Title: Put Christ back in George Washington's Birthday
1Put Christ Back in Christmas
Luke 21-14
Do you have any special programs at the church?
No !
2Put Christ Back in George Washingtons Birthday
Luke 21-14
Do you have any special programs at the church?
No !
3Not Told When Jesus Was Born
A. Dont know the year B. Dont know the month or
- Bible doesnt say
- Most likely not December 25
Adopted in 3rd or 4th century
4Dates Suggested For The Birthday of Christ
January 6
March 25
May 20
January 10
December 25
Every month of year!
5The exact date of Jesus' birth is unknown the
legendary date of December 25 cannot be traced
back farther than the fourth century. - (The
Wycliffe Bible Commentary)
6Considerations about Christmas
Christ is just as precious as if he had been born
today !
7Considerations about Christmas
If Christ had been born today we would not know
about his....
Death, Burial, Resurrection
8Considerations about Christmas
We can rejoice in Christ 365 days a year ! Phil.
44 Rejoice in the Lord always.
9Can Christians observe Christmas ?
Yes ! As individuals / families Like July 4th No
religious significance 1 Cor. 1025-32
10God Revealed the day of His Resurrection
1st day of Week Mark 168-9 Luke
241-47 Lords Day - Rev. 110 Lords Supper -
Acts 207
11Considerations about Christmas
Drinking is on increase at this time of
year... Commercialization of the season...
Lets put Christ back in Christmas
12Put Christ Back in George Washingtons Birthday
Feb. 22
Feb. 12 - Lincolns birthday Feb. 2nd July
4th Thanksgiving June 10th ?
13Put Christ in Every day....
Sunday - Rev.110 - WORSHIP Monday - Ecl.1213-14
- FEAR Tuesday - Gal.610 - GOOD Wed. -
Heb.1025 - ASSEMBLE Thur. - Gal.69 - WELL
DOING Fri. - Luke 923 - CROSS Sat. - John 435 -
14Put Christ in Every day....
Ps. 11824 This is the day which the Lord hath
made we will rejoice and be glad in it.
His Birth
His Life
His Death
15Put Christ in Every day....
Put Christ in Every Christian
Christ Liveth in Me. Gal. 220
16Let us put Christ back in our lives - every day.
Only way to get Into Christ
Gal. 327 For as many of you as have been
baptized into Christ have put on Christ.
17Sermon by Arthur Pigman Evans Church of Christ
515 Gibbs Road Evans, Ga. 30809 706-855-1249 arth
urpigman_at_cybrtyme.com Sunday Morning Dec. 25, 05