Title: ETISEO%20Project
1ETISEO Project
Video corpus dedicated to the first evaluation
2ETISEO Project
- To capture realistic video sequences with
graduate difficulties - lighting variations,
- occlusions
- covering predefined scenarios.
3ETISEO Project
Video Providers Corpus Data description Video
contents demonstration
4Video providers
Several data providers offering large diversity.
- Different sites
- corridor,
- sub-way,
- - building entry,
- - apron,
- - car park.
- Different contexts
- indoor / outdoor
- single / multi-camera
- big / small overlap area
- visible / IR
- actors / real scenes
5Video providers Silogic
- Toulouse-Blagnac Airport
- France
6Video providers Silogic
7Video providers INRETS
Building Entry
Car Park
8Video providers CEA
Car street
9Video providers CEA
Geometry IR/Colour calibration ?Estimation of
an homographic matrix between the 2 images
(sensors close and aligned)
10Video providers RATP
Real scene
11Corpus data
Video Providers Corpus Data description Video
contents demonstration
12Priority Sequences
- That participants process only part of the
- Resulting in dispersed metrics.
- No real evaluation or comparison being possible
13Priority Sequences
- Create some mandatory sequences.
- Participants should process at least these
- Need some feedback to select these priority
sequences. See the questionnaire.
14Corpus data
Provider Site Sequence Persons Vehicle Multiview
Silogic Apron 1 to 6 ? ? ?
RATP Station 7 to 10 ?
CEA Corridor 11 to 13 ? IR / visible
CEA Road 14 to 17 ? ? IR / visible
INRETS Building entry 18 to 20 ? ? ?
For each topic, the set contains sequences with
graduate difficulty.
15Corpus data
- Covered scenarios
- vehicle parking
- people getting in out from a vehicle
- people walking
- people crossing
- person entering a building
- person entering a room
- person meeting
- abandoned baggage
16Corpus data
- Summary
- indoor / outdoor sequences,
- 8 scenarios,
- graduate difficulty,
- 20 sequences,
- 37 video clips,
- 5.2 Go of data.
17Corpus diffusion
- Video format
- sequence of jpeg/bmp images for colour images
- sequence of TIFF and jpeg images for IR.
- Timestamp
- Image name contains the timestamp relative to the
start of the sequence. - Calibration
- Provide as
- - a calibration matrix used to generate 3D
- - couples of 2D / 3D points.
18Corpus diffusion
Contains the sequence
Camera folders
19Corpus diffusion
- Structure
- Each video resource will be store in a unique
folder using the following convention - ETI-VSindexdataset-Type-sequenceindex
- Example
- ETI-VS2-RD-32
Type of Video Acronym used
Parking PK
Road RD
Apron AP
Metro MO
Building entrance BE
Building corridor BC
20Corpus diffusion
- C1-format.xml
- lt?xml version"1.0" encoding"UTF-8"?gt
- ltsequence nameETI-VS1-BC-32gt
- ltpropertiesgt
- ltformatgtJPEGlt/formatgt could be
JPEG,TIFF - ltwidthgt720lt/widthgt
- ltheightgt576lt/heightgt
- ltdepthgt24lt/depthgt
- ltframesgt1560lt/framesgt of frames
(start0) - ltinter-frame-msgt80000lt/inter-frame-msgt average
time in ms between frames - ltmaxsizegt65232lt/maxsizegt maximum image
size - ltcameragtC1lt/cameragt camera id
- ltsensorgtcolorlt/sensorgt color, IR,
greyscale - lt/propertiesgt
- lt/sequencegt
21ETISEO Project
Video Providers Corpus Data description Video
content demonstration
22Video demonstration
- Silogic / Apron
- Type multi-view, played and real scenes.
- Precision evaluation scenes with real 3D ground
truth. - person walking on the zone. C1, C2, C3, C4
- vehicle moving on the zone. C1, C2, C3, C4
- Real scenes vehicles moving on the apron with
large variation of conditions (outside
environment). - GPU arrival normal conditions . C1 , C2
- GPU arrival reflections . C1 , C2
- GPU arrival shadows C1 , C2
23Video demonstration
- INRETS / parking building entry.
- Type multi-view, played scenes.
- Scenes vehicles parking, people
entering/leaving cars, entering/leaving the
building. Large variation of conditions (outside
environment). - ETI-VS1-BE-18 C1,C2,C3,C4
- ETI-VS1-BE-19 C4
- ETI-VS1-BE-20 C1,C2,C3,C4
24Video demonstration
- INRETS / parking building entry.
- Type multi-view, played scenes.
- Scenes Sequence ETI-VS1-BE-20 will be provided
with different compression levels - BMP, JPEG and MPEG.
25Video demonstration
- CEA / parking building entry.
- Type single-view but visible/IR couple. Played
scenes. - Road vehicles and people.
- ETI-VS1-RD-14 C1 , C2
- ETI-VS1-RD-15 C1 , C2
- ETI-VS1-RD-16 C1 , C2
- ETI-VS1-RD-17 C1 , C2
- Corridor People crossing, abandoned luggage.
- ETI-VS1-BC-11 C1 , C2
- ETI-VS1-BC-12 C1 , C2
- ETI-VS1-BC-13 C1 , C2
26Video demonstration
- RATP / subway.
- Type single-view. Played scenes mixed with real
environment. - Corridor People crossing, abandoned luggage.
- ETI-VS1-MO-07
- ETI-VS1-MO-08
- ETI-VS1-MO-09
- Railway platform People crossing, abandoned
luggage. - ETI-VS1-MO-10