Title: Healthy Schools enhancement model
1Healthy Schoolsenhancement model
2Healthy Schools enhancement model
- The Healthy Schools enhancement model is a
schools programme which will help embed healthier
behaviours and well-being outcomes into the
everyday activities of school life.
3Why Healthy Schools enhancement model?
- Meets government policy
- Addresses national issues
- Makes sense of policy and issues for schools
4Why? Meeting government policy 1/2
- Well-being indicators
- Ofsted Framework
- 21st Century Schools White Paper Your Child,
Your School, Our Future building a 21st Century
School - Pupil guarantee
- Extended Services
5Why? Meeting government policy 2/2
- Duty on schools for well-being
- School report card
- Child Health Strategy
- Healthy Child Programme
- Healthy Weight, Healthy Lives
- Statutory PSHE education
- School food / nutritional standards
- Change 4 Life
6Why? Addresses national issues
- National issues are addressed in a more
collected way - Young people dont fit into boxes of obesity,
TP, EHWB, alcohol misuse etc but funding can - Encourages and influences development of joint
7Why? Makes sense for schools
- Makes sense of government policy for schools
- Offers a process to connect and operationalise
government policy - Brings together the leads in localities and
strengthens partnerships within localities - Builds upon what is already there in Healthy
Schools Local Programmes
8How? Present structure
Central Team
Regional Co-ordinators
Mouchel and ICE
Local Programme
9How? Develops a governance structure
Sign off for high level policy decisions
Strategy group
Lower level policy decisions and planning to
support deliverables
Operational group
Develop products, operationalise policy, consider
implications for LPs, influence and advise on
development in all regions represented by RCs
and LPCs report back
Steering group
10How? Structure for consultation and
Aim has been to involve all Regional
Co-ordinators and 50 of Local Programmes,100
of all Local Programmes have attended national
Working task groups meet 2/3 times
Website development forum
32 Local Programmes enrichment
Structure for consultation and participation
South West test bed
Policy leads
11What? Healthy Schools enhancement model 1/2
- It is an outcome based model for improving the
health and well-being of CYP which will - Build upon the foundation of health and
well-being secured through schools achieving
NHSS, maintained through the annual review - Builds upon the partnerships secured through the
quality assurance systems of Local Programmes
12What? Healthy Schools enhancement model 2/2
- It is an outcome based model for improving the
health and well-being of CYP which will - Build upon this, Local Programmes will develop a
wider QA system called the QUAS (quality
assurance system) to support and monitor schools
as they work towards meeting meaningful outcomes
in this model.
13What? Healthy Schools enhancement model
- The Healthy Schools enhancement model will
- involve a mixture of school based, local and
national priorities which will be determined by
schools, through a needs analysis - provide universal and targeted health and
well-being interventions
14Healthy Schools enhancement model
15When? Healthy Schools timeline
July 09 Steering group
Jan 09 Operational detail started ongoing to
Sept Business meetings
March 09 One day training for LPs
May 09 Task groups Steering group
Sept 09 Support materials ready for
distribution National Conf launch
Nov 09 Website tools are ready One training day
for LPs
Oct 09 PMOI sheets ready for distribution.
Aug 09 Web developed Support materialssign off
April 09 Support materials development
started Task groups
Feb 09 Steering group meeting residential
June 09 Two day training for LPs
And then.. 2010 Spring training targeted support
project Key Italics indicate developments
16Benefits of the Healthy Schools enhancement model
17 Meets local priorities
Connecting Government Policies
Improves interventions
Addresses CYP health and well-being
Improving Comms
Improving standards
Contributes to national issues
Engagement in Children Trust arrangements
Engaging with well-being indicators
Enhance PCT LA partnerships
Developing common language
Developing School health teams
18Any challenges?
19Any questions?
20(No Transcript)