Thermodynamics 4'1 key points - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Thermodynamics 4'1 key points


... of dQ/T vwill be zero; for all irreversible heat engines (or closed systems ... It is impossible to construct a system which will operate in a cycle, extract ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Thermodynamics 4'1 key points

Thermodynamics 4.1 key points
  • No matter can cross the boundary of a closed
  • In an open system, matter can flow into or out of
    the system across parts of the boundary which are
    imaginary or permeable.
  • The matter contained within or flowing through a
    system can be referred to as the working fluid
    regardless of whether it is a gas, liquid or

Thermodynamics 4.1 key points
  • A property of a system can be a characteristic
    defining something particular to the system, such
    as its volume, or it can be a property of the
    working fluid.
  • Pressure is defined as the force exerted per unit
    area at a boundary.
  • Usually, absolute pressure values are required
    for calculations and this is referred to simply
    as pressure, without the absolute.

Thermodynamics 4.1 key points
  • Values of temperature (T) may be presented in
    more than one unit, either in degrees Celsius or
    degrees Kelvin, but remember that the SI unit of
    temperature is the kelvin.
  • If the values of enough properties of a system
    can be determined through measurements or
    calculation to allow the values of all others to
    be found, the state of the system is defined.
  • When the state of a system or the working fluid
    passing through a system changes, it is said to
    undergo a process.

Thermodynamics 4.1 key points
  • During some processes, the states in between will
    also be states of thermodynamic equilibrium. This
    type of process is reversible the changes in the
    system state can be defined exactly and reversed
    to restore the initial conditions in the system
    and the surroundings.
  • All other processes are irreversible (a common
    cause of irreversibility is the generation of
    kinetic energy in fluids and gases).

Thermodynamics 4.1 key points
  • If a closed system undergoes a series of
    processes such that the initial and final states
    of the system are the same, the system has
    undergone a cycle.

Thermodynamics 4.1Learning summary
  • By the end of this section you will
  • be familiar with and understand the key terms and
    definitions given in this section. They are shown
    in bold. The terminology is used throughout the
    following sections in the presentation of
  • be familiar with the properties, nomenclature and
    units introduced here. Some or all of these
    properties feature strongly in any thermodynamic
    analysis. Take care to identify the correct units
    to use in calculations if in doubt, use SI units
    and absolute values of pressures and
  • have learned to sketch processes on process or
    state diagrams to aid understanding, and note
    given values of properties or other defining
    information on these. This summarizes information
    in a concise and useful form.

Thermodynamics 4.2 key points
  • According to the convention adopted, transfers of
    energy to the system from the surroundings are
  • When a closed system is taken through a cycle,
    the sum of the net work transfer and the net heat
    transfer is zero.

Thermodynamics 4.2 key points
  • When using the following equation, if p is taken
    to be system pressure, the process must be
    reversible, because otherwise the pressure cannot
    be defined.

Thermodynamics 4.2 key points
  • The change in internal energy of a closed system
    is equal to the sum of the heat transferred and
    the work done during any change of state.
  • The internal energy of a closed system remains
    unchanged if the system is thermally isolated
    from its surroundings.
  • Work W and heat transfer Q are not properties,
    but it is sometimes convenient to consider
    quantities of work and heat transfer per unit
    mass of matter in the system. These are described
    as specific work w and specific heat transfer q
    and have units of J kg-1.

Thermodynamics 4.2 key points
  • The change in internal energy of a closed system
    is equal to the sum of the heat transferred and
    the work done during any change of state.
  • The internal energy of a closed system remains
    unchanged if the system is thermally isolated
    from its surroundings.
  • Work W and heat transfer Q are not properties,
    but it is sometimes convenient to consider
    quantities of work and heat transfer per unit
    mass of matter in the system. These are described
    as specific work w and specific heat transfer q
    and have units of J kg-1.

