Title: ??af??e?a 1
1(No Transcript)
3- Where do we come from (1)
- 1957 Rome Treaty
- 1987 Erasmus .15.06.1987
- 2007 LLP Lifelong Learning Programme
- ??a ???? ????s?
4Erasmus - Specific objectives
- Support the realisation of a European Higher
Education Area - Reinforce the contribution of higher education
and advanced vocational education to the process
of innovation
5Erasmus - Operational objectives
- Improve the quality and increase the volume of
- Student and teacher mobility
- Multilateral cooperation of Higher Education
Institutions (HEIs) - HEIs/enterprises cooperation
- Increase the degree of transparency and
compatibility between higher education and
advanced vocational education
Towards 3 mio students by 2012
6 Erasmus University Charter
the entry ticket and quality commitment for all
Erasmus activities
Erasmus Policy Statement
Fundamental Principles
HEIs recognised by national legislation can
apply Currently 2500 EUC holders
7Erasmus Decentralised Actionsmanaged by the
National Agencies
Student mobility - Studies - Placements Staff mobility - Teaching assignments - Staff training
Intensive programmes (IP) Intensive programmes (IP)
Mobility support Organisation of mobility (OM) Erasmus Intensive langages courses (EILC) Mobility support Organisation of mobility (OM) Erasmus Intensive langages courses (EILC)
8Erasmus Centralised Actionsmanaged by the EAC
Executive Agency
Multilateral projects - Curriculum development - Co-operation between universities and enterprises - Modernisation Agenda for Universities (Bologna) - Virtual Campuses
Thematic Networks
Accompanying Measures
9Student mobility STUDIES
Decentralised actions
the traditional student mobility
- Duration 312 months
- Enrolled at least in second year
- Inter-institutional agreements
- Full recognition
- Learning agreement
- Transcript of records
- No tuition fees
Principles to apply
10 Staff mobility TEACHING
Decentralised actions
the traditional mobility / exchanges, co-teaching
- Minimum of 5 hours
- Maximum 6 weeks
- Inter-institutional agreements
- Pre-agreed programme of lectures
Principles to apply
11OM Organisation of mobility
Decentralised actions
grants to institutions
- To cover costs for
- language preparation, academic recognition
arrangements, tutoring, information and
publicity, student services - Per capita grant based on performance
- based on the number of outgoing students and
Budget appr. 28 million in 2007
12- Curriculum development - HEIs / enterprise
cooperation- Modernisation projects- Virtual
Centralised actions
Multilateral Projects
Duration 2 years Partners Minimum 3 partners
from 3 different countries Max. Community
contribution 75
Budget appr. 11 million in 2007
13Curriculum Development
Centralised actions
- Joint development of European modules
- Joint development of study programmes
- Project on development of the curriculum until
the - implementation and dissemination
14HEIs / Enterprise Co-operation
Centralised actions
grants to institutions
- Enhancing employability and competences of
graduates - Promotion of placements
- Development of recognition and QA arrangements
15Modernisation Projects
Centralised actions
- Updating of curricula
- Open learning centres
- Diversifying funding
- Governance
- Enhancing quality
- Accountability
- Attractiveness
16Virtual Campuses
Centralised actions
- New under Erasmus, from previous e-Learning
- Aim
- To increase virtual mobility as a complement or
substitute to physical mobility - To integrate a virtual mobility dimension in
Erasmus multilateral CD projects - To increase the availability of high quality
European Educational Resources in a LLL context - To contribute to the modernisation agenda.
17Thematic Networks
Centralised actions
- Large-scale consortia (avg. 60 partners), all
countries - represented (min. 31 partners except in duly
justified cases) - HEIs, public bodies, enterprises, professional
- associations etc.
