Title: Redes Inalmbricas Tema 3 Wireless Mesh Networks
1Redes Inalámbricas Tema 3Wireless Mesh Networks
- Overview of the technology
- Study case Guifi.net
- Routing metrics
- IEEE 802.11s
Link Types
Node Types
Intra-mesh wireless links Stationary client
access Mobile client access Internet access
Wireless routers Gateways Printers, servers
Mobile clients Stationary clients
- Multiple interfaces (wired wireless)
- Mobility
- Stationary (e.g. rooftop) most common case
- Mobile (e.g., airplane, busses/subway)
- Serve as (multi-hop) access points to user
nodes - Relatively few are needed, (can be expensive)
4Wireless Routers
- At least one wireless interface.
- Mobility
- Stationary (e.g. rooftop)
- Mobile (e.g., airplane, busses/subway).
- Provide coverage (acts as a mini-cell-tower).
- Do not originate/terminate data flows
- Many needed for wide areas, hence, cost can be an
- Typically one interface.
- Mobility
- Stationary
- Mobile
- Connected to the mesh network through wireless
routers (or directly to gateways) - The only sources/destinations for data traffic
flows in the network.
6User Wireless Router Links
- Wired
- Ethernet, Firewire, etc.
- Wireless
- 802.11x
- Bluetooth
- Proprietary
- Point-to-Point or Point-to-Multipoint
- If properly designed is not a bottleneck.
- If different from router-to-router links well
call them access links
7Router to Router Links
- Wireless
- 802.11x
- Proprietary
- Usually multipoint to multipoint
- Sometimes a collection of point to point
- Often the bottleneck
- If different from router-to-user links well call
them backbone links
8Gateway to Internet Links
- Wired
- Ethernet, TV Cable, Power Lines
- Wireless
- 802.16
- Proprietary
- Point to Point or Point-to-Multipoint
- Well call them backhaul links
- If properly designed, not the bottleneck
9How it Works
- User-Internet Data Flows
- In most applications the main data flows
- User-User Data Flows
- In most applications a small percentage of data
11Broadband Internet Access
12Layer 2 Connectivity
- The entire wireless mesh cloud becomes one
(giant) Ethernet switch - Simple, fast installation
- Short-term events (e.g., conferences,
conventions, shows) - Where wires are not desired (e.g., hotels,
airports) - Where wires are impossible (e.g., historic
13Community Networks
- Grass-roots broadband Internet Access
- Several neighbors may share their broadband
connections with many other neighbors - Not run by ISPs
- Possibly in the disadvantage of the ISPs
Source research.microsoft.com/mesh/
14Introducció a guifi.net ltLlocgt ltDatagt
- Volem explicar-vos
- què és guifi.net ?
- com ho fem ?
- com funciona ?
- què s'està fent per ltZonagt ?
- com hi podré connectar des de casa ?
- quins continguts hi ha a la xarxa ?
- la plataforma de guifi.net
- com hi puc collaborar ?
16Què és guifi.net?
- fer xarxa oberta, lliure i neutral
- Es forma a base d'interconnexió del tram de xarxa
que aporta cada participant - Oberta a la participació de tothom
- Lliure perquè no hi ha un propietari que imposi
restriccions - Neutral perquè és independent dels seus
continguts - Comuns Sensefils
- http//guifi.net/ComunsSensefils
17Com ho fem?
- projecte obert
- coordinació
- entre els interessats dun lloc per poder muntar
la infraestructura comuna necessària per fer la
xarxa - collaboració
- particulars, empreses i administracions
- no té una ubicació geogràfica determinada
- molt estès per les comarques centrals
- un lloc web
- amb informació, eines i coneixement
- sobre xarxes, autoservei
Aviat 8.896!!
18Què NO és guifi.net?
- NO és una iniciativa comercial
- NO és una xarxa d'aficionats
- Hi destaquen els usos professionals
- És una de les xarxes més grans del món d'aquestes
característiques - NO és un proveïdor de serveis dInternet (ISP)?
