Title: A procedure for multicriteria selection of building assemblies
1A procedure for multi-criteria selection of
building assemblies
- K. Nassar,, Walid Thabet, Yvan Beliveau
- Prepared by
- sultan al mutairi
- 1. Introduction
- 2. The assembly selection problem
- 3. The proposed procedure
- 4. Computer implementation
- 5. Conclusions and recommendations for
future research
- One of the aspects of building design is to find
trade-offs that satisfy a multitude of
performance objectives. - most design variables in these studies, like the
building or openings shapes and space sizes, are
usually governed by other design constraints that
are not easily expressed or quantified (such as
aesthetics and social design constraints).
- On the other hand, one of the design variables
that can significantly affect the performance of
the building is the choice of the construction
materials/components used in the various
assemblies in the building.
- Recently, the process of modeling buildings in
the state-of-the-art CAD tools such as Revit,
ArchiCad and Architectural Desktop are based on
drawing various elements of the building such as
walls, roofs and windows and then assigning
specific assemblies to each of these elements.
Building analysis tools are being integrated with
these CAD tools to evaluate the performance of
the building with respect to a number of criteria
such as energy performance.
- In this paper, we describe a procedure for the
selection of the assemblies that best suit the
designers performance criteria. The procedure is
implemented in a prototype computer program that
allows the user to model the building, choose
specific performance criteria and assign their
relative weights.
- The software then helps the user to select the
best assemblies that meet the user-specified
criteria and their relative weights based on the
developed selection procedure. - In the next section, the assembly selection
problem is discussed, and in Section 3, we
describe the developed selection procedure. The
computer implementation is then presented, and
finally, an example is provided.
82. The assembly selection problem
- Any building can be broken down to a number of
building elements j 1,2,3. . .,m (walls, roof,
floors, etc.), and for each building element j,
the objective is to find the best assembly ij
1,2,3. . .,nj. - The definition of best assembly construction
is dependent on a set of designer-selected
criteria C1,C2,C3. . .,CN. - There are several criteria that affect the
selection of one assembly construction versus the
other (Table 1 shows a partial list of some
92. The assembly selection problem
- We can divide these criteria into two categories
building level criteria and assembly level
criteria. Building level criteria are those that
are related to the building entity as a whole
(e.g. annual thermal load) while assembly level
criteria are related to each assembly type by
itself (e.g. external wall durability).
102. The assembly selection problem
- Examples of assemblies used in various building
elements are shown in Table 2, along with some
assembly level criteria and their scores. Some of
these criteria are physical properties of the
assemblies, while others are subjective scores
given based on experience. In Table 2 for
example, serviceability and ease of maintenance
are subjective scores for the roof assemblies
from Ref.13.
11- Depending on the particular design situation,
some - of these criteria might be considered while
others will - not, and the relative importance for these
criteria will - also be assigned. Therefore, the best assembly
combination - is the one that provides the best trade-off
- between the user-selected criteria according to
the - assigned relative importance.
12- When performing the selection, one has to
consider - all the combinations of the applicable
assemblies. - This will lead to a combinatorial explosion.
- For example, in particular design situations, if
there - are 10 different applicable external wall
assemblies, - 5 internal wall assemblies, 5 different door and
- window assemblies and 8 roof assemblies, we would
- have to consider 2000 combinations (1055
- 8 2000). Furthermore, if more criteria were
added, - the time to perform the selection increases
substantially - and becomes unmanageable.
13- This problem can
- be tackled by breaking down the assembly
intostages and states as will be described in the
selection - procedure below.
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153. The proposed procedure
- A flow chart of the assembly selection
procedure is shown in Fig. 1. The selection
procedure can be divided into five main steps - Building design definition
- Criteria selection and assigning importance
weights - Normalizing criteria scores
- Formulating the best solution
- Performing the selection
16Building design definition
- The first step in the selection procedure is to
- breakdown the building design into the different
- building elements. Any design can be modeled by
- abstract building elements such as in Fig. 2.
17Criteria selection and assigning
- The next step is to select the performance
criteria that are important from the perspective
of the designer in the particular design case and
assign relative importance weights to those
selected criteria (e.g. external wall
construction permeability, 20 annual thermal
load, 20 roof construction maintenance, 20
and material cost, 40).
