Title: EUCLIDES%20Project%20Idea
1EUCLIDES Project Idea
eContentplus Educational Content
2Project Identity Card
- Project Name EUCLIDES
- Project Full Name EUropen platform for
Collaborative Learning In Digital Educational
Spaces - Co-ordinator Organisation Engineering
- Project instruments Targeted Project
- Thematic area Educational
- Duration 36 months
- Funding around 4 Millions
- The mission of the EUCLIDES project is to create
- a common European distributed and service
oriented learning environment where different
actors of the learning value chain can access,
use, share and provide learning resources of
proven pedagogical quality. - A powerful and innovative software platform using
acquired international standards for learning and
knowledge representation capabilities - To enable not only user to access and use a wide
range of high quality learning resources. - To allow and stimulate collaboration and dialogue
amongst educational institutions. - Simple and robust business models to allow the
coexistence of professional and user generated
learning resources.
- Main objectives for EUCLIDES project are
Ob1 - To Design and implement an European-wide
infrastructure to ensure digital content
interoperability, tailored to educational
Ob2 - To design and develop a Distributed and
Collaborative Learning framework to allow the
interoperability of national educational
Ob3 To analyse and define innovative content
distribution value chain, market analysis and
innovative business models in a user-oriented
5eContentplus Educational Content objectives
Expected results for educational content There
will be a significant increase in the use and
re-use of the underlying educational content
across borders for learning in multiple languages
and in different learning environments. Both
professionally produced and user generated
educational content will be made simultaneously
accessible, cultural heritage and scientific
content will be accessible for education, while
mechanisms for matching learning needs with
targeted material will be in place
- Keywords
- Rich Content and Semantic annotation of learning
resources - Interoperability
- Multicultural
- Personalisation of the learning experience
6Road Map
- 20/07 Sending partners invitation
- 27/07 Partners feedback, including Content table
- 27/07 First proposal template with request of
contributions - First version of Content table (see par4 of
template) - 30/07 Partners selected and confirmed
- First WBS definition
- Assignment of WPs leadership
- 31/08 Receiving all admin form from partners
- 4 or 5/09 General Meeting in Rome to finalise the
proposal - September Daily interaction with partners, upon
specific needs by coordinator - 4/10 Submission of Proposal