- NO és un sistema de pagament
- NO és una tecnología en concret
- És una combinació de moltes tecnologies portades
a la pràctica
19Què NO és guifi.net?
- NO és una associació, comunitat, ajuntament o
empresa - És un conjunt de tot això
- Hi ha una Fundació que li dona suport
- NO representa cap organisme oficial
- NO exigeix res a ningú
- cadascú aporta el que vol
- sense cap tipus dobligació
20Com funciona?
- els usuaris tenim el nostre node a casa
- connectem el node de casa amb la resta de nodes
- com ?
- usem supernodes, el bon rendiment depèn de que
n'hi hagi forces - tipus d'enllaços
- casa supernode
- supernode supernode
- casa - casa
21Com és el node de casa?
- necessitem
- un ordinador
- un router amb antena externa
- n'hi han que ja ho porten tot plegat
- un fil de xarxa entre el router i l'ordinador
22Com és el node de casa?
- important
- el millor enllaç
- poca potència
- visió directa
- antena a la teulada
- com la de la TV
- apuntant al Punt d'Accés (AP) que ens dona
cobertura - Fer servir equips que se sàpiga que funcionaran,
no tots serveixen ni fan la mateixa feina
23Com és el node de casa?
- com ho faig ...
- router i antena externa a la teulada
- cable curt, 1 a 3 m
- caixa estanca o sota teulada
- cable de xarxa entre el router i l'ordinador
- fins a 100 m
24Com és el node de casa?
- i si ...
- tinc dos o més ordinadors ?
- som diferents veïns d'un edifici ?
- vull moure'm amb un portàtil ?
- ...
25Com és un supernode?
- És un conjunt de ràdios amb antenes sectorials de
cobertura i direccionals per a connexions a
26Exemple de supernode
Connexió a altres supernodes
Connexions d'usuaris des de les cases
8.4 Km
27Fotografies de Supernodes
28Com m'hi podré connectar des de casa
- necessites tenir un trastoantena que se sap que
funciona - Linksys, Búffalo antena
- Nanostation, Mikrotik CPE...
- afegir-te en tres passos
- lloc on vius
- router que tens
- enllaç que fas
- http//guifi.net/trespassos
29Algunes fotografies
30Quines coses hi ha a la xarxa?
- 8.896 nodes funcionant
- la majoria entrellaçats
- més de 100 serveis i continguts
- Portes d'accés a Internet
- Intercanvi d'arxius
- Telèfon
- Xat
- Càmeres, Correu, webs, ...
31La xarxa a Catalunya
32La xarxa a la Castellon
33Quins continguts hi ha a la xarxa?
- servidors de pàgines web propis
- servidors de correu
- servidors de disc i ftp
- centraletes telefòniques
- portes a Internet
- P2P intern
- xat, emissora de ràdio, càmeres web, ...
IRC-Catalunya.org guifi
34Portes a Internet
- particulars
- obertes
- compartides
- públiques
- sortida per proxy federat amb nom d'usuari
- navegar per internet
- correu, missatgeria instantània...
PROXY usuari i contrasenya
Xarxa sense fils
35Com hi puc collaborar?
- participant connectant-te a la xarxa
- particular, institució, empresa, ...
- estenent xarxa
- Supernodes, apadrinant
- aportant continguts
- buscant o fent portes a Internet
- compartint el què vulguis
36La plataforma de guifi.net
- Aprovisionament de
- Adreces IP
- Configurador d'aparells
- Informació sobre l'estat de la xarxa
- Estat de les connexions, tràfic
- Estadístiques y gràfiques descentralitzades
- GIS per a la planificació de desplegaments
- Traces de camins, pings....
- I moltes més coses!
