Title: Welcome to: Introductory Software Engineering CSE100
1Welcome toIntroductory Software
2You are now well on your way to demonstrating
- Understanding of the need for
- a professional and ethical approach to software
development. - software to be easy to use for the range of
software users. - a software development process
- and the ability to
- apply software engineering techniques to achieve
an effective and usable software solution to an
appropriate (level 1) problem. - Use appropriate testing techniques for software
- Well, you just showed you could
- Act in a team/cooperate
- Analyse situation
- Use initiative
- Give/Take direction
- Think laterally etc
- to solve a specific problem
4SE Tutor Introductions
- Module Leader
- Dr Siobhan Devlin
- Room DGIC 224
- 44 (0191) 515 3648
- siobhan.devlin_at_sunderland.ac.uk
- Module Tutors
- Dr ian.potts_at_sunderland.ac.uk
- Mr malcolm.pearson_at_sunderland.ac.uk
- Mrs linda.white_at_sunderland.ac.uk
5We will be working together
- For 10 weeks
- 4 weeks, consolidation week, 4 weeks, finishing
week - For 200 hours
- 60 on face to face contact 2 sessions per week
- 140 on VLE-supported, peer-supported,
tutor-facilitated and independent learning
6Whats the module about?
7Software Engineering
- 2 parts to the title of this topic
- Software
- Engineering
- What is software?
- Turn to the person next to you and talk about
what you think it is - Think of 3 examples of SW
- Feedback to room
- What is engineering?
- Turn to the person next to you and talk about
what you think it is - Think of 3 examples of engineering
- Feedback to room
8What is SW? Some answers some examples
- Software (SW)
- Electronically stored data (as opposed to the HW
device its stored on). - Sets of instructions that tell a computer what to
do. - Programs.
- Operating instructions for task based
applications. - Programs and associated documentation
(requirements, designs, user manuals etc) - Importantly, there are 2 types of SW
- System SW (so the computer can work e.g. the
Operating System) - Applications SW (so people can do work on the
computer e.g. Word Processor, Drawing Package,
web browser)
9What is Engineering? Some answers some
- Engineering
- Making things but in a particular way
- cost-effective
- market forces
- market driven solutions
- Applying scientific knowledge to solve
commercial/industrial problems - Applies to analysing the problem, and designing
and building an economic and practical solution
that will operate as intended - Engineers design and build
- Structures such as roads, houses, skyscrapers
- Machines such as engines, electrical goods
- Software such as(discussed previously)
10So, what is Software Engineering?
- Systematic, controlled, cost-effective,
scientific approach to the - development,
- operation, and
- maintenance of SW
- Using appropriate tools and techniques
- According to the constraints you are working
11Engineering Task
12Build a bridge
- Build a bridge that holds 100 pennies, using
- 1 sheet of paper and
- up to 5 paper clips
- It must support its own weight (dead load) as
well as the weight of anything placed on it (live
load). - It must span 20 centimeters. The sides of your
bridge will rest on two books and cannot be taped
or attached to the books or the table. -
13The Bridge
- Discuss ideas with your team mates before you
start building. - What can you do to the paper to make it stronger?
- When you have decided on a design, construct your
bridge. - Place the bridge across two supports that are 20
cm apart. Remember that the space below the
bridge must be clear to allow boats to pass. - To test your bridge, load it with pennies one at
a time, until it collapses. Record how many
pennies your bridge supported. - Was the bridge as strong as you thought it would
be? Where did it fail? - Is there a difference in the load your bridge can
hold if you put the load in the center of the
bridge compared to spreading it out along the
bridge? Make a prediction and test it.Â
14- Your bridges may or may not have been successful
- What were the factors that made it
successful/unsuccessful? - Well come back to the bridge building
- But first, lets talk some more about Software
15- What do you think are the factors in making
Software projects successful/ unsuccessful? - (Think about the bridge factors)
- Therefore why is it necessary at all?
16What else is Software Engineering?
- Not only the technical (implementation) side of
the problem solving, but also the project
management side - people,
- products, processes, quality,
- budgets,
- Resources/constraints
- schedules, etc
- (Next Slide)
17People Management
- People are the integral part of projects and
project management. They both manage the project
and perform the work and therefore projects
succeed or fail through their involvement. - Assoc. for Project Management, Body of Knowledge,
5th Edition (section 7) - (Back)
18Why is Cost-Effectiveness Important?
- SW costs are greater than HW costs
- SW maintenance costs much more than development
- And systems are designed to be used for a long
time (e.g. NHS) - World economies are increasingly dependent on SW
large proportion of GNP - Why would SE save money?
- Think about going shopping without a list, or
where money is no object - Idea of something being planned, not out of
control - (Back)
19Software Development Processes/Lifecycle (Back)
Also, for SDLC see http//uk.youtube.com/watch?vO
20Project management
- Examples where youve seen people managing
projects - Time Team http//www.channel4.com/history/microsit
es/T/timeteam/game.html - Grand Designs, Property Ladder
- The Apprentice?
- What do you think are the key features/processes
of project management?
21Essential processes of PM
- Agree project spec.
- Plan project - time, team, activities, resources,
financials. - Communicate the plan to project team.
- Agree and delegate actions.
- Manage, motivate, inform, encourage, enable the
project team. - Check, measure, review project progress
- adjust project plans, and inform the project team
and others. - Complete project
- review and report on project performance
- give praise and thanks to the project team.
- www.businessballs.com/project.htm
22Back to the Bridge Building
- Task for now and until next week
23Bridge Challenge
- Some interesting facts about bridges
- http//www.pbs.org/wgbh/buildingbig/bridge/basics.
html - A bridge design challenge
- http//www.pbs.org/wgbh/buildingbig/bridge/challen
ge/index.html - You must complete a bridge challenge and present
on it next Tuesday (see handout)
24Next weeks presentation
- Intro their company
- Intro their companys ethos
- Show their initial designs
- Explain how they project managed the task
- Projected costs for real bridge build
- Next Tuesday therell be a strength test of the
bridges with prizes for strongest, cheapest
working bridge, best looking bridge, best