Title: Mitch Javidi, Ph'D'
1Internal Data Management MIS 2006 FALL
Mitch Javidi, Ph.D. CEO President
2MIS Council 2006 IDM Survey Results
Research Summary
- Prior to this conference, a survey was
administered to assess conference participants
reactions to a series of questions.
4Key Findings Data
Types of data your company would like to better
manage (N39, multiple responses allowed)
Top Three Types of Data to Better
Manage Pricing Special pricing
(deals) Customer e-commerce requirements
5Key Findings IDM Program
This program is active or planned to improve the
way product information is collected, integrated
and managed (N39)
Conclusion The majority does not have or have
not planned to implement an active IDM program
6Key Findings Goals
Specific or desired outcomes to implementing the
IDM program (N18, multiple responses allowed)
7Key Findings Initiative
Area driving the initiative (N18, multiple
responses allowed)
Marketing is the key area that is driving this
8Key Findings Challenges
Optimizing the management of data (N39, multiple
responses allowed)
Lack of resources is the biggest challenge faced
in optimizing the management of data
9Key Findings Business Areas
Conclusion Customer relationships are most
impacted by data management
Most impacted by good or poor data management
within company (N39, multiple responses allowed)
10Key Findings Documentation on Impact
Actual impact the poor data management practices
have on business is documented (N39)
Conclusion The majority does not document the
impact of poor data management practices
11Key Findings Data management
Areas affected by data management or have input
to processes (N39, multiple responses allowed)
Top Three Affected Areas Sales Catalog Customer
12Key Findings Communication
Sales effectively communicates customer
e-commerce requirements to all affected
departments (N39)
Conclusion Customer e-commerce
requirements are not effectively communicated to
all affected departments
13Key Findings Data Collection
Dashboards are in place that enable executives
to view data collection and management status in
real time (N39)
Conclusion The majority do not have the
capability to view data collection and management
status in real time