- Focus on an academic discipline, to develop new
- learning concepts and competences
Budget 7 million in 2007
Duration 3 years Max. Community contribution
18Accompanying Measures
Centralised actions
- Projects to promote the objectives and results
of Erasmus projects - Projects that cover information and
communication activities, thematic monitoring of
projects and dissemination and exploitation of
project results
Budget 1 million in 2007
Duration 3 years Max. Community contribution
19- Over-arching EU policy goal the Lisbon Strategy
- The Union must become the most competitive and
dynamic knowledgebased - economy in the world.
- Lisbon, March 2000
- 2005 re-launch
- EU to become an advanced knowledge society with
sustainable development, more and better jobs and - greater social cohesion.
20- ???G????? ERASMUS ta 20-????a t??
OF UNIVERSITY STUDENTS - ?p?fas? t?? S?µß?????? 15.06.1987
- 20 ?????? ?????? ???spa?e??? ??a µ?a ??pa?de?s?
?s?t?µ?, a?ta????st???, ??a, ????t??? ?a?
sf?????? µe a??µ?, - t? ERASMUS ?a? t? SOCRATES
21- 20 ?????? ?? ?? ???????
- ???S?, ????????????, ?????S ???S??T???S
- O ??G???S S????S
- ? ??????S ?O??S ??S ??O????S ????????S?S S???
???O?? - ?as?s???e sta ????a 128 ?a? 129 t?? S??????? t??
22- ???G????? SOCRATES
- ????????e st?? 14.03.1995
- F?S? ? µ???? t???? 1999 ?a?
- F?S? ?? µ???? t? 2006
- ?? ERASMUS pe??e??f?? ?? t? µ???? t??
??????µµat?? p?? af??? st?? A??pt??? t??
????pa???? ???tat?? ??pa?de?s?? - LIFELONG LEARNING PROGRAMME (L.L.P.) 14.12.
23- .. t? ERASMUS ?a? p??? e??a? ? st???ß?t?? st?
?????aµµa a?t? p?? ?f?stata? ?p? t?? a???? t??
??ssaß??a?. - ???????????? (f??t?t??, µe??? ??, ??, ???)
???????? ????O? ???G??????O? S????O?,
??????????O?, ???????????O?, ?????????O?
?????????O? ??????O? - S?????? S???
- ?????????? ???G?O??S?, E.C.T.S. (?.?.?.)
- ????? ???????? ????????S?S
- S????G?S??S T???????S (??????)
- S?????????? ?O? ???G??????O? S????O?
- S?????????? ?? ??S? ??? ??S?? ??? ????S??S???
S???S ??????S ??S S?????S - S????G?S?? ?? ??? ????GOG?-?????????, ???S??S?
S?? ???GG????
24- Main Goal of the Lisbon process
- The Union should become, by 2010 the most
competitive and - dynamic knowledge-based economy in the
worldcapable of - sustainable economic growth with more and
better jobs and greater social cohesion - Re-launched in 2005
- Partnership for growth and jobs
- A Mr / Mrs Lisbon in each Member State
- Revised reporting guidelines stronger role of
- education/training
25- Over-arching EU policy goal the Lisbon Strategy
- The Union must become the most competitive and
dynamic knowledgebased - economy in the world.
- Lisbon, March 2000
- 2005 re-launch
- EU to become an advanced knowledge society with
- sustainable development, more and better jobs and
- greater social cohesion.
26- ERASMUS Program 1987-2007
- ?? ??? ??t?a? t? 1988 st???e? t??? p??t???
f??t?t?? ?a? µ??? ?.?. se - ?a?ep?st?µ?a ????? ????? t?? ????p??.
- ?? 1990, ?p????feta? t? p??t? ?.?.S. (I.C.P.)
- ?e ß?s? t?? a???? t?? ERASMUS, t? ????? 128 t??
S???????, pe?? ?????? ????t?ta? st?? ??pa?de?s?
27- 1988 ?? ??? ??t?a? s?µµet??e? µe t?? ?a?. S.
