Title: 16 bit complex multiplier
116 bit complex multiplier
- Project Design FDR DEC 12th 2005
- Team Leader Elie Dagher
- Course ECE 715
- Partners Tri Le
2Table of Content
- Project definition--------------------------------
------------------ 3 - Goals -------------------------------------------
------------------- 4 - Project specifications----------------------------
----------------- 5 - Strategy------------------------------------------
------------------- 6 - Design Order -------------------------------------
-----------------7 - Half adder ---------------------------------------
------------------ 8-10 - Full adder ---------------------------------------
------------------- 11-14 - Multiplier ---------------------------------------
------------------- 15-20 - 8 bits Adder -------------------------------------
------------------ 21-26 - 8 bits subtractor --------------------------------
------------------- 28-30 - Full design w/o FFs ------------------------------
---------------- 31-36 - Full design w/ FFs -------------------------------
----------------- 37-42 - Full Design Layout -------------------------------
---------------- 43 - Pin Assignment -----------------------------------
---------------- 44
3Project Definition
- Project description The goal of this project is
to design a CMOS 16 bit complex multiplier which
can used as part of an ASIC version of a
fingerprint authenticator. - The purpose of this project is to develop
a library of component for a 16-point, radix_4
Fast Fourier Transform algorithm. -
4Projects Goal
- Design a 16 bits Complex Multiplier CMOS hchip.
- The chip should be able to compute the
multiplication of 2 complex numbers (ajb)(cjd) - Expand (ajb)(cjd) (ac-bd)j(adbc)
- a,b,c,d are 4 bits each.
- So we need to design the 3 main arithmetic
operators - -4X4 Multiplier
- -8 bits Adder
- -8 bits Subtractor
5 Project Specifications
- Suggested clock speed 100 MHz (If the speed of
100 MHz can not be achieved in AMI05 technology
then a lower frequency is acceptable) - Algorithm radix-4
- Arithmetic 16 bit fixed point, 2s complement
- Complex arithmetic operations should be divided
into smaller tasks (pipelining) if the assumed
target frequency could not be achieved otherwise - All control and status signals should follow the
same standard - All components should have a clock input (CLK),
reset (RST) - Arithmetic operators should contain a status line
(OVFL) indicating whether an overflow has
- Understand the goal of the project, and design it
on scratch. - Do some research about the components that are
going to be used. - Design the project using Design Architecture.
- Simulate the design using Eldo.
- Create an Automated Layout of the design using
the IC station. - Add PadFrames using Design Architect-IC.
- Use MACH-TA for Simulating Digital Circuits.
- Send the final design to MOSIS for fabrication.
7Design Order
- -Half Adder (needed to design the multiplier)
- -Full Adder (needed to design the 16 bits
multiplier, the 8 bits adder, and the 8 bits
subtractor) - -4X4 bit Multipliers
- -8X8 bit Adder
- -8X8 bit Subtractor
- -Final design with no Latches (Asynchronous)
- -Block of 8 bit Latches (needed to make the
digital circuit synchronous) - -Final design with Latches (Synchronous)
8Half Adder design
- Half Adder (HA) Adds two inputs A and B. The
result is 0 , or 1 and a carry out.
Fig.1-a Truth Table for HA
Fig.1-b Block representation for HA
Half Adder outputs equations Cout (carry out)
AB S (sum) A XOR B
9Half Adder Design (cont.)
- Half Adder with 2 inputs A, and B and 2 outputs
Cout and Sum. - (Note XNOR gate followed by an
Inverter were used instead of a XOR gate, - because there was a problem
with the XOR gate in Design Architect.)
Cout (carry out) AB S (sum) A XOR B
10Half Adder Design (cont.)Timing Diagram
Tdelay150 Ps
11Full Adder design
- Full Adder (FA) Add two inputs A and B. The
result is 0 , 1 or 2 so two bits are required to
represent the value.
Fig.2-a Truth Table for FA
Fig.2-b Block representation for FA
Full Adder outputs equations Cout (carry out)
BCin ACin AB S (sum) A XOR B XOR Cin
12Full Adder Design (cont.)
- Least number of components required to implement
a 2 bits Full Adder with Carry In for minimum
Full Adder outputs equations Cout (carry out)
BCin ACin AB S (sum) A XOR B XOR Cin
13Full Adder Design (cont.)
- Full Adder with 3 inputs A, B, and Cin, and 2
outputs Cout and Sum. - (Note XNOR gate followed by an
Inverter were used instead of a XOR gate, - because there was a problem
with the XOR gate in Design Architect.)
Fig.4-a Full Adder
Fig.4-b Block of a Full Adder
Cin AB BC AC Sum A () B () C
14Full Adder Design (cont.)Timing Diagram
15 4x4 Bits multiplier
- 4X4 Multiplier Multiplies two 4 bits inputs
each, and result in a 8 bits output.