37Exemple La pàgina d'un node I
Menú d'utilitats (distàncies, línea de visió,
Detall de daades i mapa
Gràfiques i estadístiques
38Exemple La pàgina d'un node II
- Llistat d'enllaços i disponibilitat
39Exemple La pàgina d'un node III
- Llistat de connexions possibles (LOS)?
40Exemple La pàgina d'un node IV
- Buscador de serveis i camins (traceroute)?
- Des d'un punt, cerca el camí cap a altres punts
o descobreix serveis - Busca el camí més curt
- Es representa en un mapa
41Preguntes freqüents
- De qui és guifi.net ?
- De qui en forma part
- Qui paga guifi.net ?
- Els participants, aportant infraestructures i
serveis - Quin cost té entrar a guifi.net ?
- Cap
- Comprar-te el material i fer-te o encarregar la
installació - Hi ha quotes periòdiques ?
- No
- Pots participar en les millores de material d'ús
42Preguntes freqüents
- Puc connectar-me directament amb el portàtil ?
- Així m'estalvio uns 'calerons'
- No! (excepte en zones habilitades)?
- Els portàtils ...
- Connexions bidireccionals
- Tenen antenes petites
- Veuen els punts d'accés......pero no emeten fins
als AP - Connecten només en un rang de metres
43Preguntes freqüents
- I, això és legal ?
- Sí !
- Liberalització Unió Europea
- Llei de Telecomunicacions
- Autoprestacions
- Quadre de Freqüències
- Ús comú 2.4 i 5 GHz
- I, això és segur ?
- La seguretat la proporciona la gestió de la
disponibilitat de la xarxa i l'encriptació de les
comunicacions quan és necessari.
44Some Key Characteristics of (Radio) Wireless
- Unshielded or open in the air, i.e.,
electromagnetic fields - (Multi-Path) Fading and Shadowing
- path loss due to attenuation, (atmospheric)
absorption, - multi-path effect due to refraction, reflection,
- shadowing reflection from objects and nodes
(esp. in motion) - Environmental noises and Interference from other
nodes - Hence connectivity between two nodes depends
on - where two nodes are, and their specific
environment at the time - distance, terrain, noises,
- interference from other surrounding nodes
- transmission power of sender
- specifics of receiver decoding algorithm/hardware
design -
- Typical physical layer metrics
- power, distance, signal-to-noise ratio (SNR),
signal-to-noise-and-interference ratio (SNIR),
bit error rate (BER)
45Protocols should exploit intermediate-quality
- Link-quality-aware routing (ETX, LQSR)
- ETX use expected of transmissions over a
certain time period (e.g., a second) measured via
broadcast Mobicom03 - ETX as link weight metric used in ExOR
- Opportunistic protocols (ExOR, OMAC)
- ExOR extremely opportunistic routing
- Other mechanisms/protocols, e.g.,
- 802.11 transmit bit-rate selection
- Multicast data distribution
46Traditional Routing (used in MANET)
- Abstract radio to look like a wired link
- Identify a route, forward over links
47Radios arent wires!
- Every packet is broadcast
- Reception is probabilistic
48Hop Count Metric
- Maximizes the distance traveled by each hop
- Minimizes signal strength -gt Maximizes the loss
ratio - Uses a higher TxPower -gt Interference
- Possibly many shortest routes
- Avoid lossy links?