?ap???? st?? ad hoc - ep?t??p? ??a t? European Course, Credit
Transfer System, E.C.T.S - ?? p??te? s?µf???e? s??e??as?a? µe ???a
?a?ep?st?µ?a t?? ????p?? ??a - a?a?????s? sp??d?? µe ß?s? t?? ep?µ?????
a?e???t?te? ??ad?µa???? ???t?te? (modules) ? ?a?
µa??µata ?p????f??ta? t? 1990-91 ?a? a??????ta?
s??e??? ?a??pt??ta? ??e? t?? S?????.
28- SOCRATES F?se?? ? ?a? ?? 1996-2006
- ??a ?pe?-p????aµµa ??a ??? t?? ????pa???
??pa?de?s?. - ??????????te?? s?ed?as? ??a a?????? ?d??µat????
e?????? ?? p??? t?? s??e??as?e? ?a? t?? ap?
?????? d??se?? - ?a? e????e?e?
- St?at?????? S?ed?asµ?? µe ß?s? t?
- European Policy Statement
- ???se??, ?p??
29- CD, IP, ???e? G??sse?, Teµat??? ???t?a,
????t???t?ta f??t?t?? ?a? p??s?p????, ?????
??????µµata Sp??d?? µe ap???µ? ?a? d?p??? ??t???
Sp??d??, ?etapt???a?? ??p - Lifelong Learning Programme
- ( L.L.P.).? t? ?????aµµa t?? ??? ???? ????s??
2006-2013 - ???a? µ?a ????????µ??? s?ed?as? p?? ?a??pte?
d??se?? ??a ??? t?? ??pa?de?s? ?a? ?at??t?s? µe
???eta ?a? ??????t?a ??t?a.
30- ?? ??? ??t?a? e??a? t? p??t? ap? ta ??? t?? ???a?
p?? ?d?se ?p?t??f?e? ERASMUS se f??t?t?? t?? S??
ap? t? 1989, a??? ?a? se µ??? ?.?. - ?p? t? 1990 s?µµet??e? st? ?.?.S. (I.C.P.) µe 2
p?????µµata ?a? f???e? t? 1987 ?a s??t????e? 7
I.C.Ps. ?a? ?a s?µµet??e? se 28. S????? 35. - ?a I.C.Ps µet? t?? eµpe???a t?? p??t?? 6 ??????
d????? t? ??s? t??? sta p?a?s?a t?? SOCRATES st??
St?at????? S?ed?asµ? ?a? t?? ?d??µat??? ??????
??a t?? s??e??as?e? ???st?? ?? ?ilateral
?greements. - ?? d?ast????t?te? p?? s??t????e? /s?µµet??e?
?a??pt??? ap? t? 1992 ?a? t?? 3 S????? (S??, S??,
S???) t?? ??? ??t?a?. ?? 1998 ??e? ?p?????e?
s?µf???e? s??e??as?a? µe 85 ?a?ep?st?µ?a st??
????p?. - ?? s??e??as?e? a?t?? s?µe?a ????? pa????e? se ??a
e????st? ep?ped? t?? 70 S?µf???? s??e??as?a? ??
?p??e? ?a a??????? µe t? e?d?af???? t?? f??t?t??.
31- ??d???te?a ?? d?ast????t?te? ??a a?t? ta ?????a
est?????ta? se - a. ????t???t?ta f??t?t?? ??a s?????s? µ????? t??
sp??d?? se p??pt???a?? ? ep?ped? M.Sc se
?a?ep?st?µ?a t?? e??te????? - S??????? ????? µeta?????e? pe??p?? 300
f??t?t?? ?? f??t?t?? ERASMUS ?a? ????? t?s?? sta
p?????µµata COMETT ?a? LEONARDO DE VINCI. - ?? ??? ?p?d??eta? ?at? ta 20 ?????a 150
?????? f??t?t?? p?? pa?a????????? e?te 1 e??µ???
? 1 ????? sp??d?? st? ??? µa??µata, pt???a???
??p. - ß. ????t???t?ta µe??? ?.?. ap? t? ??? se
?a?ep?st?µ?a t?? e??te????? ?a? - a?t?st??f??.
