Title: Russian Oil
1Russian Oil Gas IndustryImpact of Falling
Global Oil Prices
- Vladimir MilovAmCham Energy Committee Meeting
- Moscow, October 30th, 2008
2Setting the stage disappointing dynamics of the
Russian oil gas industries
- Systemic stagnation in oil gas output
- Greenfield challenge the need to develop
remote and capital intensive new oil gas fields
in order to sustain production - Unfinished renationalization newly created
national oil gas champions too heavily
leveraged with debts and too ineffective to act
as key development agents
3Russian crude oil output stagnation
Average daily Russian crude oil output, million
barrels per day
Source Oil Capital
4Gazpromaverage daily gas production not really
increasing despite launch of the South Russkoye
Average daily gas production by Gazprom, bcf/day
Source Oil Capital
5Oil price scenarios for 2009 assumptions
- Weak OECD oil demand
- Severe slowdown in non-OECD Asia oil demand
growth - Commodities no longer attractive to speculative
capital - High probability of Brent staying withinUSD
50-70/bbl range - Model year for analysis 2005 (average Urals
price USD 50/bbl)
6What happens to Russian oil gas industries in
that scenario?
- Varying consequences for oil gas sectors due to
different export taxation systems - Oil mostly declining tax payments, relatively
low effect on companies profits - Gas serious decline in Gazproms profits
7Oil industrys capital expenditures most likely
hurt by decline, but not dramatically
Capital expenditures of four major oil companies
in 2005-2009, billion USD
Source companies data (2005-2007), estimates
8Gazprom from negative cash flow to losses in
Gazproms capital expenditures, 2006-2010
(billion USD)
Source Gazprom data (2007), estimates (2008-2010)
9Cazproms capital expenditures 2009-2010 capex
targets most likely will not be met
Gazproms capital expenditures, 2006-2010
(billion USD)
Source Gazprom data (2006-2007), Gazproms
projections (2008-2010)
10Gazprom and Rosneft heavily leveraged with debts
Total debt of Gazprom and Rosneft, billion USD
Source Gazprom and Rosneft data
- Lowering international oil gas prices,
multiplied by already negative dynamics of the
Russian oil gas producing industries, a
negative stage set for 2009 - Russias brownfield oil gas potential expires,
while development of the greenfield potential
requires increased capital investment - However, debt leveraged Gazprom and Rosneft will
not be ready to substantially increase capital
expenditures in 2009-2010 - Private and foreign investments hurt by
deteriorated business climate, increased barriers
and political risks - Will the authorities risk a radical change of oil
gas policies again?