Title: George Spillman Washington - Successful Businessman
1George Spillman Washington Successful Businessman
George Spillman, who was born in Washington
state, is a successful businessman based in
Roseville, California. He is known for his
professionalism with compassion, a value system
introduced to him at a young age by his father.
Throughout his career, he has started and managed
several small businesses in California and
continues to find new ways to expand his business
and entrepreneurial career in technology.
2George Spillman Washington Expanding into
Technology Sector
George Spillman of Washington state has been a
successful entrepreneur throughout Northern
California. He now lives in Roseville, California
and is working on starting a new technology
company there. He is known for his community
involvement and his willingness to give back to
his neighbors to improve their safety and help
provide services if needed. He is very well
respected in the area.
3George Spillman Washington Former Army Ranger
George Spillman was based in Washington and is
one of the few to serve in the US Military as an
Army Ranger, one of the most elite fighting
forces in the world. In 1999, he earned a
Carnegie Medal for his heroic rescue of a mother
and her two children from a burning truck. All
three lives were saved in the incident. Spillman
has been successful upon his reentry to civilian
life as well, starting and managing several
companies in Northern California.
4George Spillman Washington Involved in Community
Sports Programs
George Spillman Washington is deeply involved in
community sports programs in his community of
Roseville, California. He has founded and managed
several small businesses throughout Northern
California and loves to help kids learn and play
sports. He thinks that participating in team
sports, even for a few years, helps kids build
character and learn lessons they would never
learn in a classroom.Spillman enjoys helping his
community succeed by volunteering to help people
find proper continuing education programs
throughout the area.
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