Title: 2003 Spring Simulation Interoperability Workshop
12003 Spring SimulationInteroperability Workshop
- Link 16 Product Development Group (Link 16 PDG)
2Link 16 PDG Spring 03 SIW Morning Agenda
- 1015 1030 Introduction, Opening Comments
(Adin Burroughs) - -Review of Action Items (Dr. Rob Byers)
- 1030 1100 03S-SIW-72, Representation of Link
16 Communications - in the Joint Distributed Engineering Plant
- (Mr. Zach Furness)
- 1100 1200 Technical Discussions on High
Fidelity Implementations - (James Nutaro)
- -1100-1115 Review of current issues with
synchronization - -1115-1130 RELNAV and RTT Experimentation
- Requirements and Solutions
- -1130-1200 High Fidelity Synchronization
Proposal - 1200 1315 Lunch
3Link 16 PDG Spring 03 SIWAfternoon Agenda
- 1315 1700 03S-SIW-142, Draft Link 16
Simulation Standard - -1315-1330 Introduction and Review of
Sections 1 through 4 - -1330-1415 Review of Section 5.1 (General
Requirements) - -1415-1500 Review of Section 5.2 (DIS
Implementation) - 1500 1515 Break
- -1515-1600 Review of Section 5.3 and Annex A
(HLA Implementation) - -1600-1630 Review of Informative Annexes
(Implementers Guidelines, Analysis) - -1630 1700 03S-SIW-79, SIMPLE to DIS-J
Annex - 1700 1715 Meeting Wrap-up
- -Review of action items (Dr. Rob Byers)
- 1715 Adjourn Link 16 PDG
- Meeting minutes will be taken by Dr. Rob Byers
4SISO Tactical Datalink Study GroupLink 16
Product Development Group
- Introduction to Study Group and Product
Development Group
5Link 16 PDG Goals
- Create Implementable SISO Standard from TDL SG
- Nominally referred to as DIS-J and HLA-J
- Provide DIS technical solution
- Provide HLA technical solution
- Provide implementation and usage information
- Provide HLA BOM
- Provide materials to understand usage of the
standard - Provide guidance for eventual incorporation into
IEEE standards - PDG will concentrate on codifying and validating
TDL SG identified technical solutions
6SG and PDG Leadership
- Adin Burroughs, Northrop Grumman IT
- TDL SG and Link 16 PDG Chair
- Joe Sorroche, TACCSF/ASRCC
- TDL SG and Link 16 PDG Vice Chair
- Neil Barrett, JITC
- TDL SG Vice Chair Link 16 PDG Assistant Editor
- Dr. Rob Byers, Northrop Grumman IT (DMT
Standards) - TDL SG and Link 16 PDG Secretary
7SG and PDG Membership
- Boeing
- Lockheed Martin
- Northrop Grumman
- Information Technology
- Integrated Systems
- Stasys
- ASTi
- General Dynamics
- QinetiQ
- MsTI
- 3Com
- Simulation, Inc
- Marzen
- Plexsys
- Raytheon
- Australia Virtual Ship
- Sparta
- US Navy
- US Army
8SG and PDG History
- Oct 01 Formed grass roots working group after
community response to informal inquiries - Nov 01 Meeting at I/ITSEC
- Initial Presentation of ideas, technical
discussion - Decided to pursue becoming official SISO Study
Group - Dec 01 SISO EXCOM Approves TOR
- Feb 02 SG Reflector, AFAMS webpage established
- Mar 02 First official meeting of TDL SG (Spring
SIW) - Jun 02 Interim SG meeting at TACCSF
- Jul 02 SG Meeting at Euro-SIW
- Sep 02 SG Meeting at Fall SIW
- Oct 02 Link 16 PDG Kickoff
9SG and PDG Current Status
- DIS and HLA structures and methodologies defined
- Finishing guidelines for HLA Ultra High
Fidelity Synchronization - Initial Draft of SISO STD-002 released
- Document being reviewed in the afternoon
- Appendixes under consideration
10SG and PDG Current Status
- Reference Implementation by Northrop Grumman IT
- Funded by USAF Agency for Modeling and Simulation
under Joint Synthetic Battlespace Infrastructure
Initiative - Being implemented in CCD Product
- Fidelity Level 3 testing complete on 21 Mar
11SG PDG Spring 03 Update Way Ahead
- Complete submittals of changes to DIS-EBV (Mar
03) - Complete Link 16 Simulation Standard
- Second Draft at Euro 03 SIW
- Form Ballot Groups (August 03)
