C'K' Prahalad - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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C'K' Prahalad


Practices of innovation must shift the focus ... Ex: OnStar 2 launched by GM on 2000. ... Miniaturization trend has allowed pocket-sized devices become multiple ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: C'K' Prahalad

The New Frontier of Experience Innovation
C.K. Prahalad Venkatram Ramaswamy
Sunum Can Uçkan Yüksel 502070951
Practices of innovation must shift the focus away
Experience Environment
Products Services
Accelerators of creating value
Stress reasons for creating value
Advances in digitization, biotechnology, smart
materials (increasing the opportunities in wide
range of industries). Deregulation,
Connectivity, Globalization.
Intense competition Shrinking profit margins
? Profitable growth can only come from
innovation ? Company-centric, product service
focused view can NOT deliver innovation and value
Emerging Competitive Landscape
Field A
Field B
Field C
Field D
Field E
Field A
Field C
Field E
Field B
Field D
Industry names are exemplary and graphics are
off scale are given just to explain the
conceptual shift.
  • ? Traditionally a still camera was different then
    a cellular phone and a video camera was different
    than television. There were clearly defined
    products and industry boundaries.
  • Digitization has enabled the combination of
    features and functions of traditional industries
    and products in myriad of new wayIndeed, in
    almost every industry, the distinct identities of
    products, services, channels, industries and
    companies are rapidly disappearing.
  • Companies defense mechanism against
    boundaryless and eventually transforming
    competitive space is increasing the product
    variety. For company and product-centric
    premises that create value through the products
    and services, it is very normal to compete
    through variety.
  • On the other hand, consumers find it confusing
    to embed many features and functions in product.
  • Creating product and service variety is getting
    easier everyday with enhancing technological
    background framework, competing for value through
    that variety is NOT easy.

The Co-creation Experience as the Basis for Value
  • Assuming an active role for the individual
    consumer in value creation is different from
    allowing customers to access to a companys
    technology base or seeking their help in the
    product development.
  • That leads to innovations center remain the
    product or the technology itself which is a best
    variant of the dominant logic.
  • The center of gravity must shift to the
    individual's co-operation experience.
  • ex Cardiac pacemakers (device that monitors
    and manages the heart rhythm). The comfort of
    that device would be expanded if it could be
    monitored remotely and alert the patient and
    doctor simultaneously. Moreover it could direct
    the patient which hospital to go if s/he is away
    from home. The device would give the medical
    history to the doctor on that hospital.
  • ? The value is NOT on the product, NEITHER on the
    IT network, NOR in the social-skill network that
    includes doctors-hospitals-family and the broader
  • ? The value creation is defined by the
    experience of a specific consumer, at a specific
    point location, in the context of a specific

? Ex Pacemaker producer company based Medtronic
Inc1. Developed a system of virtual office
visits that enable physicians to check patients
implanted cardiac devices via internet. By
holding a small antenna over patients implanted
device and patient collects data. Physician
review the data on a special web-site, and
patient can check his own condition from a
website with special interface for the patient.
That technologic platform would support blood
pressure, sugar readings, brain activity,
? Ex OnStar 2 launched by GM on 2000. OnStar
service is integrated to the vehicle and provides
safety and emergency services. When a consumer
locks himself out of the car, OnStar opens the
door remotely, when the airbag of the car is
blown off, OnStar detect the accident and its
severity, direct the local emergency service to
the scene. Also it helps tracking down the
vehicle if its stolen. The services of OnStar is
expanded afterwards with entertainment,
information and fun oriented services. It can
determine the locations of the nearest favorite
restaurants and making reservations.
1 http//www.medtronic.com/ 2 http//www.onstar.c
? Both of them (Medtronic and OnStar) are
focused on events and sensitive to the time and
space context within which those events occur. It
allows consumers to interact with system through
a simple, flexible interface. These dimensions
are critical for putting the individual at the
heart of co-creation experience.
  • Key points about Experience Innovation
  • A nodal company that pulls together the
    suppliers, partners and consumer communities is
    necessary to build up the infrastructure for
    individual interaction to create an experience
  • It is futile for either the nodal company or
    the network to try to manage individuals
  • Experience environment can be thought of as a
    robust, networked combination of company
    capabilities ( including technical and social
    capabilities) and consumer interaction channels (
    including devices and employees), flexible enough
    to accommodate a wide range of individual
    context-and-time-specific needs and preferences.

