Title: Fly fishing lodge in british columbia
1Fly fishing lodge in british columbia
During your fly fishing trip at Caverhill fly
fishing lodge in British Columbia , you will
learn the numerous small lakes within the
Caverhill lake chain support diverse populations
of invertebrates and aquatic insects that are all
prime trout food sources. Cool, well oxygenated
water and abundant shallow areas within these
lakes provide ideal habitat for these food
sources as well as prime feeding areas for the
2Main food sources are
- shrimp
- chironomids
- mayflies
- cinnamon caddis
- damsel and dragon flies
- leeches and brown and black ants
3Flyfishing Selection for the Caverhill Lake Area
by Brian Chan
The biggest food items in these waters is
dragonfly nymphs. These nymphs are best fished
close to the lake bottom. They are a good
searching pattern that can be effective at all
times of the fly fishing season. Patterns such as
Doc Spratleys, Halfbacks, Fullbacks and Butlers
Bug in sizes 8-2X to 6-2X are perfect for these
4Contact Info
Caverhill Lodge Inc. Marlene and Larry Loney P.O.
Box 190, Barriere, B.C. V0E 1E0 Canada Phone 1-25
0-672-9806 Email marlene_at_caverhilllodge.com WebÂ