- The predicted number of data transmissions
required to send a packet over a link - The ETX of a path is the sum of the ETX values of
the links over that path - Examples
- ETX of a 3-hop route with perfect links is 3
- ETX of a 1-hop route with 50 loss is 2
50ETX continued
- Expected probability that a transmission is
successfully received and acknowledged is df x dr - df is forward delivery ratio
- dr is reverse delivery ratio
- Each attempt to transmit a packet is a Bernoulli
trial, so
51Details of ETX
- Based on delivery ratios, which affect throughput
- Detects and handles asymmetry by incorporating
loss ratios in each direction - Uses precise link loss ratios measurements to
make fine-grained decisions between routes - Assumes you can measure these ratios precisely
- Penalizes routes with more hops, which have lower
throughput due to inter-hop interference - Assumes loss rates are equal over links
- Tends to minimize spectrum use, which should
maximize overall system capacity (reduce power
too) - Each node spends less time retransmitting data
52Acquiring ETX values
- Measured by broadcasting dedicated link probe
packets with an average period t (jittered by
0.1t) - Delivery ratio
- count(t-w,t) is the of probes received during
window w - w/t is the of probes that should have been
received - Each probe contains this information
53The standard 802.11s history
- The Mesh Standard 802.11s is currently under
development and unapproved. - The development started in September 2003 and a
Call for Proposals was issued in May 2005. - The 15 proposals received by the IEEE were
submitted to vote in July 2005. - All the ideas have been merged into two different
proposals, called See-Mesh and Wi-Mesh.
54The standard 802.11s history
- Wi-Mesh (sponsored by Nortel, Accton, Thomson,
Philips, InterDigital, MITRE, NextHop and
Comnets) has been merged to See-Mesh (sponsored
by Intel, Nokia, Motorola, Texas Instruments and
NTT DoCoMo) in January 2006. - Actually (as of January 2009) the draft is D2.0
and the 802.11s Task Group is working on comments
received during the 2009 ballot.
55The standard 802.11s and D1.00
- 802.11s is an extension of the traditional 802.11
protocol for WLAN communication and adds MESH
functionality (routing) at Link layer (Level 2). - 802.11s (MESH) is transparent for higher levels.
The TCP/IP model
56Classes of devices
- 802.11s D1.00 contains a distinction between
- MP (Mesh Point) it establishes peer links with
neighbour nodes - MAP (Mesh Access Point) a MP with a double
interface mesh towards other MAPs, traditional
AP towards the clients - MPP (Mesh Portal) gateway between the MESH
infrastructure and a traditional external network - STA (Station) traditional client connected to a
57Key issues
- How can a new node join the network?
- How do we protect from unauthorized access?
- How can a Mesh network route the packets?
- How can co-exist mesh Infrastructured or Mixed
networks and traditional networks?
58Joining the Mesh
- Each MP should have more than one Radio Interface
? more than one channel is joined - Each channel belongs to a Unified Channel
Graph, connecting more than two stations - Each MP has a table with a priority list for
every active channel
Unified Channel Graph
59Steps in joining a Mesh
- MP1 feels some mesh frames in the air
- MP1 tries to read the Mesh ID, the MWLAN
Capability Element and the Profile (eg. Link
State) - If MP1 can support the connection (in terms of
protocol and profile), it sends to Candidate
Neighbours some frames to join the mesh - Start of authentication
- If authentication is succesfully completed, MP1
is connected to the mesh
60Authentication and Privacy
- No central authority or hierarchy
- Security about
- Authentication to the Mesh Network
- Confidentiality and integrity of private data
- Protection from DoS attacks
- Open issues
61Authentication and Privacy
- A possible choice for having a secured
authentication, provide a secure key distribution
and to prevent unauthorized connections could be
the modification of the 802.11i protocol,
specifically designed for the traditional 802.11
security. - An option is to use a centralized server for
primary authentication. Once the authentication
ends successfully, the Supplicant (new MP) and
the Authenticator (a MP connected to the Mesh
network) can start an handshake and then
establish a secure connection. - Need to extend traditional 802.11i techniques for
having fast-reconnect (still under discussion as
of today)
62Routing techniques
- D1.00 defines one Mandatory Protocol for the
Path Selection (HWMP, inspired by AODV and
Tree-based routing), but any vendor of 802.11s
could define any other protocol - An optional protocol (RA-OLSR) is described in
the 802.11s draft - MWLAN Capability Element is used to inform new
nodes of which protocol is in use - There are two kind of routing techniques
- Proactive routing
- Reactive routing