Title: The Geologic Time Scale
1The Geologic Time Scale
- A History of Earth and Life
2Geologic Time Scale
- Division of Earths history into blocks of time
3Ideas about time
- Processes Forces that are occurring now
occurred in Earths past
But how do we tell how old things are
41. Relative Dating
- Trying to determine which rock units formed
first, second, third, so on - Forming a sequence of timeno dates!
5Rules for Relative Dating
- Rocks on the bottom are older than rocks on top
Law of Superposition
62. Principle of Original Horizontality
- Layers of rock are generally
- deposited
- in a horizontal positions
7- 3. Rock that cuts through is younger than the
rock it cuts - Principle of Cross-Cutting
8Matching Rock Layers
- Correlation
- To make a time scale we have to be able to find
similar rock in different areas
9Fossils also help
- What are fossils?
- Remains or traces of an organism that have been
10Types of fossils
- 1. MOLD created when an organism is buried in
sediments is dissolved by underground water
11Types of fossils
- 2. CAST Created when the hollow spaces of a
mold are filled with mineral matter
12Types of fossils
- 3. CARBONIZATION occurs when an organism is
buried under fine sediment. Pressure causes only
a thin residue of carbon to be left. - Best for preserving leaves delicate animals
13Types of fossils
- 4. Impression a replica of the surface that
occurs when the carbon film is lost.
14Types of fossils
- 5. Amber Created when organisms are preserved
in tree sap (resin)
15Types of fossils
- 6. Petrified Occurs when minerals from water
replace the organism - turned to stone
162. Absolute Dating
- Radiometric Dating Radiocarbon Dating
- Radioactive decay is used to date fossils. This
gives us a specific time that the organism died.
17So lets look at what this showed us
18Earth is about 4.6 billon years old
19Pre-Cambrian Era 4.6-540 mya
First prokaryotes (bacteria)
- 3.6 bya life appears - Single celled organisms
20Paleozoic Era (Cambrian Period) 540 mya
- Explosion of multi-cellular life in oceans
21Paleozoic Era (Ordovician Period) 490 mya
- Many new invertebrates in seas first land plants
22Paleozoic Era (Silurian Period) 443 mya
Fish dominant first insect fossils land
plants diversify
23Paleozoic Era (Devonian Period) 417 mya
Fish dominate seas First amphibians
24Paleozoic Era (Carboniferous Period) 354 mya
Amphibians and insects dominate land first
25Paleozoic Era (Permian Period) 290 mya
Mammal -like reptiles
26Mass Extinction 248 mya
95 Marine species extinct 70 land species
27Mesozoic Era (Triassic Period) 248 mya
Small reptiles and mammals First dinosaurs
28Mesozoic Era (Jurassic Period) 206 mya
Dinosaurs dominant first birds appear
29Mesozoic Era (Cretaceous Period) 144 mya
Dinosaurs dominate first flowering plants
30Mass Extinction 65 mya
85 of all species extinct
31Cenozoic Era (Tertiary Period) 65 mya
Mammals and birds dominate
32Cenozoic Era (Quaternary Period) 1.8 mya - today
Mammals abundant Humans appear holla
33You know the history of life!