Title: Homogeneous aggregate
1Homogeneous aggregate
name Tom, John, student-3,
student_4,........, student-20
mid1 70, 67, 86,
59, ........, 80
final 69, 77, 79,
64, ........, 90
GPA 3.02, 2.89, 3.21,
2.78, ........, 3.67
// Using array string name20 int
mid120 int final20 double
GPA20 name0 "Tom" GPA2 3.21
// Using tvector class include
"tvector.h" .............. tvectorltstringgt
name(20) tvectorltintgt mid1(20) tvectorltintgt
final(20) tvectorltdoublegt GPA(20) name1
"John" GPA19 3.67
2Search in a tvector
// Using tvector class include
"tvector.h" .............. tvectorltstringgt
name(20) tvectorltintgt mid1(20) tvectorltintgt
final(20) tvectorltdoublegt GPA(20) ..... .....
// What is Susan's GAP? for (int i0 i lt
name.length() i) if (namei "Susan")
cout ltlt GPAi
3What can be in an Array
// Using tvector class ..... ..... struct
student string name int mid1 int
final double GPA ...... struct student
class10120 ..... // What is Susan's GAP?
for (int i0 i lt class101.length() i)
if ( (class101i).name "Susan") cout ltlt
4Enumerated Types
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
enum day Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday,
Friday, Saturday, Sunday tvectorltintgt
MyclassHr(7) MyclassHrMonday
2 MyclassHrTuesday MyclassHrThursday
0 MyclassHrWednesday 4 day
ThreeDays3 day ADay ThreeDay0Saturday ...
... if (ADay Saturday ADay Sunday)
cout ltlt "It's weekend" day FirstDay day(0)
5Two dimensional array, Matrix
1 3 2
1 1 3
0 1 2
2 4 0
2 1 1
0 2 1
3 7 2
3 2 4
0 3 3
// Using array int A33 int B33 int
C33 A12 3 A11 1 C21
// Using apmatrix class include
"apmatrix.h" .............. apmatrixltintgt
A(3,3) apmatrixltintgt B(3,3) apmatrixltintgt
C(3,3) A12 3 A11 1 C21
6Operation on Matrix
// Using apmatrix class include
"apmatrix.h" .............. apmatrixltintgt
A(3,3) apmatrixltintgt B(3,3) apmatrixltintgt
C(3,3) int i,i ..... ..... for
(i0iltA.numrows()i) for (j0jltA.numcols()j
) Cij Aij Bij
Easy problem How to printout a matrix?
Challenging problem How to do multiplication?