- ???a? µe????? a???µ?? µe??? ?.?., pe??p??
50, ??e? ep?fe???e? ap? t?? d?ast????t?ta a?t?.
32- ?. ???pt??? ?????? ?????aµµ?t?? Sp??d?? se
???pt???a?? ?a? 1 se - ?etapt???a?? ep?ped?, st?? ?.?.?. p??
s??t????e? t? ??? ??t?a?, 1990 1993. - ?? ??? s?µµete??e ep?s?? se 25 projects a??pt????
?????? p????aµµ?t?? sp??d??. - ???et? ap? ta ap?te??sµata ????? s?µß???e? st??
ße?t??s? t?? ?????aµµ?t?? Sp??d?? ?a? st??
????t?ta t?? ??pa?de?s?? p?? ta ?µ?µata pa??????.
33- ??a??????a ??tat??? ??????µµata, (Intensive
Programmes), I.P. - ?? ??? ??e? s?µµet?s?e? se 8 IPs ?a? µe ?????
?a?a?t???st??? a?t? t?? F?t?ß??ta???? S?st?µ?t??
p?? e??a? p??t?p???a??? ep?p?d?? ?a? e???tat??
ap?d???? ap? t??? f??t?t?? ?a?ep?st?µ??? t??
????p?? µe s?µµet??? pe??p?? 50 ????? f??t?t??
???e ?????, p?? ?????ta? st?? ??t?a ??a 2
eßd?µ?de? e?pa?de?s??. - e.S?µµet??? se Teµat??? ???t?a.
- ?? ??? s?µµet??e? se 3 Teµat??? ???t?a
34- SOCRATES SO?????S, 1996-2006
- ?e???aµß??e? t? COMENIUS ??a t?? ?/?µ?a ?a?
?/?µ?a ??pa?de?s?, t? ERASMUS ??a t?? ???tat?
??pa?de?s?, a??? ?a? ???e? ?eµat???? ??????t?e?
???se??. - ?? ??? ??t?a? µe ß?s? t?? eµpe???a t?? IPs
s?µµet??e? ?a? a???p??e? t? d??aµ??? t?? st??
????t???t?ta, t?? a??pt??? e??t?t??, t? ECTS,
?a? t? ????t??? s??d?? t?? ????????s?? t??
35- ? a???µ?? t?? f??t?t?? se ????t???t?ta a????eta?
t?s? ??a s?????s? t?? sp??d?? ?s? ?a? se
?etapt???a??. - ? ap?d??? t?? ERASMUS ap? p?e???? f??t?t?? e??a?
e???tat? . - ?e??ss?te?a µ??? t?? ?.?. t?? ??? d?d?s???? se
???a ?a?ep?st?µ?a, ?a? a?a??????eta? ? s?µß???
t??? st?? ??ad?µa??? ??pa?de?s? ?a? ?p?st?µ?. - L.L.P. ? ??????s? s?µe?a se µ?a ????????µ???
p??s????s? a??pt???? t?? ?????p???? ???aµ???? se
????pa???? ??ast?se?? ?a? µe ????pa??? s??e??as?a
st? s?µß???.
36- ?f???
- ?? ??? ??t?a? ????se ?a ???eta? ???st? st??
????p? µa?? µe t?? p???, ?a? ?a s?ed???e?
????pa???? s??e??as?e?, S???d??a ?.a. - ?a s?µß???e? st?? a??pt??? t?? pe?????? ?a? st??
a?t????? ????pa???? ??pa?de?s?? ap? t? 1988, µe
t?? ??a??? t?? ERASMUS. - S??e???s???e µe 90 ?a?ep?st?µ?a?? ?d??µata ap?
??e? t?? ???e? t?? ????p??, se s?ed?? µ???µ?
ß?s?. - ? s??e??as?a µe ta ???a ??? t?? ????p?? ß????se
st?? ??a ??pa?de?t??? a?t????? ?a? p??s????s?,
t?? a??pt??? t?? t?p?? ?a? t?? ?????p????
