints, CNS - Lyme Disease
- Initial Symptoms
- Erythema (chronicum) migrans annular skin
lesion with erythematous edge and central
clearing bulls eye - Malaise HA, fatigue, fever, chills,
musculoskeletal pain, lymphadenopathy - 1-several weeks
- Neurologic HA, meningitis, Bells palsy
- Cardiac arrhythmias, myocarditis, pricarditis
- Months - years
- Arthralgias, arthritis
76Clostridial Infection
- Spore-forming G() bacilli, anaerobic
- C. perfringens secretes 14 toxins (? toxin
destroys cell membrane - Botulinum toxin cleaves synaptobrevin ? blocks
release of Ach at NMJ ? flaccid paralysis - Tetanus toxin blocks ?aminobutyric acid from
motor neuron ? spastic paralysis - C. difficile produces enterotoxin A stimulates
chemokine production and cytotoxin B cytopathic
77Pseudomembranous Colitis
78Chlamydial Infection
- Obligate intracellular bacteria, Chlamydia
trachomatis, exist in two forms elementary body
(infectious) and reticulate body (active) - Transmission sexual contact, at birth, hand-to
eye contact - Various disease are associated with different
serotypes - Serotypes D-K Urethritis, cervicitis, PID,
Inclusion conjunctivitis, Pneumonia in infants - Serotypes L1,2,3 Lymphogranuloma venereum
(chronic ulcerative disease), swollen lymph nodes
? genital elephantiasis, fistulas - Serotypes A,B,Ba, C Follicular conjunctivitis ?
conjunctival scarring and inturned eyelashes ?
corneal scarring and blindness
79Rickettsial Infection
- Obligate intracellular bacteria
- Pathogenesis infects endothelial cells (lungs
and brain) leading to vascular leakage
80Fungal Infection/Mycoses
- Fungi are eukaryotes that grow by
- Budding (yeasts)
- Filamentous extension/hyphae (molds)
- Dimorphic (yeast at body temp mold form at room
- Forms true hyphae, pseudohyphae, germ tube
- Oral thrush, esophagitis, gastritis, septicemia
in IC, AIDS patients - Endocarditis in IV drug users
- Cutaneous infection in obesity, infants
- Yeast vaginitis in diabetic women
- Encapsulated yeasts (C. neoformans) from soil
enriched with pigeon droppings - Causes opportunistic infection (meningitis) in
AIDS, lymphoma/leukemia, SLE patients
- Monomorphic, septated, filamentous fungus with
dichotomous branching (A. fumigatus) - Diseases
- Fungus ball
- Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis
- Invasive aspergillosis (severe neutropenia, CF,
84Zygomycosis (Mucormycosis)
- Nonseptated filamentous fungi, branches in 90
angle - Disease
- Rhinocerebral infection, paranasal swelling,
hemorrhagic exudates from nose and eyes, mental
lethargy - Occurs in ketoacidotic diabetic patients and
leukemic patients
- Protozoa (unicellular eukaryotic organisms),
intracellular parasite, Plasmodium sp. - Trasmitted by female Anopheles mosquitoes
- P. ovale, vivax, malariae cause low parasitemia,
mild anemia and rarely splenic rupture and
nephrotic syndrome - P. falciparum causes high levels of parasitemia,
severe anemia, cerebral symptoms, renal failure,
pulmonary edema, death - Paroxysms of chills, fever spike, rigors when the
infected RBC are lysed, releasing merozoites
86Life Cycle of Malaria
- Malaria-like protozoan, Babesia microti
- Transmitted by deer tick Ixodes (co-infection
with Borrelia) - Primarily a cattle disease disease is severe in
splenectomized patients - Fever, hemolytic anemia, shock
- PBS Maltese cross - diagnostic
Chronic inflammatory disease of the skin , mucus
membranes, viscera Obligate intracellular
protozoan Leishmania, transmitted by sandfly
bite L. Donovani (visceral, lymphadenopathy,
hepatosplenomegaly, pancytopenia, fever, weight
loss, kala-azar hyperpigmentation of skin) L.
braziliensis (mucocutaneous ulcerating lesions
in larynx, nasal septum, anus, vulva) Cutaneous
(single ulcer)
89Trypanosome infection
- In blood trypomastigotes with flagellum and
undulating membrane - In tissue amastigotes
- Fevers, lymphadenopathy, splenomegaly,
progressive brain dysfunction (sleeping sickness)
- Multicellular, eukaryotic organisms
- Transmission uncooked meat, direct invasion
through skin/insect bites
- Stongyloides stercoralis (Threadworm)
- Filariform larva penetrates intact skin ?
travels to lungs, trachea ? swallowed ? female
worms reside in SI mucosa and produce eggs
(asexual reproduction) ? passed out in stool - Autoinfection leads to indefinite infections
unless treated - Early pneumonitis, abdominal pain, diarrhea
- Later malabsorption, ulcers, bloody stools
- Eosinophil-rich infiltrate in the lamina propria
and mucosal edema, may be invasive
92Lymphatic Filariasis
- Wuchereria bancrofti (filarial worm)
- Transmitted by mosquitoes ? develop within
lymphatic channels into adult male and females
mate ? release microfilariae into bloodstrem - Diseases
- Asymptomatic
- Chronic lymphadenitis (elephantiasis) swelling of
the dependent limbs and scrotum - Elephantoid skin shows dilation of dermal
lymphatics with widespread lymphocytic
infiltrates and focal cholesterol deposits,
thickened epidermis - Adult worms are surrounded by intense
eosinophilia with hemorrhage and fibrin - Pulmonary eosinophilia (IgE mediated)
- Onchocera volvulus
- Transmitted by black fly ? parasites mate in the
dermis where they become surrounded by mixed
infiltrate ? subcutaneous nodule (Onchocercoma) - River blindness chronic pruritic dermatitis
caused by large numbers of microfilariae in the
skin and eye chambers
- Trichinella spiralis
- Viable encysted larvae in meat ? develop into
adults in the gut and mate ? release larvae which
penetrates into the tissue - Trichinosis larvae becomes intracellular
parasites in skeletal muscle ? they modify muslce
cell nurse cell loss of striations, gains a
collagenous capsule - Fever, myalgia, splinter hemorrhages, periorbital
edema, eosinophilia
Portal system
Passed through intestinal wall, shed in feces
Schistosoma has separate male and female, have
operculated eggs which contaminate water,
perpetuating the life cycle and which are also
used to diagnose infections First intermediate
hosts are snails
97Cestodes (Tapeworms)
- Consist of 3 basic portions the head/scolex,
neck section which produces the proglottids - Hermaphroditic, each proglottid developing both
male and female reproductive organs, mature eggs
developing in the most distal proglottids - Adhere to the mucosa via the scolex
- Have no GIT, they absorb nutrients from the
hosts GI tract - Are diagnosed by finding eggs or proglottids in
the feces - Have complex life cycles involving
extraintestinal larval forms in intermediate
99Cysticercosis/Hydatid cyst