Title: Post Darwinian Developments
1Post Darwinian Developments
2Post Darwinian Developments I. Physics A. The
Age of the Earth
3Post Darwinian Developments I .Physics A. The
Age of the Earth 1. 1862 - William Thompson
- "Lord Kelvin"
4Post Darwinian Developments I. Physics A. The
Age of the Earth 1. 1862 - William Thompson
- "Lord Kelvin" - molten Earth - 7000oF
5Post Darwinian Developments I. Physics A. The
Age of the Earth 1. 1862 - William Thompson
- "Lord Kelvin" - molten Earth - 7000oF -
Fourier analysis of heat loss
6Post Darwinian Developments I. Physics A. The
Age of the Earth 1. 1862 - William Thompson
- "Lord Kelvin" - molten Earth - 7000oF -
Fourier analysis of heat loss - Earth was 100
million years old
7Post Darwinian Developments I. Physics A. The
Age of the Earth 1. 1862 - William Thompson
- "Lord Kelvin" - molten Earth - 7000oF -
Fourier analysis of heat loss - Earth was 100
million years old
- Darwin thought it had to be at least 300
million to allow for evolution to occur.
8Post Darwinian Developments I. Physics A. The
Age of the Earth 1. 1862 - William Thompson
- "Lord Kelvin" 2. 1896 - Henri Becquerel
9Post Darwinian Developments I. Physics A. The
Age of the Earth 1. 1862 - William Thompson
- "Lord Kelvin" 2. 1896 - Henri Becquerel
- discovers emission of Uranium
10Post Darwinian Developments I. Physics A. The
Age of the Earth 1. 1862 - William Thompson
- "Lord Kelvin" 2. 1896 - Henri Becquerel
- discovers emission of Uranium 3. 1903 -
Pierre and Marie Curie - discover emission from
new element - Radium
11Post Darwinian Developments I. Physics A. The
Age of the Earth 1. 1862 - William Thompson
- "Lord Kelvin" 2. 1896 - Henri Becquerel
- discovers emission of Uranium 3. 1903 -
Pierre and Marie Curie - discover emission from
new element - Radium 4. 1904 - Ernst
Rutherford - "The discovery of the radio-active
elements, which in their disintegration liberate
enormous amounts of energy, thus increases the
possible limit of the duration of life on this
planet, and allows the time claimed by the
geologist and biologist for the process of
12Post Darwinian Developments II. Geology A. The
Dynamic Earth
13Post Darwinian Developments II. Geology A. The
Dynamic Earth - why do coastlines fit?
14Post Darwinian Developments II. Geology A. The
Dynamic Earth 1. why do coastlines fit? -
1801 - Von Humboldt - intervening land sank
(Atlantis?) or flood excavated it.
15Post Darwinian Developments II. Geology A. The
Dynamic Earth 2. Disjunct Distributions? -
southern beech - marsupial fauna
16Post Darwinian Developments II. Geology A. The
Dynamic Earth 3. Continental Drift - 1915 -
Alfred Wegener
17 - Not accepted until the 1960s and 1970s, when
sea floor spreading was observed, sonar was used
to map the ocean, and paleomagnetism demonstrated
where continents had been in the past relative to
magnetic north.
18 - North and South Atlantic and Indian Ocean
19Post Darwinian Developments III.
Paleontology A. Intermediate Fossils
- Fins and gill covers (FISH) - Feet
(AMPHIBIANS) - After fish, before amphibians
(just where evolution predicts it should be)
21D. Devonian (417-354 mya) - Placoderms -
Sharks - Lobe-finned Fishes
365 mya
385 mya
22 23Eusthenopteron
24Panderichthys rhombolepis
25Acanthostega gunnari
26Ichthyostega sp.
27D. Devonian (417-354 mya) - Placoderms -
Sharks - Lobe-finned Fishes
365 mya
385 mya
28Tiktaalik roseae
29D. Devonian (417-354 mya) - Placoderms -
Sharks - Lobe-finned Fishes
365 mya
385 mya
30 31Archeopteryx
- - Fingers, teeth, tail (Reptiles)
- Feathers (birds)
- - After reptiles, before birds (just where
evolution predicts it should be)
- - Mammalian skeleton
- Intermediate ear
- - scales
- - After reptiles, before mammals (just where
evolution predicts it should be)
33Mammals from the Jurassic (185 mya)
Therapsids from the Permian (280 mya) to the
Triassic (200mya)
Pelycosaur Reptiles of the Carboniferous (300 mya)