Title: Inside the Walls Perspective
1Inside the Walls Perspective
Arizona Department of Corrections Telemedicine
- Debbie Pangborn RN
- Program Administrator
Provides that Inmates have the right to health
3Correctional Health Care
- Remote Location
- Availability of Specialist Providers
- Security
- Transportation
- Prison Setting
4(No Transcript)
5Telemedicine Goals
- Improve delivery of Health Care
- Increase security
- Decrease costs
- Reduce number of outside transports
- Improve availability of specialty services
- Provide timely response to health needs
6Why Correctional Telemedicine ?
- Access to a wide variety of medical expertise
- Shortened diagnostic treatment process
- Decreases sense of professional isolation that
may occur
7ADC Telemedicine Sites
8Carondelet St. Marys HospitalTucson, AZ
9Maricopa Medical Center, Phoenix, AZ
10Analyzing the Benefits
- Assessment critical to establish delivery of care
- An assessment program should be documented
- Allow the providers the opportunity to learn the
technology through training and trial runs - Patients and providers will be more comfortable
and will experience higher quality information
exchange -
11Security and Safety Benefits
- Reduce Correctional Officer staff overtime
- Reduce the number of officers required to
transport - Reduce vehicle maintenance costs
- Reduced the risk of escape
- Increased public safety
12Cost Savings/Avoidance per FY
- Cost Per Telemedicine Consult 63.32
- Cost Per In-Person (Outside) Consultation
233.85 - Total Telemedicine Cost 549,066
- Total In-Person Cost 786,021
- Cost Avoidance per Consultation 70.54
- Total Cost Avoidance 237,146
- Continuing medical education
- Conferencing
- Networking with other sites
- New technology
- Costs to establish and support a telemedicine
program - Acceptance of new procedures technology
- Additional duties for existing staff
- Technical problems
15Correctional Medical Professionals
16(No Transcript)
17Think Beyond the Box
- Technology does not have to make life more
difficult - Email, fax, voice mail, are all considered
Telemedicine tools
18Telemedicine Brochure and Posters for Inmates
19Step by Step Telemedicine ConsultvsTraditional
offsite Consult
10 Steps to create a telemedicine encounter 22
Steps to create an In-Person encounter
- A commitment must be made to applicability of the
technology - Health care professionals take their cue from
colleagues ... be positive and upbeat - To be successful we must become a well organized
user group - What works is what is attempted
21Teamwork Champions
22In Conclusion
- There is no doubt as to the benefit of
Telemedicine in the correctional setting ... - The savings are well documented and the
enhanced security is without question!
23- Any questions contact
- Debbie Pangborn, RN
- debbie_at_azcorrections.gov
- 1-602-542-5179