Fig.5 4x4 array multiplier. The squared block is
Full Adder, and the other one is the Half Adder.
16 4x4 Bits multiplier (cont.)
- Its made out of 12 Full Adders cascaded.
- To minimize the delay, 8 Full Adders and 4 Half
Adders can be used.
Fig.6 Multiplication of 4X4 bits
17 4x4 Bits multiplier (cont.)
Fig.7 Design of a 4X4 Multiplier
18 4x4 Bits multiplier (cont.)
- The Multiplier takes two 4 bits numbers, and
results in one 8 bits number. -
- There are four of 4X4 multipliers are going to be
used in the design. - The Multipliers sign multipliers
Fig.8 Block of a 4X4 Multiplier
19 4x4 Bits multiplier (cont.)Timing Diagram (4X4
bit input)
204x4 Bits multiplier (cont.)Timing Diagram (8 bit
21 8 Bits Adder
- Made out of two 4X4 Full Adders cascaded as show
in the figure below. The Carry out of the first
is connected to the carry in of the second. The
last carry out is the Overflow bit.
Fig.9 An 8 bits Adder made out of two 4x4 bits
adders cascaded
22 8 Bits Adder (cont.)
- 4x4 Bits Adder - Made out of four Full Adders
cascaded as show in the figure below. The Carry
out of the first is connected to the carry out of
the second.
Fig.10 A 4x4 bits Adder made out 4 Full Adders
23 8 bits Adder (cont.)
- To get an 8 bits adder we can integrate two 4x4
bits adders. This 8 bits adder takes two 8 bits
numbers, with a carry in and returns one 8 bits
number with a carry out. -
- The last carry out bit is the Overflow bit.
- One Block of 8 bits adder is needed in the final
Fig.11 Block of an 8 bits adder
24 8 bits Adder (cont.)Timing Diagram ( first 8
25 8 bits Adder (cont.)Timing Diagram ( second 8
26 8 bits Adder (cont.)Timing Diagram ( 8 bit
27 8 Bits Subtractor
- The 8 bits Subtractor is made out an 8 bits
Adder, with the 8 bits of the second number
complimented, and a high signal applied to the
carry in bit. - The last carry out is the Overflow bit
- The 8 bits subtractor takes two 8 bits numbers.
It adds the 8 bits of the first number to the
second compliment of the second number. It
results in an 8 bits number, and one Overflow bit.
Fig.12 An 8 bits subtractor
28 8 bits Subtractor (cont.)Timing Diagram( 1st 8
298 bits Subtractor (cont.)Timing Diagram( 2nd 8
308 bits Subtractor (cont.)Timing Diagram( 8 bit
31Final Design (Asynchronous)without FlipFlops
32 Final Design (Asynchronous) (cont.)Timing
Diagram ( First 8 inputs)
33 Final Design (Asynchronous) (cont.)Timing
Diagram ( second 8 inputs)
34 Final Design (Asynchronous) (cont.)Timing
Diagram (8 bits output Real)
35 Final Design (Asynchronous) (cont.)Timing
Diagram (8 bits output Img.)
36 Final Design (Asynchronous) (cont.)Timing
Diagram (Max Delay)
37Block of Latches Design
- We need the Flip Flops to synchronize the
circuit. - We need it at the input, and before the output to
erase the glitches in the signals.
38Final Design (Synchronous)with Latches
39 Final Design (Synchronous) (cont.)Timing
Diagram ( First 8 inputs)
40 Final Design (Synchronous) (cont.)Timing
Diagram ( second 8 inputs)
41 Final Design (Synchronous) (cont.)Timing
Diagram (8 bits output Real)
42 Final Design (Synchronous) (cont.)Timing
Diagram (8 bits output Img.)
43Layout of the Final Design
44 Pin Assignment
- The maximum allowable number of pins for the
chip is 40 - Pins. In our design we are going to have
- 16 pins for input
- 16 pins for output
- 1 pin for each VDD, GRND, RESET, Clock
- 2 overflow pins.
- It comes out to be 38 pins total.
45Whats next?
- Add PadFrames using Design Architect-IC.
- Use MACH-TA for Simulating Digital Circuits.
- Send the final design to MOSIS for fabrication.
46Task Assignment
- Elie did most of the design.
- Tri did the testing and simulations.
- We both did the final design and layout.
- http//www.phys.ualberta.ca/gingrich/phys395/note
s/node129.html - http//www.mosis.com/
- http//www.ece.unh.edu/courses/ece715/links.htm
- http//www.ece.cmu.edu/lowpower/cicc98.pdf
- It was a very helpful course to get a better
understanding of VLSI chips. We learned a lot in
this class and it was a nice experience. - It will definitely look good on our resumes.
49Special Thanks
- Special Thanks to Prof. Andrzej Rucinski
- We would also to thank Francis C. Hludik
- And the TAs Thomas and Jakub. And the
Classmates for their help.
50Any Questions?