Title: Quality work in learning organisations
1Quality work in learning organisations a
leadership challenge.
- Mats Ekholm
- University of Karlstad
- Sweden
2The basic ideas behind schools
Year 0
Year 2000
One that knows dessiminates to those that do not
know. Students learn by listening and by
following directives
3The basic ideas behind schools
Year 0
Year 2000
One that knows dessiminates to those that do not
know. Students learn by listening and by
following directives
Students learn by doing and reflecting. Teachers
support, help and challenge.
4Important factors in a school seen as a local
5To know To be
- To think
- To feel
- To express
- To create
- To produce
- To decide
- To learn
- Independent
- Co-operative
- Tolerant
- Honest
- Aware
- Responsible
- To dare
6Important factors in a school seen as a local
- Shared aims
- Communication system
- Groupings
- Decision making system
- Time budget
- Norms
- Evaluation regularities
- Reward system
7The learning organisation
- Makes actions aimed at learning
- Observes itself and the reactions of others
- Analysis the outcomes of the actions
- Sorts out the lessons learned
- Keeps a memory and uses it in future situations
8Development of school results adjusted values
9Development of school results adjusted values
10Development of school results adjusted values
11Development of school results adjusted values
12The effect of school inspections
Differences between schools before and after
inspections in residual scores
Schools where the direction of the development Average score change Change in standard deviation (Number of schools, 187)
Did not change (47)
Became more positive (54)
Became more negative (86)
13The effect of school inspections
Differences between schools before and after
inspections in residual scores
Schools where the direction of the development Average score change Change in standard deviation (Number of schools, 187)
Did not change -0,03 2,10 (47)
Became more positive (54)
Became more negative (86)
14The effect of school inspections
Differences between schools before and after
inspections in residual scores
Schools where the direction of the development Average score change Change in standard deviation (Number of schools, 187)
Did not change - 0,03 2,10 (47)
Became more positive 4,07 2,94 (54)
Became more negative (86)
15The effect of school inspections
Differences between schools before and after
inspections in residual scores
Schools where the direction of the development Average score change Change in standard deviation (Number of schools, 187)
Did not change - 0,03 2,10 (47)
Became more positive 4,07 2,94 (54)
Became more negative - 4,13 3,25 (86)
16The effect of school inspections
17The effect of school inspections
18The effect of school inspections
19The effect of school inspections
20The effect of school inspections
21The enlarged effect of school inspections
22Teachers in the future will
- Continue to learn
- Deliver lessons
- Diagnose learning
- Lead learning
- Cooperate with adults
- Understand the local organisation
- Appear in the public space
23Tasks of the school leader
- To state the ideology of the school
- To structure time, tasks and people
- To direct evaluation work
- To show evident reactions
- To find adm. and economic solutions
- To identify the patterns of relations
- To work with conflicts
- To preserve as well as develop