Thermodynamics 4.2Learning summary
  • By the end of this section you will know
  • Work and heat transfer are the means by which
    energy can be transferred across the boundary of
    a closed system. These are not properties of the
    system. Our convention is that work or heat
    transfer to the system will be positive.
  • The first law of thermodynamics embodies the
    principle of conservation of energy. When applied
    to a closed system undergoing a cycle, there is
    no net transfer of energy into or out of the
    system over the cycle, nor is there any net
    change in the energy stored in the system.
  • When a closed system undergoes a process that
    changes its state from state 1 to state 2, energy
    transfer by work or heat transfer will raise or
    lower the internal energy of the system.Changes
    in other forms of energy will usually be
  • (continued...)

Thermodynamics 4.2Learning summary
  • By the end of this section you will know
  • Two important results from the application of the
    first law of thermodynamics to a closed system
    are that, when applied to a closed system
    undergoing a cycle,
  • and, when applied to a closed system undergoing a
    process 12,

Thermodynamics 4.3 key points
  • No heat engine can produce a net amount of work
    output while exchanging heat with a single
    reservoir only.
  • A heat engine is any device or system designed to
    convert heat into work output through a cycle of
    processes it must have at least one prime mover,
    one source of heat transfer to the heat engine
    and one sink of heat transfer from the heat

Thermodynamics 4.3 key points
  • The first Carnot principle is that all reversible
    heat engines operating on any cycle between the
    same two reservoirs will have efficiency equal
  • where is the Carnot efficiency, and
    temperatures T1 and T2 are the absolute
    temperatures, in kelvin, of the heat reservoirs.

Thermodynamics 4.3 key points
  • The second Carnot principle is that the
    efficiency of a heat engine operating between two
    reservoirs will be less than the Carnot
    efficiency if the heat engine is irreversible.
  • The efficiency of any heat engine, reversible or
    irreversible, will be less than the Carnot
    efficiency if it operates between more than two
    heat reservoirs.

Thermodynamics 4.3 key points
  • The Clausius inequality states that for any
    reversible heat engine (or closed system
    undergoing a reversible cycle), the integral
    around the cycle of dQ/T vwill be zero for all
    irreversible heat engines (or closed systems
    undergoing an irreversible cycle), this integral
    will be negative.

Thermodynamics 4.3 key points
  • Entropy is created during an irreversible
  • It is impossible to construct a system which will
    operate in a cycle, extract heat from a
    reservoir, and do an equivalent amount of work on
    the surroundings.

Thermodynamics 4.3Learning summary
  • By the end of this section you will know
  • that the second law of thermodynamics
    distinguishes between work and heat transfer and
    recognizes that work transfer is the more
    valuable of these. This does not contradict the
    first law energy transferred by one is
    indistinguishable from energy transferred by the
    other, and the principle of energy conservation
    is not violated. There are, however, limits on
    how efficiently heat can be drawn from a source
    and converted into work output using a system
    which operates in a cycle.
  • (continued...)

Thermodynamics 4.3Learning summary
  • By the end of this section you will know
  • As a consequence of the second law, a system
    operating in a cycle and producing work output
    must be exchanging heat with at least two
    reservoirs at different temperatures. If a
    system is operating in a cycle while exchanging
    heat with only one reservoir, if a net transfer
    of work occurs it must be to the system. Work can
    be converted continuously and completely into
    heat, but heat cannot be converted completely and
    continuously into work. The efficiency of a heat
    engine designed to produce a net work output is
    defined as
  • (continued...)

Thermodynamics 4.3Learning summary
  • By the end of this section you will know
  • Note that it is the heat supplied that we are
    trying to convert to work output, not the net
    heat transfer.
  • Efficiency is the measure of success in achieving
    this. The highest possible efficiency that can be
    achieved is the Carnot efficiency
  • The existence of entropy is a corollary of the
    second law. It is important to remember that
    entropy is a property, like pressure or
    temperature, but also that it provides a measure
    of order and irreversibility. It is not
    conserved, like mass of energy, and the entropy
    of the Universe is increasing continuously as the
    result of the myriad irreversible processes
    taking place an implication of the Clausius
    inequality is that entropy is created during an
    irreversible process this may result in an
    increase in entropy of the system and/or of the
  • (continued...)