  • Ex LEGO building blocks in various sizes and
    shapes, multicolored, snapped together in almost
    infinite combinations.
  • With the leadership of Seymour Papert, MIT
    researchers introduced technology convergence
    with the launch of its Mindstorms Robotics
    Invention System 3. Mindstorms combines
    technology capabilities (miniaturization,
    environmental sensing) to allow consumers to
    create intelligent robots with the traditional
    bricks. Added that many websites are popped up
    offering instructions and new ideas for a
    plethora of LEGO robots that can be built up and

Mindstorm case shows two important aspects of a
successfully evolving experience environment
Continuity (blocks are same as they have always
been) Transformability ( functions, features,
capabilities can change continuously) ? In each
cases (Pacemaker, OnStar, Mindstorm) there is a
base of competence promising three value
co-creators the company and its network, the
consumer, the consumer community.
3 http//mindstorms.lego.com/news/
Migrating to the New Frontier The role of
  • Cost, efficiency, quality and product variety
    are believed to be the primary sources of
    competitive advantage in product- centric
  • Reducing costs, measuring quality, logistics,
    developing suppliers, manufacturing, load
    factors, new tooling machines, modifying existing
    plants, training associates and the like are
    focused issues because they are believed to be
    the advantage to deliver the planned functions
    and features on time better than competitors.
  • Increasing number of companies has moved toward
    an intermediate stage between products and
    experience solutions space. Solutions- based
    innovation focuses both non physical product and
    accumulated company expertise - soft knowledge.
  • In contrast, the transformation to an
    experience-innovation perspective is a quantum
  • Experience-based approach can not be without
    products and services naturally, but the
    managerial attention should be shifted on
    experience space as the locus of innovation.
  • ? To change the focus, manager need to leave
    thinking from company perspective. Moreover,
    they must learn to see existing and emerging
    technologies not as enhancers of products,
    features and functions, but as facilitators of

  • The ability to imagine and combine technological
    capabilities to facilitate experiences will be a
    key success factor in experience innovation,
    regardless of industry.
  • ex Miniaturization of electronics hardwares
    allowed a lot of products become smaller and more
    portable. The portability of music and
    entertainment started with Sony walkman. Now
    Ipods let the users carry their personal music
    archives and favorite movies.
  • Companys view of portability was the primary
    benefit for the customers afforded by
    miniaturization. So, the locus of the innovation
    was in the product space. The products are tried
    to be designed as smaller and lighter as
    possible. But consumers perspective might be
    different and challenging Can I hold and carry
    it comfortably in different context?
  • The companies which realizes the fact that a new
    technology is important to consumers only when it
    eases and increases the quality of their life.
  • ex Sonys add-on smart device that interacts
    Sony televisions and DVD players. It can store
    videos from broadcast or download from internet
    and store it PVR (personal video recorder.

  • Miniaturization trend has allowed pocket-sized
    devices become multiple functional and let those
    devices be in a networked communication, talk to
    each other.
  • ex Apples new iMusic created a potential
    network for music enthusiasts and musicians with
    the help of interlinked digital music devices
    which can be added to anywhere like cars phones,
    PDAs, game consoles and home stereos.
  • There is another emerging technological
    improvement adaptive learning.
  • ex TiVo Inc. intelligent digital video
    recorder stores the viewing history and analyzes
    the consumers interests. Then with the
    evaluation of that analysis it records programs
    without the consumers intervention.
  • Miniaturization, networked communication and
    adaptive learning are examples of technological
    enhancements that can expand the product-centric
    innovations. But with different perspective and
    intent ,they can play important roles in
    experience innovation.

Traditional Innovation
Experience Innovation
Focus of Innovation
? Products and processes
? Experience environments
? Co-creation experiences
Basis of Value
? Products and services
  • Firm creates value
  • Supply-chain-centric fulfillment of products and
  • Supply push and demand pull for firms offerings

View of Value Creation
  • ? Value is co-created
  • experience environment for individuals to
    co-construct experiences on contextual demand
  • Individual-centric co-creation of value

View of Technology
? Facilitator of features and functions ?
Technology and systems integration
? Facilitator of experience ? Experience
Focus of Supply Chain
? Supports fulfillment of products and services
? experience network supports co-construction of
personalized experiences
Thank You
Prahalad, C. K. and Ramaswamy, V. (2003). The
New Frontier of Experience Innovation, MIT Sloan
Management Review, Vol. 44, no. 4, pp. 12-18.
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