18- The choice of criteria and their relative
importance will change for each building design.
For instance, the cost can be of utmost
importance when compared to the sound performance
in one design case while this can be switched in
another design.
19- it is important to define the importance weights
for the criteria by considering the importance of
one criterion over the other in a pair-wise
comparison versus a comparison of all the
criteria together. - This kind of analysis can be accomplished using
the analytical hierarchy process (AHP) 14. The
AHP method has been praised 15 for facilitating
exact analysis of criteria and producing more
accurate importance weights than other similar
20- The goal of the AHP here is to come up with a
relative importance vector for the selected
criteria that reflects the perception and
judgment of the designer. - First, a weight matrix A(akl) is evaluated by
comparing each criterion k with the other
criterion l of the set of considered criteria
C1,C2,C3. . .,CN.
21- For example, for three criteria C1,C2 and C3,
22- The importance of one criterion (Wk) over the
other (Wl), akl(Wk/Wl), is determined by
utilizing a preference scale shown in Table 3.
Then, the relative importance weight vector WA is
calculated as the eigenvector corresponding to
the maximum eigen value of matrix A. It is
important to note that the importance weight
vector can be saved so that it can be used for
similar design situations.
23Normalizing criteria scores
- Once the relative importance of the criteria is
established, the next step is normalizing the
criteria scores. - The different criteria score can be determined in
different ways. Some criteria values can be
retrieved from a database of the different
assemblies and their performance scores.
24- For example, the permeability of the external
walls is stored as a value with each external
wall assembly construction as shown in Table 2.
Other criteria can be calculated by using
specific analysis techniques. The annual cooling
load is an example of a criterion that cannot be
retrieved directly from a database (since this is
one of the building level criteria considered in
the software developed here, an external analysis
tool is used to calculate the annual cooling load
as will be described in the next section)
25- In any case, the scores of these criteria will
have a different unit of measurement. Therefore,
it is necessary to first normalize the scores of
the various criteria so that they can be
aggregated in a combined score. When normalizing
the criteria scores, it is important to provide a
flexible way to map the different criteria scores
to the normalized scale. In most cases for
example, a linear interpolation between the
minimum and maximum scores is not correct.
26- In the computer implementation of the procedure
described here, a normalization curve is assigned
to each criterion as shown in Fig. 3. This curve
maps between the raw criteria score and the
normalized score. The user interactively adds
points to the curve, and in return, the tools
automatically fit the best curve. By
interactively adding points to the curve, the
user can refine the shape of the curve to
describe the most appropriate interpolation
between the raw and the normalized criteria
27- Some criteria, on the other hand, do not have
explicit values such as designers preference,
aesthetics, etc. For such criteria, the rank of
the assembly in terms of the performance criteria
will determine a normalized criteria score.
Therefore, it is important to transform the rank
into a normalized score. This is done using
either the rank sum weight method or the rank
reciprocal method, depending on the user
satisfaction requirements. The rank sum weight is
given as
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485. Conclusions and Recommendations for Future
- In this paper, a procedure for the selection of
building assemblies was described. - The designer provides an assembly-based abstract
representation of the building. - The procedure is then used to select the best
building assemblies for the given design based on
a set of user-specified criteria and their
relative importance weights.
495. Conclusions and Recommendations for Future
- This provides a practical tool that allows the
designer to make an informed decision about the
trade-offs in the building performance criteria. - The multi-criteria facet of the problem was
discussed and incorporated in the defined
procedure. - The different methods to calculate an aggregated
criteria score were also described.
505. Conclusions and Recommendations for Future
- The developed method for selecting and generating
building assemblies complements the current
manual - Future work is needed to extend the capabilities
of the developed tool. For example, new
assemblies and criteria can be added. Another
possible future development is incorporating
machine learning in the process.
515. Conclusions and Recommendations for Future
- The developed tool can also store design cases,
learn and use them for future design situations. - The computer can be taught to recognize which
criteria are applicable and which are not, as
well as which criteria are more important than
others for particular design situations.
52Thank you