Title: CSE100: Introductory Software Engineering
1CSE100 Introductory Software Engineering
- Lecture 11 Implementation
- Module Communication Flowcharts
2Small Module Benefits
- We considered earlier how big/small a module of
code should be - e.g. 1 page?
- e.g. 7 statements?
- We said you could have
- A few large modules with a few links between them
- Many small modules with many links between them
- A mix of the 2
3If small
- software is easier to write
- software can be re-used more easily because
- a module should fulfill only 1 task
- modules must be able to communicate
- we call this interfacing with other modules
4ATM Example
- Think back to when we looked at the use cases for
the ATM (cash machine) scenario - When withdrawing money, there could be just 2
functions to perform - Check not overdrawn when cash withdrawn
- Withdraw the money
5Module Chart and Module Calls
accountNo amount
6Module Calls
- Module accountWithdrawal (accountNo, amount)
- overdrawn checkOverdrawn(accountNo, amount)
- If overdrawn is true
- return fail (reply false)
- exit
- withdrawCash(accountNo, amount)
- return success (reply true)
- Module end
7The Function Table
Function accountWithdrawal
Parameters string accountNo, integer amount
Return Type boolean Description
Check the bank balance of accountNo with
amount to be withdrawn (amount) if overdrawn
confirm overdrawn (fail) otherwise withdraw
cash (success)
- Pseudocode defines the structure of the code
- Defines a problem procedurally using constructs
- Sequence
- Selection
- Iteration
- Very close to actual programming code
- A graphical presentation
- Concentrates upon the logical flow of the code
NOT its structure - Represents procedural code well for
- Sequence
- Selection
- Cant directly represent iteration (loops)
10Flowchart Use
- Several uses
- Used to show slide order in a prototype or
storyboard analysis - Used to show logical flow of code in a
specification - Used to identify test paths in a program.
11Flowchart Symbols
Start or end
Input or output
Flow line
Have items?
Water in Kettle?
Turn on kettle
Is water boiled?
Fill kettle with water
Find kettle, water, mug, spoon, coffee granules,
Make a cup of coffee
Any normal processing step
Increment Index
Increment Index
2 processes together in sequence
Sum Sum markindex
Sum ? Sum mark
A sequence action followed by a Selection.
Determines 1 of 2 Paths to take. (likely IF
statement in Java, VB, C)
Sum lt 40
- looping statement
- loop index 1 to numberOfStudents step 1
- We need to define for the flow chart
- The initial value of loop control (index)
- The terminating condition
- The increment for loop control
16Iteration in Flowcharts
Index ? 1
Initialise loop control
index numberOf Students
Check for Terminating Condition
(Exit Loop)
Loop statements
17Iteration in Flowcharts
Index ? 1
Initialise loop control
index numberOf Students
Check for terminating Condition
(Exit Loop)
Loop statements
Increment (or decrement) the loop control
Increment index
- Like pseudocode as they identify the code
structure - Like flowcharts because they are diagrams
- They are more amenable for computerisation than
19Nassi-SchneidermannDiagrams - Iteration
Statement 1 Loop A Control Statement2 Stateme
nt 3 Loop B Control Statement 4 Statement
5 End Loop B statement 6 End Loop A
Indented Loop Box
A Loop Box Within a Loop Box
20NASSI Conditional Statements
If Statement
Statement 1 Statement 2 (Performed when if
statement is TRUE)
Statement 3 (Performed when if Statement is
Continue from here when either Y or N
branches are completed.
21NASSI If within a Loop
Loop End
22- Time for Break/Change of tasks!
23Improving the Quality of Software
24- Good software benefits
- The benefits of replacing literals with variables
- Changing functionality with control data
- Separating code and data to make software more
flexible and reusable - Where best to source control data
- Dont use literals in code everything changes
sooner or later so prepare for change - Set variables in the initialisation phase of the
module - e.g. If the assessment regime used by a module
has 4 assessments you wont have long to wait
until someone wants to change it
26Replacing Literals with Variables
- Better to use a variable e.g. numAssessments
- The variable can be initialised at the start of
the module - For any programmer who needs to modify the
program - For loopIndex 1 to numAssessments
- is more flexible than
- For loopIndex 1 to 4
27Initialising Variablesat the Start of Modules
- A variable name can identify the purpose of the
value, a literal cannot - Define the variable at the start of the module
once only then use the variable throughout the
module - The purpose of a literal value is easy to forget
or hard to understand - Instead of message literals embedded in the code,
set up a table of messages that can be easily
28Using a Message Table instead of Message Literals
- Instead of
- messageBox ? invalid mark
- Use
- messageBox ? message1 from
Message Table Message1 invalid
mark Message2 array error Message3 mark
update error Message4 mark out of bounds
29System Variables
- Many programming languages and operating systems
make available system variables - Available for use by all programs
- The most frequently used system variable is
todays date - The data must be referred to by the same name in
all programs (e.g. sysdate) - You must use the correct name
- You cant use that name for your own data
30System Variables
The system variable value cant be changed. A
module cant use the same variable name to
re-assign values for a different purpose
Global Data
Module 1
Module 2
Module 3
31Using the same Data in several Modules
- What if the same data is used in many different
modules in a program? - e.g. What if income tax rates are used in several
different places in a payroll program? - Better to have a special module to initialise
important variables
32Using the Same DataAcross Large Programs
numAssessments ? 4 Set here
Print Transcript
Process Student Marks
Initialise Variables
numAssessments used here
Calculate final Mark
Read Student Details
33Important Data
- Data such as numAssessments may control the way a
program functions - Setting the values of important variables in an
initialisation module may not be considered very
flexible - Input important values as input to a program?
- Important data might be stored and accessed from
a control file - Users can modify data on the control file
34Key Data Stored on File
Initialisation- read variables from file
Print Transcript
Process Student Marks
numAssessments used here
Calculate final Mark
Read Student Details
35Separating Data and Code
- Use of variables instead of literals makes
programs easier to modify - The use of variables separate code from data
- What a program can do (its functionality) can be
increased by using variables
36To Recap
- As a rule try to remove the need to change code
- software control data should be stored in one
place (initialisation module, file, database) - Ensure the impact of change on software code is
minimised - When sharing the same data between modules, there
is some loss in efficiency but not significant