???aµ????? µ?s? t?? s??e??as??? ERASMUS, SOCRATES
?a? t??a t? LLP
37- S???ßa?e ?a? s??-???µat?d?t?se t?? µeta????s?
µe??? ?.?., ?.?. ?a? ?.?.?. se ?a?ep?st?µ?a ?a?
f??e?? t?? ?a?a????? se ???e? ???e? (a??pt??? t??
?????p???? ???aµ????). - ??????se t?? ????t???t?ta 300 f??t?t?? ta 20 a?t?
?????a se ?a?ep?st?µ?a t?? e??te????? ??a
s?????s? t?? sp??d?? t???, a??µa ?a? ???? pt?????
?/?a? ?etapt???a??? ap? ta ???a ?a?ep?st?µ?a
?p?d????. ?????? ap??t?sa? ?a? PhD,
stad??d??µ?sa? ??ad?µa??? ?/?a? epa??e?µat???
s??e???s???a? µe t? ???. - 300 ep?p???? f??t?t?? ??aßa? ?p?t??f?a ??a
??a?t??? ?s??s? st? e??te????.
38- ?????? pt???????? ????? stad??d??µ?se? ??ad?µa???
? epa??e?µat??? se p??? ????? ep?ped? st?? ????da
?a? t? e??te????. - a. ??aßa? pt???? ???, a??? ?a? pt???? ap? t? ????
?a?ep?st?µ?? ?p?d???? - ß. ??aßa? pt???? ap? ???? ?a?ep?st?µ??
- ?. ??aßa? pt???? ap? ???? ?a?ep?st?µ?? ?a?
?etapt???a?? - d. ??aßa? pt???? ap? ???? ?a?ep?st?µ??,
?etapt???a?? ?a? ??da?t?????
39- ?a ?f??? a?t? p???ap?as?????ta?, ??at? p??a? ap?
t?? e?e?d??e?µ??e? s??????e? ???se??, ap??t?sa?
eµpe???a t?t??a, ?ste ?a e?t?ss??ta?, ?a
???????????ta? st? ???? pe??ß????? ?a? ?a
s??e??????ta? a?ta????st???. - ?a ?µ?µata ep?fe?????a? µe t?? ????t???t?ta t??
µe??? ?.?. p?? µet?fe?a? t? ???, t? s???????, t?
?a???t?µ?, t?? s??e??as?e? ?a? ße?t??sa? p????
st???e?a st?? ?e?t?????a t?? ?µ?µat??. - ?e????sa? s??e??as?e? pa??p?e??e?, eµp???t?s???a?
ta µa??µata ? e?s????sa? ??a µa??µata.
40- ?a ?µ?µata ?a????ta? ?a p??t?p???s??? ?a? ?a
p?????s??? t?? efa?µ??? t?? s?µßat???? t???
desµe?se?? ep? s??e??as??? ??a t? ????? ?fe???
t?? µe??? t?? ?????t?ta?. - ?a s?ed??s??? µa?? µe t??? sp??dast?? ?a???t?µe?
d??se?? p?? f????? t?? a??a?? pe??ß?????t??
41- ?? ??? ?a?e?ta? ?a e??a????e? ?a? ?a e??s??se?
a?t?? t?? p??sp??e?e?, ??at? d?af??et??? ?a µ??e?
p?s? ??a?t? a?t?? p?? t?????? ???? µa?? µp??st?. - ?? S?µp????µa ??p??µat?? p?? ?a p??pe? ?a
?????e?ta? se ???e ?t??????? ?.?.?. ?a? t? ?p???
d?de? ???e p????f???a s?et??? µe t?? ??ad?µa???
?a? ?pa??e?µat??? d??at?t?ta t?? ?at???? e??a?
µ?a ep?t???a. ?? ??? ?a?e?ta? ?a p??????se? st??
t?µ?a a?t?.
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