Throughput-Optimal Configuration of Fixed Multi-Hop Wireless Networks - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Throughput-Optimal Configuration of Fixed Multi-Hop Wireless Networks


Throughput-Optimal Configuration of Fixed Multi-Hop Wireless Networks C. Rosenberg This work was done in collaboration with A. Karnik, A. Iyer, and S. Muthaiah. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Throughput-Optimal Configuration of Fixed Multi-Hop Wireless Networks

Throughput-Optimal Configuration of Fixed
Multi-Hop Wireless Networks
  • C. Rosenberg

This work was done in collaboration with A.
Karnik, A. Iyer, and S. Muthaiah.
Context Scheduled Wireless Mesh Networks
  • Mesh routers (e.g., subscriber stations, access
    points, etc.) form a multi-hop wireless network.
  • Network is managed.
  • No mobility.
  • Wireless ?
  • Understanding modelling physical layer is key
    (fading, interference, etc.).
  • Access scheme is key.
  • WLAN traffic is aggregated at the router and the
    traffic flows are (mostly) to or from the gateway.

Primarily interested in engineering fixed and
managed wireless mesh networks (WMN).
Modeling Wireless Communications
  • Designing wireless networks is quite challenging,
    owing to the complexity underlying wireless
  • A particular source of complexity interference.
  • Wireless medium characteristics
  • Signal power radiated into space
  • Signal power attenuates over distance
  • Signal decoded by treating sum of unwanted
    signals as noise decoding is probabilistic.
  • Unlike the wireline case, the physical layer
    cannot be abstracted by few simple parameters.

Managing Access to the Medium
  • Owing to the interference wireless links cause
    one another, it is necessary to arbitrate access
    to the wireless medium.
  • Medium access could be based on scheduling or
    random access.

Scheduled Random Access
Explicit conflict-free schedules Randomized channel access
Possible to assign a capacity to each link No notion of link capacity
Centralized, complex Distributed, robust
Superior performance Much inferior performance
802.16 supports centralized scheduling 802.11 is based on CSMA/CA
  • Conflict-free scheduled networks the focus of
    this work.
  • Results for networks based on IEEE 802.16
  • Bounds on performance of IEEE 802.11-networks

Focus of Our Work
  • Interplay between physical layer, network
    mechanisms, and performance.

Aim of Our Work
  • We seek answers to the following two questions
  • Q1 Capacity Given a set of nodes with arbitrary
    locations, and a set of data flows specified as
    source-destination pairs, what is the maximum
    achievable throughput, under certain constraints
    on the radio parameters (in particular,
    regulatory constraints on transmit power)?
  • Q2 Optimal Configuration Further, how should
    the network be configured to achieve this
    maximum? By configuration, we mean the complete
    choice of the set of links, flow routes, link
    schedules, and transmit power and modulation
    scheme for each link.
  • Maximum throughput
  • max-min flow rate maximize the minimum
    end-to-end flow throughput achievable in the
  • Classical notion of capacity a la Gupta-Kumar
  • Cumulative interferences from multiple links are
    considered, SINR (signal-to-interference-and-noise
    ratio) model.
  • Link rate is a step function of the transmit
  • Our model allows for multiple modulations and
    multiple power levels

An Important Preamble
  • When we compared simplistic physical channel
    models used in the literature, with one based on
    SINR, we found
  • Models such as the capture threshold model (used
    in ns-2), or the protocol model, predict
    different qualitative behavior while studying
    performance of MAC protocols.
  • The capture threshold model, the protocol model
    and a model based on fixed ranges for
    communication and interference, also predict
    throughput performance which is in contrast with
    the predictions of the SINR based model for
    scheduled networks.
  • In particular, for a grid mesh network, the
    maximum throughput at very low power, has
    different orders of growth in the number of
    nodes, for different models.