- Release Final Draft by Fall 03 SIW
- Enter Balloting (September 03)
- Brief NATO C3A TDL ITS (September 03)
- Next Years Terms Of Reference for TDL Study
Group? - Link 11A, 22, TIBS
12Challenges with CurrentDIS/HLA Standards
- DIS Standard lacks detail for interoperability
- DIS was never finished
- No standard enumeration list for TDL types within
DIS - Multiple DIS implementations in the wild
- Ability to exchange TADIL J messages, no ability
to simulate JTIDS networks - No methodology defined for HLA
13Goals for New Standard
- Standard, interoperable implementation
- Easy initial implementation
- Minimal impact on current users, e.g. NATO SIMPLE
Standard - Ability to ease transition from old formats to
new - Effects level simulation of JTIDS net
- Ability to route datalink data separately from
truth data - Minimize bandwidth utilization
- Discrete definitions of fidelity
- Identify FOM/SOM data items for HLA JTIDS
14Goals for New StandardEffects to Be Simulated
- Timeslot allocation/metering of data with nominal
values or from an actual NDL - Segmenting of data into NPGs
- Segmenting of data into Nets
- Multi-netting
- Crypto-netting
- Net entry procedures
- Synchronization
- Multiple NTRs
15Goals for New StandardEffects to Be Simulated
- Relnav
- Multiple JTIDS units transmitting at same time
- Waveform/RF simulation
- Antenna, propagation details
- Additional JTIDS Datatypes
- Link 16 Enhanced Throughput
- Free Text (Voice/Imagery)
16Goals for New StandardEffects Not Covered
- Individual Pulses
- Effects of conflicting pulses if hopping patterns
17Comparison/Contrast of DIS-J to SIMPLE
- SIMPLE encompasses and wraps around DIS
- Not only TADIL, but environment as well
- TADIL-TALES is a part of DIS and HLA
- TADIL-TALES currently only addresses Link 16
- Other datalinks will be efforts of the Study
Group over the next year - Does not address additional needs in the
environment generation - TADIL-TALES addresses needs of higher fidelity
Link 16 RF simulation
18SG and PDG On-Line Resources
- SISO Reflectors
- http//www.sisostds.org (go to reflectors)
- All discussions and documents from the SG and PDG
are available from the reflector page - AFAMS Hosted Discussion Server and Document
Repository - http//www.afams.af.mil
- Click on programs and exercises, listed on this
page - DMSO Reflector
- Currently not in use, has archives for Nov-Jan 01
19Link 16 PDG 03S-SIW-072
- Representation of Link 16 Communications in the
Joint Distributed Engineering Plant - Zach Furness
20Link 16 PDG
- Technical Discussions on High Fidelity
Implementations - Adin Burroughs, James Nutaro
21Current Level 4 Synchronization
- Renamed to Medium Level Synchronization
- Requires participants to be time synchronized
- Participants go through Low Fidelity
Synchronization - Participants then go through a series of RTT
exchangemethod for simulating this has been the
crux of much debate - Problem has been in overcoming latency
22Current Level 4 Synchronization
23Current Level 4 Synchronization
- This allows simulators to go through fine
synchronization, simulating the effects of fine
synchronization - This meets the needs of effects based
simulatorsmission training/rehearsal, compliance
testing - This does not meet the needs of the Link 16
Experimentation/Analysis community, where
simulation of the RTT exchange needs to happen
with errors lt1MS - Will attempt to meet this via HLA effects
- If HLA cannot meet these needs, will need to move
to a JTIDS Communication Server for ultra-high
fidelity analysis/experimentation
24Link 16 PDG03S-SIW-142
- Review of SISO STD-002
- Draft Link 16 Simulation Standard
25Link 16 PDG Wrap-up
- Action Item Review
- Review of upcoming schedule
- TDL SG Reminder!