Title: Diabetes Clinical Management Guidelines TOE MORNING APPOINTMENT
1Diabetes Clinical Management GuidelinesTOEMORNIN
Inform TOE team if patient has diabetes, if
unsure of type contact Diabetes
team.Schedule Procedures for 1st or 2nd on
morning list.Driving Patients should be told
not to drive to or from the hospital.Advise Pati
ents to check their blood glucose (if possible)
before leaving home/ward. Patients to bring
their insulin or diabetic tablet(s). Patient to
bring their blood glucose meter and test strips.
OMIT morning dose of insulin and/or diabetic
tablet(s). No food for 6 hours and clear fluids
only up to 3 hours before procedure.
Proceed to TOE
All patients breakfast/light snack if free from
pain and nausea and swallowing reflex returned
Type 1/Type 2 on insulin Non-sedated Give usual
morning insulin with breakfast/snack. Sedated Basa
l bolus regimen take usual lunchtime rapid
acting insulin dose. (Note if on morning lantus
or levemir insulin take 2/3 usual morning dose as
well as rapid insulin). Three times daily
regimen take 2/3 usual morning dose. Twice daily
regimen take 2/3 of usual morning dose.
Type 2 (diet / oral agents) Non-sedated Give
usual morning diabetic tablet(s) with
breakfast. Sedated Give usual morning diabetic
tablet(s) at lunchtime.
Discharge/return to ward if pain free, no nausea
and uneventful recovery. Advise ALL patients to
continue their usual diabetic treatment with
their evening meal.