Prior Work
  • Asymptotic Approach Capacity Scaling
  • Characterize capacity in an order sense,
    Gupta-Kumar 1
  • Decode and forward architecture is order optimal,
    Xie-Kumar 2
  • More work in scaling laws under different models,
    Mhatre-Rosenberg 3
  • Mainly addresses capacity (Q1) in an order sense
    proofs construct optimal configuration (Q2) again
    in an order sense
  • Algorithmic Approach Joint Optimization
  • Dynamic Routing and Power Control, Neely et. al.
  • Minimize power subject to link data-rate
    constraints, Cruz and Santhanam 5
  • Algorithms/policies implicitly construct optimal
    configuration (Q2) does not address capacity (Q1)

  • Despite works on capacity scaling and joint
  • No feel for actual numbers for capacity.
  • No insights into overall trends of capacity with
    transmit power, modulation schemes, etc.
  • No structural insights.
  • Our aim is to address Q1 and Q2 for arbitrary
  • Important from two perspectives
  • Structural Properties
  • Does optimal configuration have any structural
  • Is power used to improve range or data-rate?
  • Is min-hop routing optimal? When? and so on
  • Engineering of networks upcoming standards like
    IEEE 802.16 provide
  • Multi-rate capability via adaptive modulation and
  • Message-passing mechanisms
  • Framework for coordinated network operation
  • A complete answer to Q1 and Q2
  • not only provides capacity,
  • but also optimal design in terms of the
    sophisticated features of upcoming standards,
  • Engineering guidelines.

Assumptions and Problem Setup
  • Traffic requirements are static or quasi-static
  • Appropriate for large backbone/back-haul type of
  • Channel gains are almost time-invariant
  • Realistic in urban/suburban areas with roof-top
    antennas 6
  • Radio parameters and physical layer
  • Allowable power vectors
  • Feasible modulation and coding schemes
  • In wireless communication, a successful
    transmission is specified in terms of an
    acceptable (bit) error rate (BER).
  • A modulation scheme z provides a specific
    transmission rate c(z)
  • To transmit data from i to j using z while
    maintaining a specified BER, the Signal to Noise
    Interference Ratio (SINR) at the receiver must be
    greater than some threshold ß(z).

Assumptions and Model (contd.)
  • Hence the SINR requirement for transmission on
    link l from i to j is specified as
  • Pl is the transmitting power of i, N0 is the
    average thermal noise power.
  • The sum in the denominator is over the links
    transmitting simultaneously with l.
  • Gll and Gll resp. denote the channel gains on
    link l, and the channel gain from the transmitter
    of link l to j.
  • Thus for transmission success not all wireless
    links can be active simultaneously
  • Link conflict relationships
  • Given a setting of power and a modulation scheme,
    each link has a conflict set
  • Conflict set consists of subsets each subset
    member consists of links which together disturb
    the given link

Assumptions and Model (contd.)
  • Conflict Set
  • Each v represents a conflict set member for link
  • Realistic scheduling constraints as compared to
    protocol model or k-hop interference model
  • Conflict graphs only model pairwise or binary
    conflict relationships
  • Conflict set idea is more general
  • Conflict sets specify multiple conflict graphs
  • If v is a unit vector, conflict relationships
    can be expressed as a conflict graph
  • Independent Sets
  • An independent set I is a set of links which can
    be activated simultaneously, without conflicts
  • Denote the set of independent sets by

Assumptions and Model (contd.)
  • Link Scheduling
  • Set of independent sets
  • Set of conflict-free schedules
  • Link capacities under a conflict-free schedule
  • Data flows and routing
  • Flow traffic split along routes such that

Formal Problem Statement
  • First set of constraints link capacity
  • LHS Traffic imposed on link
  • RHS Link capacity under conflict-free schedule
  • Third set to maximize the minimum
  • Optimal solution exists under certain conditions

A Note on Problem Formulation
  • Our formulation is very powerful and allows for
    numerous scenarios
  • Can be reduced to optimal routing problem if the
    powers and modulations are chosen from discrete
  • introduce an artificial link for every feasible
    combination of power and modulation
  • Can be generalized to achieve weighted max-min
  • flow f has weight wf depending on its priority,
    willingness-to-pay, etc.
  • can yield throughputs proportional to per node
    traffic demands
  • Conflict set structure can be seen as specifying
    multiple contention graphs
  • can include any interference model as special

Scaling Transmit Power Improves Capacity
  • Here ll(z, P) denotes the optimal solution for
    fixed PHY parameters
  • If transmit power of each node is scaled up by
    same factor, then optimum throughput cannot
  • Why?
  • SINR improves
  • New links could become feasible
  • In contrast with protocols like COMPOW common
    minimum power 7
  • Also, proved by Behzad and Rubin 8