Thermodynamics 4.3Learning summary
  • By the end of this section you will know
  • Entropy can only be transferred across the
    boundary of a closed system with heat transfer,
    not work transfer. If no heat transfer takes
    place, the entropy within a closed system remains
    constant during reversible processes and
    increases during irreversible processes.

Thermodynamics 4.4 key points
  • The processes undergone in open systems are flow
  • For steady flow through an open system which has
    fixed boundaries, the quantities of matter and
    energy within the system boundaries are each
    constant and do not change with time.
  • Under steady flow conditions, there will be mass
    flow continuity.
  • The heat transferred per unit mass (q) is equal

Thermodynamics 4.4 key points
  • the work transferred per unit mass (w) is equal

Thermodynamics 4.4Learning summary
  • By the end of this section you will know
  • Open systems have parts of their boundary which
    matter can cross. The matter passing through an
    open system undergoes a flow process. Under
    steady flow conditions, matter enters and leaves
    the system at the same mass flowrate and the mass
    of matter in the system remains constant.
  • The analysis of steady flows through open systems
    is based on the mass flow continuity equation
  • and the SFEE
  • These equations apply to both reversible and
    irreversible flow processes.

Thermodynamics 4.4Learning summary
  • By the end of this section you will know
  • Specific enthalpy h is a property defined as the
    combination of properties (u pv). This
    combination appears as a natural grouping in the
    steady flow equation, and others, including
    results which apply to closed system problems.
    Enthalpy and specific enthalpy have the units of
    energy (J) or specific energy (J kg-1)
    respectively, but these have no independent
    physical meaning and enthalpy can be considered
    to have been invented as a convenience rather
    than discovered.
  • The specific work done during any, reversible or
    irreversible, steady flow process can be
    determined using the SFEE if the remaining terms
    have known values. In the restricted case of a
    reversible flow process in which kinetic energy
    and potential energy changes can be neglected,
    the specific work can also be determined from

Thermodynamics 4.4Learning summary
  • By the end of this section you will know
  • Students must be careful not to confuse this with
    the corresponding result for specific work done
    during a reversible process on a closed system

Thermodynamics 4.5 key points
  • is the universal gas constant (8.3145 x 103
    J kmol-1 K-1). is the molar mass (kg kmol-1)
    of the gas this is numerically equal to the
    molecular weight of the gas.

Thermodynamics 4.5Learning summary
  • By the end of this section you will know
  • The working fluids commonly used in thermodynamic
    systems are gases and condensable vapours which
    may change phase at conditions of interest. The
    behaviour of working fluids must be understood as
    part of the analysis of system behaviour. This
    requires knowledge of the properties which
    distinguish one working fluid from another, and
    models of behaviour which define how the working
    fluid will respond to changes in state.
  • The behaviour of air and many other gases used in
    engineering thermodynamic systems can be modelled
    as that of a perfect gas. A perfect gas obeys
    the perfect gas equation pv mRT
  • This is the equation of state of the gas. In
    addition, the specific heats of a perfect gas are
    constants which do not change as temperature or
    pressure changes.
  • (Continued...)

Thermodynamics 4.5Learning summary
  • By the end of this section you will know
  • Water is the example of a condensable vapour
    covered in this section. The equation of state is
    more complex than the perfect gas equation and
    usually evaluated using a computer. Results are
    presented in tables in (Rogers and Mayhew, 1995).

