Title: GLAST Rate Calculations
1GLAST Rate Calculations
2Components used to measure rates
- Source model
- Geomagnetic latitude
- Spectrum
- zenith angle
- Instrument geometry
- Detector response
- ACD, tracker, CAL
- Trigger model
3How it is done overview
GLAST active box dimen.1.69 x 1.69 x 0.90
- Incoming particle, choose
- Flux (if multiple)
- E
- q(E)
- intersection with disk
horizon 240 below horizontalcosq -0.4
The Target sphere6 m2 cross section,(24 m2
surface area)R1.38 m.
Spacecraft 1000 kg Al hexagon
Solar panels not included
4A flux example muons
- Entry in the file source_library.xml
lt!-- special source that mimics non-interacting
cosmics --gt ltsource name"muons" flux"100"gt
ltspectrumgt ltparticle
name"mu"gt ltenergy e"100"/gt lt/particlegt
ltsolid_angle mincos"-0.4" maxcos"1.0"/gt
lt/spectrumgt lt/sourcegt
- Rate intercepting top surfaceF A DW 100 x
(1.76)2 x p 973 Hz (or 18, also as measured)
5The background sources
composite name
lt!-- background mixture --gt ltsource
name"backgndmix"gt ltsource
name"chime"/gt ltsource name"albedo_gamma"
/gt ltsource name"electron"/gt
ltsource name"albedo_proton"/gt lt/sourcegt
Standard proton spectrum
Protons below cutoff
Albedo from horizon
6Previous Results
- The trigger http//glast.phys.washington.edu/glas
L1 5.47 kHz(9.06) 2.08 kHz(3.39)
L2 1.86 kHz(3.13) 0.96 kHz (1.72)
7Future needs
- Good model for proton albedo based on AMS
- Implement heavy component
- flux
- interactions