Title: Union Grove High School
1 Union Grove High School
ANNOUNCEMENTS Wednesday Dec. 16, 2009
2NFIB Young Entrepreneur Foundation (yef) Awards
150 Awards Given
- Apply now for the NFIB Young Entrepreneur
Foundation. Through 1159 p.m., December 31,
2009, any high school senior graduating in 2010
may apply online for a chance to win a
scholarship valued from 1,000-10,000. - http//www.NFIB.com/YEA
3Full Ride to Syracuse University
- Syracuse University has 10 Full Rides for African
American Men and Women Interested in Studying
Architecture. Mark Robbins, Dean of Syracuse
University's School of Architecture is
desperately seeking young men and women of color
interested in pursuing a five year professional
degree in Architecture. He says he's deeply
committed to bringing diversity to his field and
has scholarship money set aside to fully cover
education costs for 10 students. - Contact Mark Robbins, Dean, School of
Architecture (315) 443-2256 (315) 443-2256 (315)
443-2256 (315) 443-2256http//soa.syr.edu/index.
php - School of ArchitectureSyracuse University201
Slocum HallSyracuse, NY 13244-1250(315)
443-2256 (315) 443-2256 (315) 443-2256 (315)
4Dodge Dip Dive Duck Dodge
- The basketball cheerleaders will host the Second
Annual Dodge ball Tournament on Friday, January
29th starting at 730 pm. Teams will consist of
6 players, one of which must be of the opposite
sex. Faculty members are encouraged to join a
team! Students participating must be members
from UGHS. There is a 30.00 team charge (5.00
per person) and the team must turn in their money
and team name and members at one time. You may
see Ms. Merlino in room 333 or 804 to sign up to
play. We will also have sign ups during lunch
the week of January 18th if there are still any
openings. We will host 20 teams and will play
double elimination games.
- Ga. Perimeter Colleges 14th Annual Dr. Martin
Luther King Jr. Birthday Celebration on Jan. 15th
at Beulah Missionary Baptist Church in Decatur
event is free and open to the public. - Key not speaker Rita Dove, Pulitzer Prize winner
and Former United States Poet Laureate. - For more info, flyers are posted outside room 205
and 210.
62010 John F. Kennedy Profile in Courage Essay
- 1st Place 10,000
- 2nd Place 1,000
- Up to 5 Finalists 500
- Applicants must be in grades 9-12 and write an
essay on the political courage of a U.S. elected
official. www.jfklibrary.org - Deadline January 9
7Girls Incorporated of Greater Atlanta 2010 Essay
Contest Turner Voices Scholarship 2,000
Enrichment Scholarship
- Essay required. Topic What issue matters most
to me, and how will my voice be heard? - Deadline January 15
- Applications in Counseling Office
8University of Dayton(A top 10 Catholic
- Offering a 2500 Leadership in Service
Scholarship for 4 yrs. if accepted to University
of Dayton. Early Action is December 15 Regular
Decision is March 1. Apply at - www.admission.udayton.edu
9Young Scholars Summer Program _at_ UGA
- This program is a six week summer internship for
high school students interested in science,
agriculture, or engineering. Through the program,
young scientists are given the opportunity to
study within an agricultural field, such as
entomology, food science, and genetics. Students
work side by side with a mentor, with whom they
will interact on a daily basis to develop a
research project and create a presentation. At
the end of the program, each participant presents
their research and findings. - The goal of the Young Scholars Program is to
encourage outstanding high school students to
explore new areas and pursue a future career in
science. - Students have the opportunity to earn money for
six weeks during the summer working with animals,
plants, insects, machinery, and scientific lab
nships/youngscholars/program/ index.html - The program is available to students that have
completed their sophomore year, junior year and
senior year (and are 16 years old) by June 1,
2010.The application deadline is January 29,
2010 Transcript and letters of recommendation
from science, math or agriculture teachers are
10ASVAB will be administered on Wed., Jan. 13 at
830 in the rifle range.
- You should take the ASVAB because its FREE, it
identifies your skills abilities, helps you
identify a possible CAREER, and helps plan high
school courses. This does NOT obligate you to the
military. Sign-up in the Counseling Office by
112010 UGHS Calendar Girl Pageant The 2010 UGHS
Calendar Girl Pageant will be held on January 31,
2010 at the Henry County Performing Arts Center.
Applications may be picked up in the Front Office
or from Ms. Dentler in Room 405. Registration
- If you are planning to withdraw at the semester
break, please let the counseling office know NO
13Managers Choice
14Good Luck on your exams!