Addressing Computational Complexity
  • Hardness result
  • The problem of determining the max-min throughput
    of a network, given any conflict structure
    specified in terms of the conflict sets, is
  • Independent set problem can be reduced to our
  • Smart enumerative technique
  • Under the assumptions
  • Channel gain is isotropic path loss
  • Minimum node separation of dmin
  • Bounded network area of LxL
  • Maximum number of links that can be scheduled
    simultaneously is upper bounded by B depending
    only on dmin, L, the path loss exponent and
    minimum SINR requirement
  • Enumerate all subsets of links, of size B or
    less, and check if they are independent
  • We develop a computational tool
  • input node/gateway locations, available power
    levels and modulation schemes at each node, flows
  • output routing, scheduling and PHY parameters on
    each link

Set-up for Computational Results
  • For grids and arbitrary networks.
  • For grids
  • nodes placed on a unit grid with gateway in the
    bottom left corner (except when stated
    otherwise) NxN grid has 1 gateway and n N2- 1
  • grid side8m, far-field crossover distance01m,
    noise power-100dBm
  • The flows are all assumed identical and going
    towards the gateway (unidirectional) or from and
    to the gateway (bi-directional)
  • All nodes use same transmission power and same
    modulation (except when stated otherwise)
  • Base modulation has rate 1 with SINR threshold 10
  • Higher modulations rate 4, threshold 20 dB, and
    rate 8, threshold 25 dB
  • Channel experiences only isotropic path loss (can
    be generalized), path loss exponent 4 (except
    when stated otherwise)

5x5 Grid Network 1 Power, 1 Modulation
  • The optimum throughput is non decreasing with
    power (bottom right)
  • Let Pmin be the minimum power for which the grid
    is connected (-13.8 dBm)
  • The maximum throughput is low
  • The optimal routing is min hop (bottom left)
  • Let PSH be the minimum power for which single hop
    is possible (16.2 dBm)
  • Routing and scheduling are very simple
  • Maximum throughput is R(m)/n where R(m) is the
    link rate when modulation m is used.
  • For intermediate powers, routing can be quite
    complex (bottom center uses -1.85 dBm)

5x5 Grid Impact of Modulation Schemes
  • Normalized throughput (left) and size of largest
    independent set used in optimal configuration
    (right) as a function of transmit power for
    different (single) modulation schemes.
  • A higher rate modulation reduces spatial reuse,
    but may lead to high throughput gains
  • A lower rate modulation provides connectivity at
    lower transmit powers
  • Pmin -13.8 dBm, -3.8dBm, 1.2 dBm and PSH 16.2
    dBm, 26.2dBm, 31.2 dBm (for modulation 1,2,3

Multiple Power and Modulation Levels
  • Top right Normalized throughput vs. transmit
    power for the 5x5 grid of previous slide
  • With modulation 1
  • With modulation 2
  • With both modulations 1 2
  • Using both modulations provides
  • Connectivity at lower powers
  • High throughput at higher powers
  • Bottom right Normalized throughput vs. transmit
    power for a 4x4 grid network
  • With 1 or 2 power levels and modulation 2
  • We compare 1 power level P with 2 power levels P
    and P - 5dBm.
  • Using 2 power levels provides better flexibility
    at the physical layer

Interference-avoiding Routing
  • Two flows red and blue source and destination
    apparent from RHS figure
  • Optimal routing (left) throughput 2/7 solid
    links carry 85 of the traffic
  • Minimum hop routing (right) throughput 1/7
  • Illustration of interference-avoiding routing

No Obvious Trade-offs
  • Mesh network 15 nodes, 1 gateway on 4x4 grid
  • Optimal routing with 2 power levels and 1
    modulation scheme (left) and 2 power levels and
    2 modulation schemes (right)

Hexagonal Topology and Many Flows
  • IEEE 802.16-like mesh network
  • 36 subscriber stations and 1 base station
  • Many-to-one (upload) traffic (30 of traffic) and
    one-to-many (download) traffic (70 of traffic)
  • Transmit power of -13 dBm uplink throughput
    0.00144 downlink 0.00433
  • Routes unlike the tree-based structures
    considered in literature

Single Gateway Placement
  • Motivation
  • Gateway placement is necessary.

Grid Topology
Throughput Curves
Single Gateway Placement
  • Gateway placement is necessary in arbitrary
    networks and no placement is optimal for all Ps.

