Title: Enforcing SSoD policies by SMER Constraints
1Enforcing SSoD policies by SMER Constraints
- Terminology
- SoD Separation of Duty
- RBAC Role-Based Access Control
- SMER Static Mutually Exclusive Role
- SoD is important in RBAC systems
- Directly enforcing SoD in RBAC is difficult
- We can use SMER to enforce RBAC
3Definitions (1)
- Domains
- U the set of all possible users
- R the set of all possible roles
- P the set of all possible permissions
- RBAC state
4Definitions (2)
- SSoD policy
- SSoD safety
- SMER constraint
- RBAC state satisfies SMER constraint
- Enforcing SSoD by SMER
Example borrowed from Ninghui Li, Ziad Bizri,
and Mahesh V. Tripunitara On Mutually-Exclusive
Roles and Separation of Duty, ccs 2004
6Current Research Result
- Directly enforcing SSoD policies in RBAC is
intractable - Enforcing SMER constraints is efficient
- Verification problem is intractable
- Generation of singleton SMER constraints
- Precise enforcement is not always possible
7Enforcing is not enough
- Compatibility
- Example
- C1 and C2 both enforce E
- C1 is not a good choice
8Comparing SMER constraints
- Compare two SMER constraints
- C1 is at least as restrictive as C2 under RH
(denoted by ) if and only if - If both C1 and C2 are in a set of SMERs and C1 is
more restrictive than C2, than we can simply
remove C2 from the set
9Generation of SMER constraints(1)
- Naïve Generation 2(2n)
- Even for small n, not efficient
- Generating all set of SMERs that can minimally
implement given SSoD policies - Starting from most restrictive SMERs
10Generation of SMER constraints(2)
Most Restrictive set of SMERs
SMERs that implement SSoD
SMERs that minimally implement SSoD
SMERs that do not implement SSoD
Not Restrictive
- Notion of implementation
- Comparison between different SMERs
- Comparison between different SSoDs
- Algorithm to generate all set of SMERs that
minimally implement SSoD
12Future Work
- When can we precisely implement SSoD?
- More efficient generation algorithm
- How to choose from a set of implementations?
- How to compare different SMER constraints
according to the given SSoD policies?