Title: Doctrine for Counter Insurgency: The British Armys Experience
1Doctrine for Counter InsurgencyThe British
Armys Experience
- Colonel Alexander Alderson
- Afghan COIN Centre
- Those military, paramilitary, political,
economic, psychological and civil actions taken
by the Government to defeat insurgency
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5The Evolution of COIN Doctrine
1995 - Counter Insurgency Operations
1934 Notes on Imperial Policing
1909 Field Service Regulations
Maj. Gen. Sir Charles Gwynns Imperial Policing
1906 - Callwells Small Wars
6Field Service Regulations (1909)
71923 Minimum Force?
Amritsar, India April 13, 1919
8Amritsar the Change to Policy
- The principles which have consistently governed
the policy of His Majestys Government are
determined that Minimum Force shall remain, the
primary factor of policy whenever circumstances
unfortunately necessitate the suppression of
civil disorder by military force within the
British Empire.
9Gwynn Imperial Policing (1934)
- Questions of policy remain vested in the civil
Government - The amount of military force employed must be the
minimum the situation demands - Take firm and timely action
- Co-operation the task of restoring order does
not rest on the Army alone
10Inter-War Assumption Status quo ante?
11Anti-Terrorist Operations in Malaya (1952)
- The Job of the British Army out here is to kill
or capture CT in Malaya. This book shows in a
clear and easily readable form the proven
principles by which this can be done. This book
is by no means perfect. Criticisms and
improvements are invited by GOC Malaya, who will
produce a revised edition in six months time.
12- Warn the crowd by all available means that
effective fire will be opened unless the crowd
disperses at once. This can be done by a call on
the bugle, followed by the display of banners
showing the necessary warning in the vernacular. - Land Operations Volume III, Counter-Revolutionary
Operations, 1969, Part 2, p. 103
13Sir Robert Thompson
- The government must have a clear political aim
to establish and maintain a free, independent and
united country which is politically and
economically stable and viable - Function in accordance with law
- The government must have an overall plan
- Give priority to defeating the political
subversion, not the guerrillas - In the guerrilla phase, secure base areas first
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15- Secure
- Clear-Hold-Build
- Find-Fix-Strike
- Deter, Disrupt, Dislocate
16Elements of Effective Security
- Security for the Population
- Presence
- Continuity
- Embedded Training Teams
- Intelligence
- Influence
- Education
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