Thermodynamics 4.6 key points
  • A polytropic process is one which obeys the
    polytropic law , in which n is a constant called
    the polytropic index.
  • An adiabatic process is one during which no heat
    transfer occurs. A reversible adiabatic process
    will be isentropic no entropy is created if the
    process is reversible and none can be transferred
    to or from the system if no heat transfer occurs.
    For a perfect gas, reversible adiabatic and
    isentropic processes will obey the same
    polytropic law with

Thermodynamics 4.6Learning summary
  • By the end of this section you will know
  • the common types of process described in this
    section and the conditions which apply in each
    case. The names of the processes are independent
    of the working fluid perfect gases and steam can
    undergo an isothermal process or an isentropic
    process, etc.
  • For a polytropic process the relationship between
    pressure and volume changes is fixed by the
    definition as
  • In general, however, changes in property values
    which occur when a working fluid under goes a
    process depend on the type of process and the
    characteristics of the working fluid these are
    different for a perfect gas and steam.
  • The work done during reversible processes is
    different for closed and open systems. The
    results for a perfect gas are summarized in Table

Thermodynamics 4.7Learning summary
  • By the end of this section you will know
  • The modes and processes that control rates of
    heat transfer have been introduced in this
    section. The three fundamental modes of heat
    transfer are conduction, convection and
    radiation. Heat conduction is the prime mode of
    heat transfer in solids convection is usually
    the dominant mode of heat transport in liquids
    and gases. Radiation is the only mode which
    transmits energy through a vacuum and is likely
    to be the dominant mode of heat transfer from
    surfaces at high temperatures (gt103 K).
  • Heat conduction in a solid is governed by
    Fouriers law and the thermal conductivity of the
    material. Convective heat transfer to or from a
    surface is governed by Newtons law of cooling.
    Heat transfer coefficient is often taken to be a
    constant for a particular problem although its
    value may depend on fluid properties, flow
    conditions and surface geometry. At moderate
    temperatures and temperature differences between
    bodies, the effective radiative heat transfer
    coefficient can be added to the convective heat
    transfer coefficient.

Thermodynamics 4.7Learning summary
  • By the end of this section you will know
  • Solids and surfaces offer a thermal resistance to
    heat transfer. Under conditions of steady heat
    transfer through several layers and surfaces in
    series, the overall thermal resistance can be
    determined from the thermal resistances of each
    layer and surface.

Thermodynamics 4.8Learning summary
  • By the end of this section you will know
  • The cycles analysed in this section are ideal,
    thermodynamic cycles. These provide insights to
    the types of cycle used to generate mechanical
  • No cycle can have a higher efficiency than the
    Carnot efficiency, but the ideal Stirling and
    Ericsson cycles achieve an efficiency value equal
    to this. In these cycles, heat transfer at
    temperatures between the maximum and minimum
    available takes place internally, through
    regeneration. External heat transfer across
    system boundaries occurs isothermally and only at
    these maximum and minimum temperatures, meeting
    conditions for the Carnot efficiency to be
  • The Rankine cycle with superheat is the basis for
    a practical cycle for the generation of power
    output using steam as the working fluid. The
    cycle is less efficient than the Carnot cycle
    because heat supply takes place over a range of
    temperatures rather than the maximum possible.

Thermodynamics 4.8Learning summary
  • By the end of this section you will know
  • The efficiencies of the Brayton, Otto and Diesel
    cycles depend on the ratio of specific heats and
    the pressure ratio (Brayton cycle), compression
    ratio (Otto cycle) or compression ratio and
    cut-off ratio (Diesel cycle). There is no need to
    remember the particular results for these cycles,
    but students should understand how these are
  • There are similarities between the ideal
    thermodynamic cycles and real engine and power
    plant cycles. Plant and engines operating on the
    Stirling, Ericsson and Rankine cycles have
    external heat supply and heat rejection and the
    working fluids do undergo continuous
    thermodynamic cycles. Differences between the
    ideal and the real cycles are more marked for
    internal combustion engines. In these, fuel is
    burned within the working fluid, changing its
    composition as well as releasing chemical energy.
    The working fluid is replaced during successive
    cycles of the machine, so internal combustion
    engines such as gas turbines and reciprocating
    internal combustion engines do not operate on
    true thermodynamic cycles, but on a machine
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