Title: Real Time Simulations Using
1Real Time Simulations Using HLA on the Windows NT
PlatformCapt Kenneth W. Stauffer John M.
Woodyard AFRL/IFSC kenneth.stauffer_at_wpafb.af.mil j
- Develop and Demonstrate a Real-time Windows NT
Pilot-in-the-loop/Hardware-in-the-loop simulation
capable of long-haul HLA communication - Link multiple Distributed Players using HLA in a
synthetic battle-space. - Measure Simulation and HLA Performance
3Technical Approach
- Choose Simulation System- Reconfigureable
Avionics Modeling and Simulation System (RAMSS) - Choose method of communication (HLA)
- RTI1.3V6 RTI1.3NG
- Integrate HLA into Simulation System
- Show Proof of Concept
- Measure Performance
- AFRL/IFSC (Integrated Test Bed)
- Who we are / What we do
- Simulation System Utilized (software)
- Hardware used
- Configuration of Lab
- HLA Server Application
- Testing /Results
- Conclusion
5Integrated Test Bed
- INTEGRATED TEST BED VISION Conduct information
and weapons system research, development, virtual
prototyping, and proof-of-concept demonstrations
utilizing a virtual pilot-in-the-loop and
hardware-in-the-loop distributed synthetic
battlespace simulation.
6Integrated Test Bed Virtual Avionics Prototyping
Multi-Player / Distributed Simulation
Desktop Simulation Technology (ITB System Upgrade
-- RAMSS) - Development Tools
Weapon System Components Technology
System Design/Development - S/W Development -
H/W Breadboard
Final Development System Integration - H/W-S/W
Integration - HIL/PIL Test - Flight Test
Concept Development
System Test Evaluation - Real/Virtual World
Flight Test
System Refinement TE - Virtual World Flight Test
Real-Time Simulation Technology - Networked
Technology System Design for EMD/Production
RAMSS - Reconfigurable Avionics Modeling and
Simulation Station
7Real World Environment
Develop, test, and evaluate weapons systems in
the context of the real-world environment
8Simulation Environment
- Avionics Simulation
- SIMPAC (Simulation Tool)
- Head Down Displays
- A-10
- F-22
- Out The Window Views
- Hardware Used
- Configuration of Hardware
- A-10, F15, C130 (Control and Aero Models)
- Digital Communications Output
- Air Data Computer
- Internal Navigation Unit
- Radar Altimeter
- Laser Ranger
- Weapon Delivery/Stores Management
- Operational Flight Program (MIL-STD-1553)
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15Reconfigurable Avionics Modeling and Simulation
System Modular
Multi-CPU, Extendable System Robust Model
Set Extended Analysis Tools Crew -Station
Interfaces Flight Processor Interfaces HLA Capable
. . .
Simulation Cluster
Development Station
Dev, Test, Evaluation Tools RT Simulation
Env OFP Support Analysis Tools Selected I/O
Model Set Simple Stick/Throttle
Out-the-Window/Sensor Sim Multiple
Displays Robust Model Set System Control
Interface Robust Stick/Throttle (F-22 style) HLA
16Wing station Hardware
- Dual Pentium II Xenon 450MHz
- 384MB Memory
- Enhanced Obsidian Graphics Card
- Dual 10/100 Mbs Ethernet card
- Condor MIL-STD 1553 Avionics bus
- F-22 Throttle and Stick
17Simulation Cluster Hardware
- 2 HP Netserver LPr
- Dual 450MHz Pentium II Xenon
- 384MB Memory
- HP Netserver LC3
- Dual 450MHz Pentium II Xenon
- 384MB Memory
- Connects to Generic Cockpit
- Sends position to Evans Sutherland 3000
18ITB Network Configuration
Military Cluster
System Simulation Cluster
Mil-Std 1553B
Mil-Std 1553B
100 Mbs
100 Mbs
Development Stations
Wing stations
Remote Connection
19Multi-player HLA Link Distributed Real-time
Simulation Cluster
Wing Stations
20HLA Server
21Supported Attributes
- HLAServer must publish and subscribe to
- Attributes (RPR-FOM Base Entity Class)
- Position (Earth Centered Earth Fixed) ECEF
- Orientation Angular Velocity
- Velocity Acceleration
- EntityType Entity ID
- DeadReckoning Is Frozen
22Supported Interactions
- Start/Resume
- Stop/Freeze
- Collision
- Weapon Fire
- Munition Detonate
- Get Simulation Values
- Perform Dead Reckoning
- Broadcast Own-ship data as required
- Perform Out-The-Window Calculations
- Tick The RTI (Receives other player information)
24RTI 1.3V6 Configuration
- auto_reldistr_config 1
- auto_discover_on 1
- netdev Local Ethernet IP
- tcp_netdev Local Ethernet IP
- reldistr_forced_discoveries Local Ethernet IP
- TCP_Bundling OFF
25RTI 1.3V6 Configuration
- auto_reldistr_config 0
- auto_discover_on 1
- netdev Local Ethernet IP
- tcp_netdev Local Ethernet IP
- reldistr_forced_discoveries RTIEXEC IP
- TCP_Bundling OFF
26RTI1.3NG Configuration
- Conversion from 1.3V6
- Include new files, dll and lib
- Compile no changes to HLA Server App
- Problems with multiple Ethernet cards
- Could not execute hello world between two
machines - New version released 13 Dec 1999
- Have not tested for Windows NT/multiple Ethernet
card compatibility
- Measurement tool used
- Ping Pong Test
- Results
28Measurement Tool
292. Waits for/Catches Ball
1. Starts with ball/Sends Ball
3. Sends Ball
4. Waits for Ball/ Catches Ball
The Ball is the RPR-FOM Base Entity Class.
Catching Identifies receiving a known value in
VelocityX (1)
- Simulation loop takes 346us to execute
- Long haul test performed (Functionality)
- Used 56Kbs Breeze Box
- Actual through-put 21.8Kbs
- Wing Station in Ohio Communicated with Wing
Station in California - Need faster link for Real-time
31RESULTS 100Mbs Local
- Real-time simulation shown on Windows NT Platform
- HLA implemented with Simulation System
- RTI1.3V6 RPR-FOM Successful
- RTI1.3NG Unsuccessful
- RTI1.3V6 Performance measured
- One Way trip of 7.8125ms on 100Mbs network
- Full Simulation with HLA uses 86 92 CPU
33Where to go from here?
- Test 13 Dec release of RTI1.3NG with Windows NT
- Stress test the simulation using multiple players
communicating via HLA - Measure network performance of HLA VS number of
players - Help Integrate HLA into other AFRL LAB Simulation