Optimal Throughput Curves
Arbitrary Network Topology
Beyond Omni-Directional Antennas
  • Limitations of omni-directional (om-d) antennas.
  • high power is required for high throughput.
  • Interference reduces spatial reuse.
  • Advantages of smart antennas
  • Low interference.
  • Less power to reach the same distance as compared
    to om-d antennas.
  • Designed to transmit or receive power in a
    particular direction
  • Characterized by
  • Directivity concentration of radiated power in a
    particular direction
  • Beamwidth (?). maximum spread of the gain
    defined at 3dB points
  • Radiation pattern depiction of the relative
    field strength
  • Gain (?)

5x5 Grid with Smart Antennas
Variation of Spatial-Reuse with power
Variation of ? with transmit power (in dBm)
  • Using smart antennas reduces the transmitter
    power requirements considerably.
  • Better spatial reuse is enabled by the use of
    smart antennas.
  • Network throughput at low powers is considerably
  • However the maximum achievable network
    throughput remains identical to omni-
    directional antennas since the bottleneck is the

5x5 Grid with Smart Antennas
Omni-directional antenna with transmit power
-7.75 dBm
Smart antennas with beam-width 52o and transmit
power -22.48 dBm
Extensions and Future Work
  • Two main assumptions
  • Static channel gains
  • Traffic is static
  • For uncertain channel gains
  • Possible to use robust design consider
    independent sets which always remain independent
  • For stochastically time-varying channel gains
  • If channel process iid across slots, can use
    average statistics to yield sufficient conditions
    on outage
  • Static traffic
  • Makes sense for a managed network
  • Further studies
  • Lifetime
  • Other objective functions
  • Multiple gateway placement
  • Computational tool

1 P. Gupta and P. R. Kumar. The Capacity of
Wireless Networks. IEEE Transactions on
Information Theory, Vol. IT-46, no. 2, pp.
388-404, March 2000. 2 L.-L. Xie and P. R.
Kumar. A Network Information Theory for Wireless
Communication Scaling Laws and Optimal
Operation. IEEE Transactions on Information
Theory, Vol. 50, no. 5, pp. 748-767, May
2004. 3 V. Mhatre and C. Rosenberg. The
Capacity of Random Ad Hoc Networks under a
Realistic Link Layer Model. submitted to IEEE
Transactions on Information Theory, 2005. 4 M.
J. Neely, E. Modiano, and C. E. Rohrs. Dynamic
power allocation and routing for time-varying
wireless networks. IEEE Journal of Selected Areas
in Communications, 23(1)89103, January 2005.
Special Issue on Wireless Ad Hoc Networks. 5 R.
L. Cruz and A. V. Santhanam. Optimal routing,
link scheduling and power control in multi-hop
wireless networks. In Proceedings of the IEEE
INFOCOM 2003, April 2003. 6 V. Erceg, L.
Greenstein, Y. Tjandra, S. Parkoff, A. Gupta, B.
Kulic, A. Julius and R. Bianchi. An
Empirically-based Path Loss Model for Wireless
Channels in Suburban Environments. IEEE J. Sel.
Areas Commun., vol. 17, pp 1205-1211, July
1999. 7 S. Narayanaswamy, V. Kawadia, R. S.
Sreenivas, and P. R. Kumar, Power Control in Ad
Hoc Networks Theory, Architecture, Algorithm and
Implementation of the COMPOW Protocol. in
Proceedings of the European Wireless Conference
2002, Florence, Italy, Feb. 2002, pp. 156-
162 8 A. Behzad and I. Rubin, High Transmission
Power Increases the Capacity of Ad Hoc Wireless
Networks. IEEE Transactions on Wireless
Communications, Vol. 5, No. 1, January 2006.
Our References
  • A. Karnik, A. Iyer and C. Rosenberg
    Throughput-optimal Configuration of Fixed
    Wireless Networks, accepted in IEEE/ACM
    Transaction in Networking, July 07.
  • S. N. Muthaiah and C. Rosenberg Single Gateway
    Placement in Wireless Mesh Networks submitted to
  • S. N. Muthaiah, A. Iyer, A. Karnik and C.
    Rosenberg Design of High Throughput Scheduled
    Mesh Networks A Case For Directional Antennas,
    in proceedings of IEEE Globecom 2007, Washington,
    November 2007.
  • A. Iyer, C. Rosenberg and A. Karnik, What is the
    Right Model for Wireless Channel Interference? in
    the proceedings of The Third International
    Conference on Quality of Service in Heterogeneous
    Wired/Wireless Networks (QShine 2006), Waterloo,
    Canada, August 2006. Invited paper.
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